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Explain the meaning of consumer behaviour and its role in marketing strategy development.

Subject Code and Title MKG102 - Consumer Behaviour
Assessment Forum Participation (Part B)
Individual/Group Individual
Length 750 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes a) Explain the meaning of consumer behaviour and its role in marketing strategy development.
b) Apply the concept of the consumer decision-making model to provide insights into consumer buying processes.
c) Categorise the needs and wants of consumers and their underlying motivations
d) Analyse the psychological processes affecting consumer behaviour.
e) Identify social and cultural influences on consumer behaviour.
Submission Part B: By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Second Sunday of Module 5 (Week 9). Peer responses can be completed in the week it is due and/or two (2) days after the due date.
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 100 marks
The aim of the forum participation assessment is to provide a framework to encourage your engagement, to encourage collaboration and foster valuable perspectives gained from shared learning experiences. These assessed forums promote critical thinking in the application of theory into practice. You will be able to reflect on your own efforts, and extend and enrich this reflection by exchanging feedback on your peers' work.
1. Please select a marketing communications example from a company e.g.,Television commercial, You-tube video, Social media site, Website , Billboard, poster, print advertisement etc.,
2. Apply relevant consumer behavior theory in your analysis of it in the discussion forum.
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In this discussion you should focus more on the theory provided in the lecture /notes and essential readings that relate to the first four (4) modules of topics. It is very important that you engage with consumer behaviour theory in your analysis and reference it appropriately.
3. Summarise your findings and post your response to the discussion forum.
4. After you post you will see everyone else's posts so please read and comment on at least two (2) student posts.
Submission Instructions:
As a preparation step, create a word/text document and develop a response with relevant references.
Click on the Module 5 discussion forum and create a new thread and copy from your word document and paste in your response. Note you will not be able to see other student posts until you have posted yours. Please do not attach the word document in your post.
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Learning Rubric: Assessment 2: Forum Participation A
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) (0-49) Pass
(50-64) Credit
(65-74) Distinction
(75-84) High Distinction
(Grading Scheme)
Fail grade will be awarded if a student is unable to demonstrate satisfactory academic performance in the subject or has failed to complete required assessment points in accordance with the subject’s required assessment points. Pass is awarded for work showing a satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and an adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged. Credit is awarded for work showing a
more than satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and a more than adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged. Distinction is awarded for work of superior
quality in achieving all learning outcomes and a superior integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of indepth research, reading, analysis and evaluation is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged. High Distinction is awarded for work of outstanding quality in achieving all learning outcomes together with outstanding integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of indepth research, reading, analysis, original and creative thought is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.
Relate consumer behavior theory to
marketing strategy.
70 % Little or no evidence of
preparation or referencing.
Limited understanding Some evidence of preparation and referencing.
Satisfactory Good evidence of preparation and referencing.
Good Very good evidence of preparation and referencing.
Very good High level of preparation and referencing.
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of the consumer decision making model and it’s application to marketing strategy. understanding of the consumer decision making model and it’s application to marketing strategy.
Limited use of references. understanding of the consumer decision making model and it’s application to marketing strategy.
Good engagement of references and coursework understanding of the consumer decision making model and it’s application to marketing strategy.
Very good engagement of references and coursework terminology and theory over multiple weekly topics. understanding of the consumer decision making model and it’s application to marketing strategy.
Outstanding engagement of references and coursework terminology and theory over multiple weekly topics.
Provided meaningful and thoughtful feedback to at least two (2) peer responses.
30 % No feedback provided. Minimal feedback provided Good peer feedback provided and engagement in the discussion. Meaningful and detailed feedback provided.
Very good engagement in the discussion forum. Meaningful and detailed feedback provided.
Outstanding engagement in the discussion forum.
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