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Understand the concept and importance of environmental scan for a business.

Subject Code and Title BIZ202 : The Business Environment
Assessment Environmental Scan Report – Part A
Individual/Group Individual
Length 600 words
Learning Outcomes a) Understand the concept and importance of environmental scan for a business.
b) Examine the influence of the external political and macroeconomic factors affecting on the organisation
c) Identify and apply appropriate frameworks and tools to the problems and challenges faced by organisations
Submission Module 2 (Week 4)
Weighting 15%
Total Marks 100 marks
Businesses in the modern marketplace cannot afford to ignore the external environmental factors in which they operate. To navigate this vast and everchanging landscape, businesses must keep a keen eye on these factors which influence it. Policy changes, changes in government regulation and changes in national and global macroeconomic indicators all can impact on a businesses success. The environmental scan report is an effort to identify these factors and propose solutions to the risks they pose.
• To more broadly understand the the concept and importance of environmental scan;
• Assess and address the challenges and risks which businesses face due to external factors specifically policy changes, changes in government regulation and changes in national and global macroeconomic indicators ;
• Identify and present appropriate solutions to offset these risks;
• Propose strategies to prevent further risk
Linkages between Part A and Part B:
Part A of this assessment focuses on identifying the importance of environmental scan for business environment. Identification and characterisation of risks as well as a
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comprehensive assessment of environmental factors specifically policy changes, changes in government regulation and changes in national and global macroeconomic indicators influencing the business will be presented in this first part of the scan.
Part B serves to expand on Part A through extension of assessment of environmental factors specifically microcroeconomic indicators influencing the business; social Factors, consumer preferences, social changes and social responsibility in business decision. Also part B focuses on developing strategies not only to counter the risks faced by the business as identified in Part A, but also to prevent future environmental challenges, as well as anticipate and deal with environmental shifts.
Part A of the environmental scan serves the purpose of understanging the concept of environmental scan, ways businesses are conducting scan and collecting useful information about a business’ environment in one place. You will work individually to identify any relevant information about the environment of a chosen organisation. You must choose an Australian business still in operation, and view the buusiness through the context of the four components of an organisations external environment, as discussed in the subject content. The development of the environmental scan must incorporate the following elements:
• Define environmental scan and critically anayse the importance of environemtal scan for a business along with different ways business conduct environmental scan
• Describe the three types of factors (policy changes, changes in government regulation and changes in national and global macroeconomic indicators ) which can influence the environments in which businesses operate
• Identify an Australian businesses, give a background of the choosen business.
• Identify and analyse environmental factors (policy changes, changes in government regulation and changes in national and global macroeconomic indicators ) which influence chosen Australian businesses specifically
• The structure of the assignment should follow standard report structure
? Introduction and background information of environemtal scan and choosen business
? Body of information and discussion of relevant topics by using data/information from relevant sources and critically analyse the factors influencing business.
? Conclusion and summary
? Referencing in the APA style
Submit copy of Environmental Scan Report in .docx or .pdf format via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in BIZ202 The Business environment. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback with reference to the criteria below via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
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Learning Rubric: Environmental Scan Report – Part A
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) (0-49) Pass
(50-64) Credit
(65-74) Distinction
(75-84) High Distinction
(Grading Scheme)
Fail grade will be awarded if a student
is unable to demonstrate satisfactory academic performance in the subject or has failed to complete required assessment points in accordance with the subject’s required assessment points. Pass is awarded for work showing a satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and an adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged. Credit is awarded for work showing a more than satisfactory achievement of all learning outcomes and a more than adequate understanding of theory and application of skills. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged. Distinction is awarded for work of superior quality in achieving all learning outcomes and a superior integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of indepth research, reading, analysis and evaluation is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged. High Distinction is awarded for work of outstanding quality in achieving all learning outcomes together with outstanding integration and understanding of theory and application of skills. Evidence of indepth research, reading, analysis, original and creative thought is demonstrated. A consistent academic referencing system is used and sources are appropriately acknowledged.
Analysis of Environment
SLO addressed:
a) Examine the
influence of the external environment on the organisation Limited understanding of the environmental factors influencing the chosen business.
Neglects to subcategorise the environmental factors into the four categories of environmental influences.
Identifies a proportion of the environmental factors influencing the chosen business; the largest influencers are named.
Correctly subcategorises a majority of the factors discussed.
Accesses relevant information to discuss and categorise environmental factors.
Identifies a majority of the environmental factors influencing the chosen business.
Correctly subcategorises and explains all of the factors discussed.
Accesses and correctly references relevant information to discuss and categorise environmental factors.
Correctly identifies all of the environmental factors influencing the chosen business.
Correctly subcategorises and thoroughly explains all of the factors discussed.
Accesses and correctly references relevant information to discuss and categorise environmental factors.
Not only identifies all environmental factors, provides insight and discussion on potential further environmental challenges faced by the business.
Discusses the wider Australian business environment as well as the external environment of the chosen business to provide a linked picture of the complete external environment of the chosen business.
Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
Application of Framework
SLO addressed:
b) Identify and apply appropriate frameworks and tools to the problems and challenges faced by organisations Demonstrates no understanding of framework concepts relevant to the four external environment components.
Demonstrates little
understanding of strategies to respond to the external business environment by providing non-specific solutions to issues discussed in the report.
Demonstrates correct and complete knowledge of strategies relevant to the business chosen, offers solutions to a range of issues presented in the case.
Identifies the key issues in the external business environment and provides a correct strategy to deal with each.
Identifies the key issues in the external business environment and provides a correct strategy to deal with each, as well as a thorough explanation and justification of each strategy, and a feasible method of implementation.
Correct citation of key
resources and evidence
Overall structure, appearance and referencing of the report are assessed
Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas. Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed. Demonstrates use of high quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas. Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements. Shows evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
Demonstrates use of highquality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements. Shows evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.


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