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Critically discuss the principles, theories and concepts of Operations Management.


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Course Extended Diploma in International Business and Strategy
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Unit Name Operations and Project Management
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Module Code & Title SQA/4010 Operations and Project Management
Module Learning Outcomes
LO1 Critically evaluate how operations management contributes to the competitiveness of an organization.
LO2 Critically evaluate how quality management processes and supply chain networks contribute to achieving the overall strategic objectives of an organization.
LO3 Critically evaluate the information management/systems in relation to the operation management processes.
LO4 Design a project plan for a given business scenario and implement a project.
Assessment Types Marks Marks Achieved
Executive Summary 10
Introduction & OM Quality Practices 20
Operational Strategies & Supply Chain Role 20
MIS & ICT 20
Project Management Tools & Conclusion 20
Presentation 10
Overall Score 100
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Summative Feedback:
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Assignment Brief
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The following grading criteria will be applicable for the course, Executive Diploma in International Business and Strategy:
Marks Grade
70 to 100 A - Distinction
60 to 69 B - Merit
50 to 59 Pass
40 to 49 Fail with Resubmit
0 to 39 Fail with Retake
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Assignment Operations and Project Management
Learning Outcome 1: Critically evaluate how operations management contributes to the competitiveness of an organization.
? PC 1.1: Critically discuss the principles, theories and concepts of Operations Management.
? PC 1.2: Evaluate the impact of productivity, workflow and quality on organizational competitiveness.
? PC 1.3: Critically discuss the integration of core operational strategies with the overall business strategy.
Learning Outcome 2: Critically evaluate how quality management processes and supply chain networks contribute to achieving the overall strategic objectives of an organization.
? PC 2.1: Critically discuss the application of principles, techniques and practices of Quality Management in operations management.
? PC 2.2: Evaluate the critical role of Supply Chain network design in aligning the operations strategy to the overall business strategy.
? PC 2.3: Develop appropriate performance indicators to effect monitoring, control and continuous improvement of company operations.
Learning Outcome 3: Critically evaluate the information management/systems in relation to the operation management processes.
? PC 3.1: Critically discuss how the synthesis of management information systems assist the operations management process.
? PC 3.2: Evaluate the use of wide range of ICT applications in supporting and enhancing the management of operations in organisations.
? PC 3.3 Critically analyse the appropriate methods, requirements and the use of current and emerging technologies for the optimisation of operational processes.
Learning Outcome 4: Design a project plan for a given business scenario and implement a project.
? PC 4.1: Analyse the principles, practices, methodologies and the tools to develop project specification, schedule, control and evaluation of projects.
? PC 4.2: Evaluate the contribution of Project Leadership during change and management of stakeholders.
? PC 4.3: Implement and manage a project using scheduling tools and project controls.
Assignment Task Report [100 Marks] [5000 Words +/-10%)
This task requires you to prepare a Report with the guidelines provided.
You are acting as the operations and quality consultant for a chosen organization (preferably where the learner is currently working or any other organization of your choice). You have been asked by the board of directors to prepare a report to review the operations and quality management processes in the organisation. You are required to look at the existing supply chain networks, operations management and quality management processes, procedures and systems within the organization, and, evaluate the competitiveness of the organization in achieving key strategic objectives.
It is also imperative to evaluate the information management/ systems in the organisation in relation to such operations management processes.
You should make use of relevant academic literature, theories, current issues, principles and concepts in Operations and Quality Management. You MUST follow the Report format, which should contain the following sections.:
1. The report should have an Executive Summary (A summary of the entire report in no more than one page of A4 paper). [10 Marks]
An overview of your assignment is required here. For example, what are the main themes discussed / mentioned.
2. You should provide a brief Introduction to the chosen organisation and highlight the operations management challenges that the organisation currently faces (Students may firstly or at some point give an overview of the operations of their firm, highlighting as well the firm’s current ops strategy and challenges). You should then critically discuss the application of any three principles in maintaining quality management of the Operations Management practices.(As for discussing the principles in maintaining quality management , this may refer to sound leadership, being customer focussed, being a good communicator, training and promoting a culture of quality promoting kaizen and so on, promoting TQM , rewarding staff for quality excellence See link here for more : quality management principles ).
