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Develop knowledge, skill and abilities acquired through prior studies and industry to the work environment;

Subject Code and Title INP202 – Industry Practicum 2
Assessment Industry Practicum Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes a) Develop knowledge, skill and abilities acquired through prior studies and industry to the work environment;
b) Appraise experiences within the specialisation sector;
c) Assess and argue key performance competencies for building a career in an employment environment; d) Elaborate upon the interplay between the organization and its microenvironment.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday - end of Week 11
Weighting 50%
Total Marks 100 marks
The content/research for this report should be compiled throughout the subject and submitted at the end of a 400 hour industry placement. The aim of the report is to fully analyse the chosen workplace against the studied theory and principles of successful business and its environment. It offers an opportunity to apply and test the knowledge and skills of prior learning to a specific establishment in the chosen industry and will aid in the identification of further development needs.
The focus of the Report should be on critically analysing your industry placement organisation within its microenvironment. Your analyses should carefully contextualise the principles and theory studied in this course as well as other prior learning courses to your specifically approved industry placement company. The company should be fully introduced and its workings analysed in a full business report. A high emphasis will be placed on the identification of areas for improvement and appropriate recommendations made on the
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practice of the organisation in context of the studied fields. You may use the findings in your reflection journal to assist with the analyses and recommendations.
The report should:
• Be submitted in Week 11 after completion of the 400 hour industry placement.
• Be written as a full business report (executive summary, page of contents, introduction, body, conclusion and reference list).
• Consist of 2000 words (+/- 10%).
• Thoroughly introduce the company as part of the introduction.
• Analyse the company in the context of the studied topics in the modules of this course.
• Clearly show the application of theory, principles and previous learning to the analyses.
• Identify and motivate areas of opportunity and improvement in context of the findings of the analyses.
• Make improved practice recommendations throughout.
• Show thorough research of the business environment the company operates in.
• Be fully referenced using the APA style both in-text as well as in a suitable reference list at the end of the report.
Use the following guiding notes as a framework for the report:
• You are required to compile a comprehensive business report on the organisation you are doing your work experience at. The report should focus on critically analysing the organisation in terms of the theory and principles we studied during this course and prior studies with a focus on:
o Industry synergy and trends o Organisation’s marketing mix o Organisation’s competitiveness o Organisation’s service management o Staff Retention and development and o Ethics and social responsibility.
• Be very specific in the analyses and comment on good practice as well as motivate areas for improvement in your organisation.
• Make specific recommendations on all areas of the study with direct application to the organisation you work for.
• Use the prescribed sources as basis for information and extend these sources through the application of prior learning and further research, especially the business environment the organisation operates in. Good referencing is essential.
Submission Instructions:
Submit the report via the Assessment link on the subject portal page in Week 11.
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Learning Rubric - Assessment 2: Industry Practicum Report
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0 -49 Pass
50 - 64 Credit
65 - 74 Distinction
(Advanced) 75 - 84 High Distinction
85 -100
Analyses of the company
30% Inadequate analyses of the company lacking sufficient detail. Adequate analyses of the company reflecting many of the required topics. Thorough analyses of the company reflecting most of the required topics. In-depth analyses of the company reflecting a mature discussion of all of the required topics. A thoughtful, insightful and comprehensive analyses of the company reflecting insight into all the topics and offering a wider vision.
Application of the theory
30% Majority of analyses is not supported with relevant theoretical knowledge or majority of theory used is applied incorrectly. Majority of analyses is supported with relevant theoretical knowledge that is explained with minor clarity issues or not integrated into the answer. Majority of analyses is supported with relevant theoretical knowledge. Explanation of theory has minor errors or clarity issues, but integrated sufficiently in the report. The analyses is well supported with relevant theoretical knowledge that is explained correctly and integrated well into the report. The analyses is supported with relevant theoretical knowledge that is explained correctly and integrated seamlessly into the report.
Identification of areas for improvement and
20% The report lacked an inadequate level of areas for improvement
identified and insufficient
recommendations made. The analyses offered some areas of improvement, but lacked sufficient motivation in context of the findings of the report with no or insufficient recommendations. The analyses offered some areas of improvement and recommendations which is sufficiently motivated in context of the findings of the report. The analyses shows an indepth understanding of
the areas for improvement with appropriate recommendations and motivated in context of the findings of the report. The analyses reflects an exceptional level of
insight of the areas for improvement with mature recommendations motivated in context of the findings of the report.
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Research and
10% In-text or reference list citations are not used. Insufficient sources cited. In-text and reference list citations are present but do not follow a particular referencing framework. AND/OR Insufficient level of sources cited. Referencing style used is used correctly but is not the referencing style required according to APA system. An adequate level of sources cited. In-text and reference list citations used accurately with minor errors according to APA system.
Evidence of further research is present with good quality sources cited. Both in-text and reference list citations are used perfectly according to the APA system.
AND Evidence of in-depth further research is present with excellent quality sources cited.
Structure, style
and writing
10% Majority of the writing is unclear and incohesive and does not follow the appropriate report structure. Majority of the writing resembles only implied meaning with a lack of clarity or has major grammatical or spelling errors.
Errors in the use of the report structure. Majority of the writing is accurate but lacks clarity or has major grammatical or spelling errors. Mostly correct use of report structure. Majority of the writing is clear and concise with minor grammatical or spelling errors and using the appropriate report structure. Writing is clear and concise, free of grammatical and spelling errors and using the appropriate report structure.
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