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A term commonly used in Australia to refer to the traditional end-of-season celebrations for professional players of various codes of football.

Subject Code and Title SPO102 – Sports Marketing
Assessment Contemporary Sport Issues Critical Argument
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,000 words
Learning Outcomes b
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 5 (End of Week 10)
Weighting 30% Total
Total Marks 100 Marks
This assessment item will require students to take a position or stance by creating a critical argument (Click here for academic writing guide of a current controversial International or domestic issue in sports and/or recreation examining the marketing implications by using sound theory and reasoning as support. Each issue below has some media (videos and website links) links to help you in creating your argument. You also need to search for additional information on your chosen topic. Choose one of these topics to complete your argument.
Detailed instructions for the assessment include the following:
? Introduction or background information on topic
? A stance is required as part of the argument
? Identification of issues and marketing implications for a Sports Person, Organisation or Industry
? Critical and ethical perspectives of these issues and marketing implications for a Sports Organisation
? Minimum 5 Academic References with APA Referencing required
SPO102_Assessment Brief 2_Critical Argument_Module 5 Page 1 of 6
1. Mad Mondays
A term commonly used in Australia to refer to the traditional end-of-season celebrations for professional players of various codes of football.
2. Match Fixing
In sport the action or practice of dishonestly determining the outcome of a match before it is played.
3. Sports Tweets
A message, image, etc posted on Twitter either by or about a sportsperson, team or organisation.
Marks for each
criteria Fail
0 – 49% Pass
50 – 64% Credit
65 – 74% Distinction
75 – 84% High Distinction
85 – 100%
Knowledge and understanding of
the issues
Limited understanding of required concepts
and knowledge
Key components of the assignment are not addressed. Knowledge or understanding of the issues
Highlights learning from the subject’s resources and experiences.
Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials. Thorough knowledge or understanding of
the issues presented
Highlights learning from the subject’s resources and experiences that support personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence.
Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts through reflection.
Highly developed understanding of the
issues presented
Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion of learning and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Well-demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts through reflection.
A sophisticated
understanding of the issues
Reflectively, systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning
Critical reasoning, defense of key concept/ideas. Specific position (perspective or argument) fails to take into account Specific position (perspective or argument) begins to take into Specific position (perspective or argument) takes into account the Specific position
(perspective or argument) is expertly presented and accurately takes into Specific position
(perspective or argument) is presented expertly, authoritatively and
30% the complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment.
Makes assertions that are not justified. account the issue(s) or scope of the assignment.
Justifies any conclusions reached with arguments not merely assertion.
Articulates the significance of learning. complexities of the issue(s) or scope of the assignment. Others’ points of view are acknowledged.
Justifies any conclusions reached with well-formed arguments not merely assertion.
account the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignment.
Justifies any conclusions reached with welldeveloped arguments that relate specifically to the significance of learning. imaginatively, accurately taking into account the complexities of the issue(s) and scope of the assignment. Limits of position are acknowledged.
Justifies any conclusions reached with sophisticated arguments.
Analysis and application with synthesis of new knowledge in relation to the
chosen topic
30% Limited synthesis and analysis.
Limited application/recomm endations based upon analysis. Demonstrated analysis and
synthesis of new knowledge with application.
Identifies how learning can be
applied in practical ways.
Shows the ability to interpret
information and literature.
Well-developed analysis and synthesis
with application of recommendations linked to analysis/ synthesis.
Clear and detailed identification of how learning can be
applied in different contexts. Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and
synthesis with application
of pretested models and / or independently
developed models and
justified recommendations linked to
analysis/synthesis Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of new with existing knowledge.
Strong application by way of pretested models and / or independently developed
models. Recommendations
are clearly justified based on the analysis/synthesis.
Applying knowledge to new situations/other cases.
Use of academic and discipline conventions and
sources of evidence
Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar.
Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas.
Shows no evidence of reading beyond
the key reading
There are mistakes in using the APA style.
Is written according to academic genre
(e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary) and has accurate spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction.
Demonstrates consistent use of credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
Shows limited evidence of reading beyond
the key reading
There are no mistakes in using the APA style.
Is well written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g. with introduction, conclusion or summary).
Demonstrates consistent use of high quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop ideas.
Shows some evidence of reading beyond the key reading
There are no mistakes in using the APA style. Is very well-written and adheres to the academic genre.
Consistently demonstrates expert use of good quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop appropriate arguments and statements.
Shows detailed evidence of reading beyond the key reading
There are no mistakes in using the APA style.
Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre.
Demonstrates expert use of high-quality, credible and relevant research sources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
Shows extensive evidence of reading beyond the key
There are no mistakes in using the APA Style.


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