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Evaluate the corporate strategy, utilising model/concepts such as Ansoff’s Matrix, diversification and vertical integration.


Programme Title CW_BRLBM_H
Module Title Strategic Management
Assignment Number 2
Assignment Type Take Home Assignment
Weighting 30%
Submission date 10th of December 2020 (7pm)
Continuous Assessment Submission Guidelines
Assignments must be submitted via Turnitin. If assignments are not submitted via Turnitin, this will be regarded as a non-submission.
Assignments should be double lined spaced and clearly structured.
Please observe the word count. Assignments that are too short or too long will be penalised. You must put word count on title page.
Extension Policy
Assignments will not be accepted after the submission date.
As per IT Carlow policy, submission dates will only be extended in exceptional circumstances.
If an extension is required, students must apply at in advance of the deadline.. Supporting documentary evidence must also be provided.
The circumstances under which a request for an extension will be considered include, but are not limited to:
? Serious personal/family/business reasons
? Where a student is representing their country or Institute
An extension is unlikely to be considered under the following circumstances:
? Minor illnesses such as a common cold
? Holidays during the academic year
? Multiple assignments due at the one time
? Failure to plan study schedule
? Debs/weddings/social events
? IT and/or computer failure
Please note that loss of/damage to a USB stick is not considered a valid reason for an extension under IT Carlow policy. To avoid any unnecessary distress, please ensure that you back up your work regularly as you undertake your assignment. By registering with free online storage services such as Dropbox or SkyDrive you can save your work online and access it at any computer. Alternatively use an external hard drive/or just email it to yourself.
Failure to submit a piece of assessment will result in a grade of 0.
Plagiarism Policy
Assignments which have copied work from websites, from other authors, from other students or any other sources will receive a grade of 0. All instances of plagiarism must be reported to the Head of Department who, in turn, is obliged to report them to the Registrar. Students who receive this grade may be asked to justify their actions to the Institute’s plagiarism panel. Students must apply to the examination board at the end of the academic year to re-submit their work in such instances. Please note that copying verbatim from original sources is unacceptable even if you provide references.
Please consult ‘Credit Where Credit is Due’ for the referencing system used by IT Carlow. Please ensure accuracy and consistency in your referencing. The following are the most common reference types that you will need when compiling the reference list at the end of your assignments.
Journal articles:
For example:
Seebohm, P., Gilchrist, A. and Morris, D. (2012) Bold but Balanced: How Community Development Contributes to Mental Health and Inclusion. Community Development Journal, 47 (4), pp. 473-490.
For example:
Banks, S. (2012) Ethics and Values in Social Work. (4th Ed.) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Book Chapter
If a book is an edited collection with different contributors for each chapter, cite the author of the specific chapter you have used in your work. If you use more than one chapter, cite each author separately. Include the page numbers of the chapter in the bibliography.
For example:
Forde, C. (2009) The Politics of Community Development: Relationship with the State. In: Forde, C., Kiely, E. and Meade, R., eds. Youth and Community in Ireland: Critical Perspectives, Dublin: Gill and Macmillan, pp. 49-68.
Unless the webpage has a specified individual author, you can treat the organisation as the author. If the year the webpage was created is available, you can give this. If not, simply state ‘no date available’. You must also include the date which you last accessed the webpage in brackets at the end of the reference.
For example:
Children’s Rights Alliance, (no date available) What Are Children’s Rights? Available: [accessed 01 September 2013].
To avoid common referencing mistakes, please note the following:
? In the reference list, place the title of the journal, not the specific journal article, in italics.
? In the reference list, give a full reference for a webpage not just the URL.
? When referencing books in the reference list, the place of publication (e.g. Dublin) precedes the name of the publisher (e.g. Gill and Macmillan).
? There is no need to bullet point or number your reference list.
? When citing websites within the main body of your assignment, use the (author, date) formulation rather than the URL; i.e. write (Children’s Rights Alliance, no date available) rather than inserting the web address.
When quoting directly from an original source within the main body of your assignment, give the page number(s). (Try to avoid excessive use of direct quotation.

