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Customer service is different depending on the type of business and the

Individual Case Study–Understanding True ‘Quality Service’
View the Video clip ‘Quality Service’ at:
Answer the following Assignment Question:
‘Customer service is different depending on the type of business and the
Needs of the customer in each individual case’.
Do you agree with this statement?
Discuss having regard to the ‘Quality Service’ video clip as a basis for your argument
Theoretical concepts must also be included as part of your answer.
Some suggestions on how to answer this question(this list is not exhaustive)
The answer must be based in the theory and concepts taught in this unit, not personal opinion
Students should use relevant material from the weekly lectures as well as other resources such as academic journal articles and texts to support their ideas.
Students will be required to explore different service-quality theories and concepts.
Students must ensure that all information sources are appropriately referenced using the approved referencing style
Estimated return date: Assignment grades and feedback will be received within two weeks after submission. All feedback will be received via the moodle student portal.
Submission details: All work must be submitted in the appropriate week via the
Online student portal ‘moodle’ by the close time and date listed above.
Penalties for late lodgment: A penalty of 10% of the mark allocated to the assignment will be deducted for each day or part thereof that the assignment is late.
Assessment coversheet: W ork submitted for assessment must be accompanied by a completed copy of the BTHM Cover Sheet which has been signed by the student. NO assignment will be accepted or marked if it is not accompanied by a signed Assignment Cover Sheet
In the case of a group assignment, each member of the group must complete, sign and attach to the assignment a separate copy of the Faculty Cover Sheet.