[20 marks]
To afford the reader a more critical insight , the student could outline the challenges in implementing or carrying out these QUALITY MANAGEMENT principles ( in their firm). Other firms can be compared as well). One such challenge is the culture of the organisation. If a quality of culture is absent then there might be difficulty for the leadership to transform the firm into a quality environment. High cost of implementing quality systems could be another challenge.
challenges in implementing ISO Standard
3. Evaluate the impact of productivity,(The impact of productivity for any firm will surely have an impact on its competitiveness. This could be discussed in the context of your firm or any other organisation. A surplus or decline in production must both be managed to meet the market requirements. This must be discussed) workflow (Workflow or the process design of the firm can also affect the operation as well as competitiveness. If there are too many steps in the process , the customer waiting time will be longer than usual. They may then shift to another store. This must be discussed) and quality (Quality issues also affect the competitiveness of your firm. When quality is down, it affects goodwill, profit etc. Explore this discourse in detail in the context of your firm) on organizational competitiveness. Thereafter, critically evaluate the integration of core operational strategies of the organization with its overall business strategies, with a special reference to the role of Supply Chain Network design aligning with the overall business strategy.If there are any changes to the operations strategy, the supply chain network of Tesla will have to be reconfigured since they will now be supplying cars to newer markets. Think about a similar scenario with your firm as the supply chain network will need to ship spares , subassemblies and cars to these markets. They may also have new suppliers within the region to support the business.
After all is said and done, the strategies and actions must be monitored to ensure that the operation is free from bottlenecks and major disruptions. As we know, a firm may adopt not just one operations strategy, but several.. For example, Tesla’s operations strategy might involve a plan of action to target developing countries with an even cheaper model. This strategy will support the firm's business (competitive) strategy which might be aimed at capturing this market before other players do. Develop appropriate performance indicators to effectively track monitoring, control and continuous improvement of the company operations.(Performance indicators might include for eg, the use of SPC model as well as establishing KPIs. These can be explored and will assist in letting the business know if it is improving or not. Benchmarking can also be applied) [20 marks]
4. Critically discuss the role of management information systems in assisting strategic goals( Firstly, students are encouraged to define the concept of an MIS system. See helpful link here : Journal on MIS ; Journal #2 on MIS. Students should also make reference to firms that have used it successfully , even referring to the firm of your choice if possible. In the event that you are unaware of your firm’s IT / MIS due to non disclosure online, you are encouraged to discuss ways in which MIS can benefit their operation / strategic goals etc .Since its a discussion, challenges in using such platform can also be mentioned in the firm or otherwise) and operational processes success in your chosen organization (.MIS have been able to streamline business and operations processes by for example, heightening communication and collaboration between both internal and external stakeholders). You should critically evaluate the role of ICT applications in supporting as well as enhancing the operations management in the chosen organization (On the issue of ICT, discuss, through examples, how ICT has supported and improved the firm’s operation ) ; and thereafter analyse the actual requirements, appropriate methods, technologies, including use of Artificial Intelligence, that will help in optimisation of the operational processes of the organization. ( several issues can be discussed here. Culture or a culture that is willing to adapt to new tech is a good start ; capital availability; compatibility with existing platforms , teamwork; management support ; external infrastructure to support the platform - for example internet speed and bandwidth. Feel free to think of other points and expand on it by mentioning the technology that the firm can use. For example , robots to deliver and manufacture )[20 marks]
MIS BENEFITS ; MIS Boosting corporate performance . Drawbacks of MIS ; MIS challenges and solutions.ICT Benefits ; Walmart uses technology ICT Benefits ; Walmart uses
5. Finally, analyse the methodologies and scheduling tools you would like to use to develop the project specifications, schedule, control and evaluation to effectively implement and manage the project successfully. Conclude the report with your final findings and analysis, as well as evaluating the contribution of project leadership to effectively bring about the change and manage all stakeholders’ expectations. [20 marks]
This question isn't necessarily linked to the rest of the report discussed earlier. However, if you did recognise some operational challenges, a project approach might be able to resolve them. You can also ignore this and come up with a completely new project.
