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Understanding People and Organisations

Subject Code and Title BIZ102: Understanding People and Organisations
Assessment Assessment 1: Reflective Journal
Individual/Group Individual
Length Module 2 Reflective Journal = max 600 words
Module 3 Reflective Journal = max 600 words
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
b) Understand the importance of self awareness, emotional intelligence, and motivation.
d) Integrate strategies to effectively interact with others in a professional context.
e) Understand own strengths and their application in the business context
f) Reflect on feedback to identify opportunities for self-improvement
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday – of Module 2 (week 4) and Module 3 (week 6) respectively
Weighting 50% (Module 2 = 25%, Module 3 = 25%)
Total Marks 100 marks
A key to self-directed learning is reflection. Reflection enables the ability to examine situations in order to better understand the surrounding context and identify potential improvements for the future. This assessment aims to develop your self-awareness and reflective learning ability while assessing your understanding of the topics covered.
At the end of modules 2 & 3 you are required to undertake self assessment quizzes related to the learning content and complete a reflective journal entry addressing a series of questions (listed below). Journal entry must:
• Be maximum 600 words
• Use the guiding questions to formulate an essay style journal entry
• Include a minimum of two academic references, cited using APA style referencing
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Guiding questions for Reflection 1 (Module 2)
1. Have both quizzes provided you with similar results?
2. To what extent do you agree with the results?
3. What have you learnt about yourself by completing this self-assessment?
4. What theoretical concepts from this module have given you a greater understanding of this insight?
5. How might you use the insight from this self-assessment to improve your professional practice?
Guiding questions for Reflection 2 (Module 3)
1. To what extent do you agree with the results of the self-assessment?
2. What have you learnt about yourself from the results of this self-assessment?
3. What theoretical concepts from this module have given you a greater understanding of this insight?
4. How might you use the insight from this self-assessment to improve your professional practice?
Assessment Notes:
Please refer to the rubric below to see how each journal will be graded. Use it as a guideline when writing your journals.
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Learning Rubrics
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) (0-49) Pass
(50-64) Credit
(65-74) Distinction
(75-84) High Distinction
Accurate identification and explanation of theoretical concepts and their impact on the case study scenario
No theoretical concepts from the module have been identified or explained.
Theory’s impact on the scenario has not been identified.
Theoretical concepts are identified and explained with minor errors.
The theoretical concept’s impact on the scenario has not been clearly identified.
Theoretical concepts are accurately identified and explained.
The theoretical concept’s impact on the scenario has been explained with minor errors or clarity issues.
Theoretical concepts are accurately identified and explained.
The theoretical concept’s impact on the scenario has been explained clearly and concisely without error.
Theoretical concepts are accurately identified and explained.
The theoretical concept’s impact on the scenario has been explained clearly and concisely without error and supported by research and references.
Proposed change aligns with theoretical content in module and is explained using theory and practice based references to support
30% No solution or improvement
Solution or improvement is not aligned to theoretical content from the module.
Proposed solution/improvemen t aligns to module content and is explained with clarity issues and weak support from theory and practice.
Proposed solution/improvement aligns to module content and is explained with minor clarity issues and limited or weak support from theory and practice.
Proposed solution/improvement shows evidence of critical thinking, aligns to module content and is clearly and concisely explained with support from theory or practice.
Proposed solution/improvement shows evidence of significant critical thinking, aligns to module content and is clearly and concisely explained with support from both theory and practice.
Evidence of understanding of concepts to students own professional skill development
Journal entry does not articulate how the scenario or theory from the module
can be applied to professional practice.
Journal entry generically articulates how the scenario might give insight into professional practice Journal entry generically articulates how the scenario and application of theoretical concepts from the module can Journal entry shows evidence of reflective thinking and articulates how the scenario and application of theoretical concepts from the Journal entry shows evidence of significant reflective thinking and clearly articulates how the scenario and application of theoretical concepts from
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30% with no link to theory from the module.
be applied to improve a person’s professional practice.
module can be applied to improve their individual professional skills.
the module can be applied to improve their individual professional skills.
Entry meets requirements in assessment instructions (e.g.
Word count
restrictions, reference requirements and format)
10% Journal entry is written in Q&A format not paragraph format, no references used or references NOT in APA referencing style.
Reflective journal entry is significantly outside the word limit parameters.
Journal entry is either written in Q&A format or does not have the appropriate number of references written in a correct referencing style.
Journal entry is outside of the word count parameters.
Journal entry is written in paragraph format with appropriate number of references with major errors in the referencing style.
Journal entry is within the word count.
Journal entry is written in excellent paragraph format with the appropriate number of references written in APA referencing style with minor errors.
Journal entry is within the word count parameters.
Journal entry is written in excellent paragraph format with the appropriate number of references written in APA referencing style without errors.
Journal entry is within the word count parameters.
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