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Your new hotel is located directly opposite the surf beach near the CBD of Newcastle NSW.

Instructions for the Student
1. To meet the requirements of the unit of competency and demonstrate sufficient evidence of competence, you must successfully complete all activities in the case study.
2. The assessment is to be completed by you independently.
3. Your trainer will instruct you of the due date.
4. Word-process your responses (see your trainer if you have any concerns).
5. Ensure each page is clearly marked with your name, student ID, date, unit code and title.
6. All work handed in must be accompanied by a completed Assessment Cover Sheet.
Case Study Scenario
The marketing department has sent out emails publicising the loyalty program for the new hotel you are opening. The response has been excellent and you, as the Marketing Manager want to define more closely the new customer expectations. You will design a strategy for this and your team must
address the following:
A tool that will gain detailed information on the needs, expectations and satisfaction levels of
customers, A communication strategy that allows staff involved in service provision to contribute, to maximise the outcom
An outline of how the outcomes, will be incorporated into service delivery within the hotel,
including SOPs for staff
Instructions for the Student
1. You will complete the Report to be submitted in a format and on a due date determined by the assessor.
2. The assessment is to be completed by you independently.
3. Word-process your responses (see your trainer if you have any concerns).
4. Ensure each page is clearly marked with your name, student ID, date, unit code and title.
5. An Assessment Cover Sheet must be signed by you and attached.
Your new hotel is located directly opposite the surf beach near the CBD of Newcastle NSW. The
iaccommodation is based on a bed-only rate and a small communal kitchen is available -for self-catering, if required. It is a budget-priced hotel and has a busy 60 seat sidewalk café to generate a secondary income stream. This is very well patronised by the local residents and regular customers from the nearby CBD, who like to enjoy their lunch hour in such a convenient location and pleasant environment.
The Cafe trades for breakfast, lunch and dinner. There is also a brisk morning and afternoon tea service. Sundays are very busy with a large percentage of the customer base being regular local residents.
Recently the café was reviewed in a national newspaper with a large circulation. The article gave the café a very positive review overall and recommended it as a place to visit in Newcastle. The reviewer was quite definite, though, in citing that:
-it is not the normal CBD café where you find slick, efficient service, rather it is a poor country cousin in this regard. Do not, however, let this stop you experiencing the magnificent view of the beach, the interesting passing parade, the delicious food and the best coffee for miles. If dining in,..just allow an extra half hour for the service.-
Your task
When the article was published, management decided to act immediaely and accepted that even if it had been a 'one-off day', it still is a matter to e taken very seriously. t They decided it business more credibility amongst the existing customer base if quick, positive corrective action is implemented with consumer consultation.
As a result you have the task of analysing and addressing the reasons behind the issues glaringly identified in this restaurant review i.e. the quality and speed of the service provision. Part of this process needs to be an evaluation of the perceptions your regular clientele hold about the business as well as an opportunity for them to give you their feedback regarding future wants and needs.
Write a report for management on the steps you will take to manage the quality of the process of
customer service. Include in this report all the analysis tools you will employ throughout the identifying and correcting the issues giving rise to the problem. In your report, give management a timeline for the proposed corrective actions and a summary of the plan of action.
in your report you must complete the following:
Identification of issues
Analysis of issues
Evaluation of customer and staff perceptions and solutions
Proposed corrective action plan and timeline of the operation
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