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What is the future of international tourism in Victoria/NSW?

  • Assessment Task No 3 (Research Project)

    Task Length:

    1,750-2,000 words

    Date Due:

    Examination period

    Task Weight:

    Task Requirements:
    This is the final project and assignment for this unit. It needs to incorporate all aspects of the unit covered in lectures and assessment. In this project you will need to collect data, analyse it, present your findings and draw conclusions from it that allow you to make suggestions for future developments.
    You can choose your own topic, please arrange a consultation meeting with your lecturer to decide prior to commencing.
    Suggested Research Questions:
    (1) What is the future of international tourism in Victoria/NSW?
    (2) Should Melbourne/Sydney host the Olympics?
    (3) What are the implications of LCCC on Melbourne’s/Sydney’s tourism industry?
    Report Structure
    1. Introduction to the topic
    2. Data Collection: three sources of secondary data
    3. Data Analysis: graphical and descriptive analysis of data
    4. Presentation of data: Data sheet with graphics
    5. Research findings and contextualization
    6. Implications for the future
    7. Works cited
    Assessment Criteria used to grade this task:
    Students should demonstrate the ability to:
    1. Identify and critically evaluate various research methodologies as they may be applied to the Tourism and Hospitality sector
    2. Evaluate literature and data sources relevant to tourism and hospitality and use databases to source secondary data
    3. Analyse data using various tools and methods
    4. Present clear well-structured arguments in written format
    5. Critically reflect on a nature and purpose of research and evaluation in tourism and hospitality industries
    6. Create a detailed plan for a research and evaluation project
    7. Apply qualitative methods such as case study method and content analysis in tourism and hospitality
    8. Apply techniques for evaluation in multi-objective environments including methods for identifying and weighting criteria
    9. Report research and evaluate tourism hospitality projects.
    Estimated Student Workload: 12-14 hours
    See Separate Marking Rubric for the detailed marking allocation
    Links to Subject Learning Outcomes: Learning outcomes 1, 2 and 4 are assessed in this task
    Submission Details
    Submissions must be online via the Turnitin.
    Feedback and Return of Work
    Feedback and marks will be provided via the Turnitin within two weeks of submission

    Assessment #3 Marking Rubric
    First name
    Criteria High Distinction (70% Credit (60% - Pass (50% - 59%) Fail (0% - 49%) Score Weight
    Distinction 80% - 79%) 69%) (Marks)
    - 100%
    1. Argument and Generates Generates sound Demonstrates a Presents partially Fails to provide 10
    context: sophisticated arguments within a sustained, focused focused, and focused, sustained,
    Generates arguments within a coherent response and coherent discernible arguments, and discernible
    focused, coherent response to the task, that are response to the and some arguments that are
    sustained, and to the task, that are focused, sustained, task, with fair contextualisation in sufficiently
    discernible focused, sustained, discernible and fully attempt to academic and contextualised in
    arguments that discernible and fully contextualised in contextualise in professional practice. academic and
    answer the contextualised in academic and academic and professional
    question and are academic and professional professional practice.
    contextualised in professional practice. practice.
    reflective practice.
    academic and
    2. Data Collection Demonstrates a Demonstrates a Largely successful Demonstrates limited Fails to identify and 10
    and Analysis: sophisticated sophisticated in identifying and success in identifying utilise academic
    Identifies and search and search and use of employing and employing research and/or
    employs outstanding use of high quality academic research academic research secondary data
    academic high quality academic research and/or secondary and/or secondary data pertinent to the
    research and/or academic research and/or secondary data pertinent to pertinent to the chosen chosen topic.
    secondary data and/or secondary data pertinent to the chosen topic, topic.
    pertinent to the data pertinent to the chosen topic. but some
    chosen topic. the chosen topic. improvements
    could be made.
    3. Reflective Sophisticated Sustained A fair discussion of Limited discussion of No discussion of 10
    synthesis: discussion of discussion of implications for implications for future implications for
    Extracts implications for implications for future project project viability future project
    conclusions and future project future project viability contextualised within viability
    implications for viability viability contextualised sector trends and contextualised
    future project contextualised contextualised within sector trends development; within sector trends
    viability within sector trends within sector trends and development; underdeveloped and development.
    contextualised and development; and development; perfunctory conclusion.
    within sector well-developed well-developed conclusion
    trends and conclusion conclusion
    4. Breadth and An extensive body A body of generally Suitable academic Limited amount of No academic 5
    quality of (every claim is high-quality and sources used, academic sources sources used.
    research, using referenced) of appropriate which may include and/or use of poor
    academic purely high-quality sources, which may a couple of poorer quality inappropriate Possible Academic
    sources. and highly include small quality sources sources. Some may be
    appropriate omissions and/or (e.g. websites; fictional or irrelevant.. Misconduct case
    academic sources. errors of judgment.. lecture notes).
    5. Correct use of Faultless use of the Very good use of Competent use of Satisfactory use of the No or very poor use 5
    the APA APA referencing the APA the APA APA referencing of the APA
    referencing system in the body referencing system referencing system system in the body of referencing system
    system of the assignment in the body of the in the body of the the assignment and in in the assignment,
    and in the assignment and in assignment and in the reference list; and/or in the
    reference list with the reference list the reference list; mistakes and/or reference list with
    completely correctly with almost entirely generally correctly omissions present. few or no correctly
    cited sources correctly cited cited sources but cited sources.
    sources. small omissions
    and/or errors of
    judgment may be
    Late penalty Marks awarded 40

    Additional information:
    Government Sites:
    (At least three sources of secondary data)
    Graphical and descriptive analysis of data- Empirical data, historical information (immigration)- behavioural pattern of tourist around the place
  • Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at


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