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Fredrick Douglas

2 Assignment History Paper Must Be SCHOLARY SOURCES, Cited in MLA format. Topic is Fredrick Douglas, The first half of the assignment should be 4 scholarly sources with 2 paragraphs to each source, in total 8 paragraphs. The first paragraph should just summarize the source then the second one will be about how you plan on using the source. As for the paper it must be 1250 words and use at least 3 scholarly sources, you choose from the 4 you already used to complete the first part, the paper should have in-text citations and historically accurate with. For the paper it should be a brief summary of the persons life and make sure it has historical content, give an example of a popular myth or distortion about the person, finally provide an example of what you consider to be the persons most noteworthy contribution to American history it could good or bad. Will leave an example paper of how it should be done.


While information abounds in the 21st century, finding reliable resources has become exceedingly more difficult. However, never fear, an annotated bibliography is here to help! This assignment will assist you with your research for your upcoming Biography Paper. Please take this assignment very seriously. At its successful completion you should be ready to dig right in and start work on your upcoming research paper.
Using the same topic you selected from the Historical Research Part I, you will now choose FOUR SCHOLARY sources on your assigned topic that you intend to use in your upcoming Biography Paper. (For more information on scholarly sources and where to find them please refer to the first few pages of this module.) For each of your FOUR sources you will need to create a citation, which will be followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph- the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited. 
Format of the Annotated Bibliography:
For each of your FOUR sources you will need the following:
  • Full Citation of the source. All citations must be written in standard MLA style.
  • After the Work Cited entry, start a TWO paragraph annotation containing a summary and evaluation of the source
    • Your first paragraph should provide a brief summary of your source. Basically you should hit the highlights. You should also address whether the source is scholarly, reliable and does it have any bias?   
    • Your second fully developed paragraph should explain to me how you intended to use this source in your upcoming biography paper. In other words, how does this source contribute to the research for your upcoming paper. (For more information on the Biography Paper please refer to the directions provided for Historical Research Assignment Part III.)
*** Remember EACH source should have TWO paragraphs. At the completion of your assignment you should therefore have EIGHT paragraphs total. ***
Note on Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the stealing of intellectual property and is therefore illegal. If you knowingly copy information from another person’s literary work and do not give credit you will receive a zero on the assignment in question.
Part 2 : Same topic must be SCHOLARLY SOURCES, cited MLA format.
Using the topic you selected in History Research Assignment Part I, you will now write a Biography Paper. Your paper can be in any format you would like. It can be written as a fictional interview, a diary entry, a ghost story, a time travel novella or even as an alien encounter. I encourage you to be creative. Regardless of what format you decide upon, in order to receive full credit you must address the following points:
  1. Give a brief summary of your person's life. Be sure to put your person into historical context. (ie when did he/she live and what was going on during your person's life)
  2. Give an example of a popular myth or distortion about your person.  (For example George Washington’s wooden teeth, or Paul Revere’s infamous night ride.)
  3. Lastly, you must provide an example of what you consider to be your person's  most noteworthy contribution to American History. This could be something good or bad.
Your paper should be no more or no less than 1250 of your own words. Direct quotes taken from others do not count towards your over all word count. All papers are to be typed, double- spaced, in 12 point type with 1 inch margins on all sides. I expect lucid prose, correct punctuation, grammar, spelling and organization.
You are required to use at least three scholarly resources in your paper. [Feel free to use more as needed.] Be sure to cite all outside resources correctly using MLA 8th ed. Your paper should include in-text citations and a work-cited page. Please note that the work-cited page does not count towards your total page count.
Note on Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the stealing of intellectual property and is therefore illegal. If you knowingly copy information from another person’s literary work and do not give credit you will receive a zero on the assignment in question.
All papers must be submitted through the Canvas. I do not accept emailed submissions of this paper.
Your assignment will be evaluated using the Assignment Rubric listed below.