Wingtech acquires Nexperia – Will the New Company Fly
1. Evaluate Wingtech’s corporate strategy in terms of its strategy directions.
20 marks
2. Critically evaluate Wingtech’s choice of strategy method of acquisition and the potential synergies in the deal.
40 marks
3. With reference to the post acquisition integration matrix, consider how Wingtech might best integrate Nexperia? Can you foresee any problems with the integration?
40 marks

Word Count: 2,500 words maximum. Assignment to be submitted through Turnitin and paper copy.
Key points
• The models detailed below will form the background for your analysis. The key word in all of this is analysis. Producing lists of bullet points does not constitute an analysis.
• There must be a link between theory and practice. Try to avoid repetition of the case – the focus should be on the application of course concepts to the materials and making reasoned conclusions from that process.
• Put yourself in the shoes of the strategic manager of the company and write your answer from that perspective.
Learning Outcomes
1. Evaluate the corporate strategy, utilising model/concepts such as Ansoff’s Matrix, diversification and vertical integration.
2. Conduct a strategy method analysis. Use of models such as Buy, Ally or DIY decision tree. Conduct an analysis of the potential synergies from the acquisition.
3. Evaluate the integration issues. Use of models and concepts such as CAGE, corporate parenting and value add, Post acquisition integration matrix.
Marking Scheme
Using the case study (not included here) along with class notes, the course textbook and independent research please address the case study questions.
Use of strategic analysis tools and development of analysis; 60%
Development of analysis, link between theory and practice to include additional reading, presentation
of argument & conclusions. 40%
Students to be assessed according to following criteria:
1. Learning – marked according to Bloom’s Taxonomy of learning from understanding, application, analysis, synthesis to evaluation as per Academic Standards and Assessment
Regulations, please see appendix 1;
2. Structure/grammar/presentation of written work;
3. Research – marked from basic to in-depth and considerable;
4. Referencing – marked from none to accurate.
Please note that item 1 will carry a heavier weighting.
Submission/ Presentation
Word count should be written on the cover page.
The assignment is on Turnitin on Blackboard with review before the final submission.
A cover sheet to be provided to include your name, student number, title, class and year.
Assignment to be typed using Times New Roman and font size 12.
The pages should be numbered.
This is an academic project, so appropriate references should be included using the Harvard Style of Referencing / Credit where credit is due.
Please feel free to either e-mail me at or question me in class should you need any clarification.
Classification %
Range Content Application of theory Knowledge and understanding Evidence of
reading Referencing and bibliography Presentation, structure,
grammar and
Work 80-
100 Critical insight evaluation and synthesis of issues and material. Excellent understanding of different recent issues in topic area under investigation. Extensive evidence of relevant and perceptive application of theory, and/or empirical results, where applicable Exceptional knowledge and in-depth understanding of principles and concepts Extensive evidence integrating appropriate supplementary sources of Outstanding referencing and bibliography Outstanding, well directed presentation,
logical and coherent structure, using correct grammar and
(1.1) Work 70-79 Critical evaluation and synthesis of issues and material which includes original thinking. Clear evidence of relevant application of theory and/or empirical results where applicable Excellent
knowledge and depth of understanding of principles and concepts Evidence of extensive
reading of supplementary sources Excellent referencing and bibliography Excellent, well directed presentation, logical structure, using correct spelling and grammar
Work (2.1) Quality 60-69 Critical evaluation and synthesis of issues and material. Evidence of a good understanding of relevant theoretical material Evidence of relevant application of theory and/or empirical results where applicable Comprehensive knowledge and depth of understanding of principles and concepts Evidence of reading a range of
supplementary sources Comprehensive referencing and bibliography Good quality presentation, well structure, using correct grammar and
(2.2) work 50-59 Accurate description of main issues and material, with some critical evaluation. Occasional relevant application of theory, and/or empirical results where applicable Appropriate knowledge and understanding of principles and concepts Evidence of reading directed material and some supplementary sources Adequate referencing and bibliography Orderly presentation and structure with acceptable
grammar and
(Pass) Work 40-49 Limited evaluation and description of main issues and
material Limited evidence of relevant application of theory and/or empirical results Basic knowledge of key principles and concepts
only Evidence basic readi
only of ng Limited referencing and bibliography Acceptable presentation and structure, grammar and
Fail –
Marginal Limited work 35-39 Omission of some
relevant material No evidence of relevant application of theory and/or empirical results Limited and/or
superficial knowledge of key principles and concepts Minimal evidence reading of Inadequate referencing and bibliography Poor presentation and structure, grammar and
Fail –
Unacceptable work 0-34 Insufficient and largely irrelevant material No evidence of application of theory and /or empirical results Insufficient evidence of key principles and concepts Little or evidence reading no of Little or no referencing and bibliography Inadequate presentation, structure, spelling and grammar.


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