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Mental Health Consultation

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Mental Health Consultation

Prior to beginning work on this assignment, it is recommended that you read Chapter 1 in Turning Points in Dynamic Psychotherapy: Initial Assessment, Boundaries, Money, Disruptions and Suicidal Crises and Chapters 1, 2, and 4 in The Psychiatric Interview: Evaluation and Diagnosis.

Respond to at least one of your colleagues in the discussion forum before creating your assignment submission.For this assignment, you will take on the role of a mental health professional providing a consultation to a colleague. Your colleague in this case happens to be a licensed clinical psychologist. Carefully review the PSY645 Fictional Mental Health Consultation Scenario (Links to an external site.) which provides information on your colleague’s patient and specific questions your colleague has posed to you as a consultant. Once you have reviewed the scenario, research a minimum of two peer-reviewed articles in the Ashford University Library related to the situation(s) presented in the scenario and how these have been approached and treated in previous cases.

Write an evaluation of the patient’s symptoms and presenting problems within the context of one theoretical orientation (e.g., psychoanalytic, cognitive, behavioral, humanistic, etc.). Summarize views of these symptoms and presenting problems within the context of at least one historical perspective and two theoretical orientations different from the one used in your evaluation (e.g.:, cognitive, humanistic, psychodynamic, integrative) in order to provide alternative viewpoints. To conclude, justify the use of diagnostic manuals and handbooks besides the DSM-5 that might be used to assess this prospective patient.

The Mental Health Consultation:

  • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and  must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
  • Must use at least two peer-reviewed sources in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

FYI I provided the classmate dq post /

This is one of class mates post/You Decide: The Case of Julia

Me: Hi, Julia. Thanks for coming in. Sit wherever you would like.

Julia: Okay.

Me: How are you feeling today?

Julia: I’m fine.

Me: Good. So the dean of student life sent you here?

Julia: Yeah, just because my mother called them saying I wasn’t taking good enough care of myself.

Me: What do you think makes her say that?

Julia: I don’t know, she just thinks that I don’t eat enough and that I’m too skinny.

Me: Question 1: I see. Do you feel like you’re eating enough or getting too skinny?

Julia: I don’t think I’m too skinny, and I feel like I eat just fine. I have salads sometimes and celery or a carrot. So, it’s not like I NEVER eat. I just don’t eat the stuff that she wants me to eat or that my friends are eating.

Me: Question 2: How many calories would you say you have in one day?

Julia: A couple hundred, maybe.

Me: Question 3: For a woman your age and your level of activity, you need about 2,400 calories a day to maintain proper nutrition. How do you feel about that number?

Julia: It makes me sick just thinking about eating that much. I don’t think I need that many.

My Rationale:

I asked Julia three questions to give me insight into how she feels about her own body and diet. I wanted to find out how much she is really eating and how she feels about eating more. At this point, she is not open to the idea of consuming the recommended daily amount of calories for a woman her age to maintain proper nutrition. Julia suffers from anorexia and a distorted perception of her own weight. She needs further counseling to get to the root of her compulsive need to restrict calories. Medical intervention may be required if Julia continues to lose weight or starts to get dizzy or faint.


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