So lets start : to develop a project plan there are several things you can do. So if my project involves the installation of new software I will include or consider the following methodology inclusive of a schedule plan :
? Project objectives ( must be specific to the project. for example, cost, quality, time, performance)
? Organization’s objectives For eg (automating of system for operations efficiency)
? Project scope ( for example : software must be implemented within specified contract time and required quality , or to install , train staff and go live in 6 months. To add, saying ‘why’ and ‘how’ the project goals are going to be achieved)
? Project assumptions ( for example, an early start of the project which can be seen as a positive assumption ; reduced project cost for example, cost of overheads. One negative assumption might be a late start of the project or cash flow challenges)
? Project roles and responsibilities. ( for example, who will be assigned to what. For example, it is expected that a project manager will be appointed, a project engineer and anyone else you see fit. Students must describe their roles as well)Power users are also expected for such installation.Steering committee can be included
? Timeline with Gantt charts as well as a WBS ( with detail month by month or quarter by quarter the progress of the work and what should be done)
? Risk management (make sure to present a risk management template)
? Stakeholder management ( internal and external stakeholders. they must be managed. basically this is all about communicating with all of them)
? Gantt chart
? Project funding
? Other areas can be discussed ( TQM philosophy)
Contribution of project leadership towards successful change management : will address change resistance issues ;it will aid in effectively communicating with all stakeholders, addressing their immediate concerns and so on . Other points can discussed
(students should refer to the project template provided as a guide)
6. Kindly note that you should present the whole report written well in a good format, and which makes good use the Harvard Referencing System (HRS). [10 Marks]
? Please begin with a Table of content section
? The chosen organization should be FedEx Corporation
? Under section no.2, please provide Introduction of Fedex from the company site itself.
? The document should be Harvard referenced, Font size 12 and Times new Roman.
? Please provide relevant diagrams and illustrations with the appropriate citations (source name/link)
? The links under References in the end, should be in the order the paragraph flows and not A to Z
? I have attached a sample assignment for the expert to get an idea about the expectations. Please do not copy anything from the sample document.
Performance Descriptors
Performance descriptors indicate how marks will be arrived at against each of the above criteria. The descriptors indicate the likely characteristics of work that is marked within the percentage bands indicated.
Assessment Criteria
TASK 1 (70-100%)
Work of an outstanding, excellent & v. good standard (*) (60-69%)
Work of a good standard. (50-59%)
Work of a pass standard. D (40-49%)
Fail E (0-39%)
Executive Summary, Introduction and OM practices
(30 %)
A critical overview with the help of Executive Summary. Bring out relevant authors, rival theories, and major debates in Operations Management to a very good, possibly excellent (even outstanding) standard. References beyond those identified in session sources. Introduction should explicitly bring out OM challenges faced by the organisation and review three OM principles with a clear brief description of the relevance of such principles in the context of the chosen organisation. A synthesized overview of the Executive Summary, where good use of existing academic work and evaluation of main work is given out coherently. Some review of relevant authors, rival theories, and major debates in Operations Management. Appropriate range of references are utilized.
Introduction should bring out good relevant OM challenges faced by the organisation and review three OM principles with a brief description of the relevance of such principles in the context of the chosen organisation. A reasonable overview of the Executive Summary, where satisfactory summary is given of the whole produced work. There is evidence of engagement with pertinent issues in Operations Management. Key authors & major debates are presented. Evidence of suitable basic reading.
Introduction should bring out satisfactorily OM challenges faced by the organisation and review three OM principles Limited overview of Executive Summary. The work may be an overly descriptive account demonstrating only minimal interpretation, and very limited presentation of the whole summary. No counterarguments or alternative frames of reference are generated or considered.
Introduction is not satisfactorily bringing out OM challenges faced by the organisation and review three OM principles. Confused overview of Executive Summary. Fundamental misconceptions of how to write an Executive Summary. The work is mainly descriptive and shows little or no understanding of summary requirements. Too few references to appropriate literature and no evidence of independent thought and/ or criticality.
Introduction is very sketchy and does not satisfactorily bring out OM challenges faced by the organisation and does not review three OM principles. A description of the relevance of OM principles has not been provided.
Literature Review Analysis & Application of OM strategy, Quality Management & Supply Chain Network Design
Demonstrates a clear understanding of literature reviewed from good academic resources, peer reviewed articles and journals. Critical analysis done well in respect to application of OM strategy, Quality Management principles and Supply chain network design frameworks.
