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Critically evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and reflect on any patterns of behaviour you have identified.

 Assessment Brief – Newcastle Business School Module Code: LD9737/HR9737 Module Title: Leadership and Management Distributed on: Week 1 Submission Time and Date: TBC Word Limit: 3500 words (+/- 10%) Weighting This assessment accounts for 100% of the total mark for this module Submission of Assessment Assessments must be submitted electronically via Turnitin by the given deadline. You will find a Turnitin link on the module’s eLP site under ‘Assessment and Submission’. It is your responsibility to ensure that your assignment arrives before the submission deadline stated above. See the University policy on late submission of work (the relevant extract is set out below). General Information Further information about general assessment criteria, ARNA regulations, referencing and plagiarism can be found on the e-Learning Portal (Blackboard) site for the module. Students are advised to read and follow this information. Module Learning Outcomes (MLOs) 1. Demonstrate the ability to work in culturally diverse groups and teams and make appropriate and personal contributions to team effectiveness 2. Have critically evaluated personal strengths and weaknesses and have demonstrated the ability to engage in reflective self-development 3. Have critically reviewed the development of inter-personal and intra-personal skills in relation to what employers seek in postgraduate students Instructions on Assessment The module will be assessed by one summative assessment of 3500 words which comprises the following three components: Part A – academic essay (1500 words) 40% of overall mark Using a range of relevant literature (both academic and professional sources), you are required to identify and critically evaluate contemporary issues and challenges facing your target profession/industry/sector. You must:  Provide a clear introduction to your target profession/industry/sector (e.g., a graduate development scheme, self-employment, working for your family’s business, a promotion with your current employer, etc). You should highlight if this will be in the UK, your home country or elsewhere.  Provide an overview of the context and key characteristics of your target profession/industry/sector (e.g. labour market characteristics, opportunities for graduates, professional bodies). Page 1 of 6 Assessment Brief – Newcastle Business School  Identify key challenges and issues relating to your chosen profession/industry/sector. This may include professional body viewpoints, recent organisation case studies and published academic studies. You may also include a combination of challenges and issues facing the wider profession/industry/sector as well as those facing postgraduates.  You are not required to identify a specific number of issues and challenges, these will differ depending on the profession/industry/sector in question. We are looking for evidence of critical evaluation of these issues and challenges, supported with credible academic and professional sources.  Provide a succinct conclusion, indicating the impact of these challenges and difficulties for your target profession/industry/sector moving forward. Part B – reflective essay (1500 words) 40% of overall mark Drawing on the results of the toolkits you have completed throughout this module, along with other appropriate evidence, you are required to conduct a self-analysis identifying your strengths and weaknesses across a range of interpersonal and intrapersonal skills relevant to your target profession/industry/sector. You must:  Using the template provided – please download this from the Assessment Folder on the BB site – provide a summary of your strengths and weaknesses supported with evidence from the toolkits and other psychometric test results/other diagnostics provided to you, or that you have identified from previous work or assessment centre experience, or researched online.  Critically evaluate your strengths and weaknesses and reflect on any patterns of behaviour you have identified. Referring back to your Section A, consider the implications of your skills, attributes and patterns of behaviour in relation to your target profession/industry/sector and the challenges they face. How ‘ready’ are you to enter into the career of your choice? Part C – Areas for Development (500 words) 10% of overall mark Based on your self-analysis in Section B identify three areas for development and outline briefly the specific steps that you will take to address these. Presentation: 10% of overall mark You must present all component parts in one document. You must use the template provided on the Blackboard site to set out your strengths and weaknesses in Part B. You must present your work to the academic standard commensurate with Level 7 and that you use APA referencing throughout. Academic Misconduct The Assessment Regulations for Taught Awards (ARTA) contain the Regulations and procedures applying to cheating, plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct. The full policy is available at: You are reminded that plagiarism, collusion and other forms of academic misconduct as referred to in the Academic Misconduct procedure of the assessment regulations are taken very seriously by Page 2 of 6 Assessment Brief – Newcastle Business School Newcastle Business School. Assignments in which evidence of plagiarism or other forms of academic misconduct is found may receive a mark of zero. Mapping to Programme Goals and Objectives: At the end of your programme of study you will have achieved the following goals: Goal 1: To develop the skills necessary for employment and career progression Goal 2: Be culturally and ethically aware Goal 3: Have developed leadership and management capability Goal 4: Have developed and applied knowledge of international business and management theory Goal 5: Have developed a range of research skills and project capabilities All of the learning that takes place within modules is designed to enable you to achieve the above goals and your assessment tasks are mapped directly to these goals. In this module you will be assessed on objectives relating to Goal 1 : 1.1 Demonstrate awareness of your personal strengths and weaknesses and the ability to engage in continuing self-development 1.2 Critically review and develop your inter-personal and intra-personal skills Page 3 of 6 Assessment Brief – Newcastle Business School Criteria Scales 0-39% Standard Not Met 1 40-49% Standard Not Met 2 50-59% Meets Standard 1 60-69% Meets Standard 2 70-79% Exceeds Standard 1 80-89% Exceeds Standard 2 90-100% Exceeds Standard 3 Part A (40%) Critical evaluation of target industry/profession & challenges faced  Completely Insufficient: Essay not submitted OR work giving evidence of serious academic misconduct (subject to regulations in ARNA Appendix 1) OR work showing no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to level 7. [0-15] Evidence of knowledge and understanding of issues and challenges facing target profession/industry/ sector is insufficient. Very limited evidence of