“Essentials of Social Work” Please respond to the following: Per the
text, the six (6) main roles of social workers in the long-term care
setting are as follows: informational, case manager, coordination,
enabler, intervention, and advocacy. Select two (2) of the listed roles
and compare and contrast the main responsibilities associated with them.
Determine which of the six (6) roles is best suited overall for working
directly with residents and their families, and which is best suited
for working with the administration. Support your selections.
1.Starting with this provided code, add the following functionality: Replace hardcoded strings “Zero”, “One”, “Two”, “Three” in the ArrayList based on user typed input (use Scanner or JOptionPane classes). The user will be prompted for the String to be stored in the ArrayList and then hit enter. The user will be able to continue to add items to the ArrayList until they just hit enter without typing anything. Once the user does this (hits enter without typing anything), the program will display all of the elements of the ArrayList, both the index and String values, in a table. It will do this via a single loop making use of an iterator method. 2. Starting with this provided code, add the following functionality: Use a Try/Catch block so that the exception is caught and the program exits a bit more gracefully. Save this file as TryCatch.java. (Be sure to rename the Public Class accordingly.) Starting with the provided code again (without the Try/Catch block), fix the code so that ...
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