Clear evidence of independent thought and very effective use of academic frameworks in order to analyse the case scenario. Demonstrates a good understanding of literature reviewed from academic resources. Good analysis done well in respect to application of OM strategy, Quality Management principles and Supply chain network design Examples of effective use of academic frameworks in order to analyse the case scenario. Examples of sound argument and solid evidence. Demonstrates a satisfactory understanding of literature reviewed from academic resources. Some analysis done in respect to application of OM strategy, Quality Management principles and Supply chain network design. The work explores and analyses issues, but is not strong on application to the case organisation. The work is mainly descriptive, but has achieved all the performance criteria. The work may be an overly descriptive account demonstrating only minimal interpretation of the literature, and very limited evidence of analysis, synthesis or evaluation. Fundamental misconceptions over analysing the case in the context of relevant academic thinking. Limited analysis of a superficial nature only lacks any attempt at analysis, relying on description instead.
Information Management systems in relation to Operations Management (20%)
An ability to successfully synthesize theoretical issues into practice and evaluate the possible implications and role of Information Management systems in relation to Operations Management.. Ideas are presented in a succinct manner and conclusions are well reasoned which have relevance to the scenario. The work demonstrates a willingness to question and to explore issues and to synthesize theoretical perspectives and practical application within chosen case context of role of Information Management systems in relation to Operations Management. Some meaningful well-reasoned conclusions and attention given to lessons learned which have relevance to the scenario. The work demonstrates a competence to explore issues and to synthesize theoretical perspectives and practical application within chosen case context of role of Information Management systems in relation to Operations Management. Some helpful conclusions and acknowledgement of lessons learned. There may be little evidence of an ability to apply theoretical principles to the case scenario or a wider context of role of Information Management systems in relation to Operations Management. Conclusions unrelated to the scenario. Lessons learned either superficial or lacking. No application of theoretical principles to the case scenario or a wider context of brand management and new product development. Conclusions unrelated and confused or illogical and unsubstantiated. Lessons learned either superficial or lacking. Possibly no real attempt to address assignment brief in respect of actual questions asked.
Recommenda-tions & Conclusion
(10%) Well-organised, logical, fully supported by evidence, conclusions clear and arise from results/discussion; practical and feasible, with clear consideration of Artificial Intelligence to analyze operational requirements. Recommendations driven by good deductions from findings. Well-organised, logical, supported by evidence, conclusions fairly clear and arise from results & discussion; practical and feasible, with clear consideration of Artificial Intelligence to analyze operational requirements. Recommendations driven by decent deductions from findings. Reasonably well-organised, logical, generally supported by evidence, conclusions fairly clear and arise from results & discussion; practical and feasible, with un clear or weak consideration of Artificial Intelligence to analyze operational requirements. Recommendations not always driven by good deductions. Poor organisation; gaps in reasoning; some obvious conclusions omitted for the list; other conclusions not especially driven by the findings but from ‘common sense’. No real implications and recommendations weak and incoherent.
Assertions little related to evidence, frequently illogical or arbitrary; conclusions if presented are disorganized; alternatives not considered; no real understanding of the need to draw conclusions, implications and recommendations from results.
Presentation (10%)
A balanced, well-structured case, generally coherent in approach. Well-written, well presented and largely free of spelling and/or typographical errors. Breadth of appropriate, current, and relevant references and correct application of the Harvard Referencing Method. A balanced, well-structured case. Overall clear well-written, well presented. Some small repeated errors in grammar. Good application of Harvard referencing system. Breadth of appropriate, current, and relevant references and almost correct application of the Harvard Referencing. Case is cohesive, but may be hindered by inappropriate balance, structure or writing style. Some small repeated errors in referencing or grammar. Current and relevant references and correct application of the Harvard Referencing Method. Whilst some of the characteristics of a pass have been demonstrated, the work does not address the case requirements overall. Possibly lacking in balance, structure or writing style. Some repeated errors in referencing and/or grammar. Limited use of references. Significant failings in case balance, structure or writing style. Repeated possibly significant errors in referencing and/or grammar. Critical failings in case balance. Possibly lacking in coherence is unstructured and/or is badly presented


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