research (e.g., you provide few references). Target profession/industry/ sector is unclear. Large sections are irrelevant to the essay topic. Essay structure requires significant improvement. [16-19] Adequate evidence of knowledge and understanding of issues and challenges facing target profession/industry/ sector. An introduction and conclusion are provided, and relevant challenges and issues have been identified. However, large sections of your essay are descriptive, and additional supporting sources are required in parts. [20-23] Good evidence of knowledge and understanding of issues and challenges facing target profession/industry/ sector. You have provided a good overview of your target profession/industry/ sector and references are used to good effect for identification of relevant challenges and issues. Some indication of future implications of these challenges and issues for the industry/sector [24-27] Very good evidence of knowledge and understanding of issues and challenges facing target profession/industry/ sector. Identification of challenges and issues is supported with relevant academic and professional sources, and there is a very good attempt to critically evaluate this literature. [28-31] Excellent evidence of knowledge and understanding of issues and challenges facing target profession/industry/ sector. Several relevant challenges and issues have been identified, and relevant future implications for target profession/industry/ sector are offered. Critical appreciation of academic and professional sources is excellent. [32-35] Outstanding evidence of knowledge and understanding of issues and challenges facing target profession/industry/ sector. A wide range of sources have been utilised critically and creatively to identify a range of relevant challenges and issues. Conclusion highlights several future implications of these challenges and issues for profession/ sector/industry. An exemplary piece of academic work providing in-depth discussion and understanding. [36-40] Part B (40%) Completely Reflective Adequate reflective Good reflective Very good Excellent reflective Outstanding Page 4 of 6 Assessment Brief – Newcastle Business School Goal 1 Objective 2 Critically review and develop your inter-personal and intra-personal skills (in relation to what employers seek in postgraduate students) Insufficient: Reflective statement not submitted OR work giving evidence of serious academic misconduct (subject to regulations in ARNA Appendix 1) OR work showing no evidence of the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate to level 7. statement is insufficient. It is lacking in detail on patterns of behaviour and/or the implications of your self-analysis with regard to your career of choice and the challenges and issues discussed in essay. Large parts of reflective statement are unclear/irrelevant statement, demonstrating adequate discussion of patterns of behaviour and/or the implications of your self-analysis with regard to their career of choice. However some parts tend to be descriptive rather than reflective with insufficient linkage between the selfanalysis and the challenges and issues identified in Part A. As a result implications for you and your career in this industry/sector could be stronger statement. There is a good attempt to discuss patterns of behaviour and/or the implications of your self-analysis with regard to career choice. There is good evidence of reflection on all these elements. Overall, you have demonstrated a good understanding of the extent of your career readiness for your choice of industry/sector etc reflective statement. You have demonstrated a very good understanding of the implications of your patterns of behaviour and selfanalysis with regard to your career of choice and the challenges and issues discussed in the essay. There is little description but very good use of evidence and understanding of key issues. statement. You have demonstrated an excellent understanding of how your patterns of behaviour and identified strengths and weaknesses will have implications for you in terms of your career of choice and the challenges and issues you have discussed in the essay. This is incisive discussion with excellent use of evidence and indepth understanding of key issues. reflective statement. You have demonstrated an outstanding and in-depth understanding of how your patterns of behaviour and the results of your self-analysis have implications for you in terms of your career of choice and the challenges and issues you have discussed in the essay. This discussion demonstrates outstanding levels of critical evaluation and use of evidence to demonstrate understanding of the key issues. Page 5 of 6 Assessment Brief – Newcastle Business School Part C (10%) Goal 1 Objective 1 Demonstrate awareness of their personal strengths and weaknesses and the ability to engage in continuing selfdevelopment Completely insufficient awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses demonstrated by inappropriate areas for development identified. [0-3] Insufficient awareness of strengths and weaknesses demonstrated by inconsistent areas for development identified [4] Identification of appropriate strengths and weaknesses which lead to an adequate discussion on relevant areas for development [5] Good awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses which lead to detailed areas for personal development.  [6] A very good awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses demonstrated by very strong and appropriate areas identified for personal development  [7] Excellent awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses from which evidence-based areas for personal development are identified. [8] Outstanding awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses demonstrated by detailed and evidence based areas identified for personal development. [9-10] Professional presentation (10%) Presentation and formatting throughout are completely insufficient Numerous spelling and grammatical errors Failure to cite references correctly in the main text. No reference list [0-3] Presentation and formatting throughout are insufficiently professional Many spelling and grammatical errors Referencing throughout and in the reference list is insufficiently correct. [4] Presentation and formatting are adequate Few spelling and grammatical errors Most references are presented appropriately in the main text List of references is accurate [5]  Good presentation throughout Spelling and grammar of a good standard Very good referencing throughout the main text Accurate list of references [6] Very good presentation throughout Spelling and grammar of a high standard Very good referencing throughout the assignment [7] Excellent professional presentation throughout. Excellent spelling and grammar. APA referencing used throughout the main text and list of references [8] An outstandingly crafted piece of work which is professionally presented throughout. APA referencing used throughout the main text and for the list of references [9-10] Overall Mark [0-39] [40-49] [50-59] [60-69] [70-79] [80-89] [90-100] Page 6 of 6 


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