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Critically discuss why a good performance management system can assist an organisation to ensure the performance of its staff supports the achievement of the organisational strategies

This 2,500 word assignment involves understanding and application of the theory and concepts from modules 1, 2 and 3.
Format: Essay
Length: 2500 words maximum (including introduction and conclusion)
Content: Modules 1, 2 & 3
Value: 45% of the total course assessment
This assignment involves understanding and application of the theory and concepts from modules 1, 2 and 3. You will need to use your text, selected readings, academic journals and the MGT8030 study modules to develop your work.
There are two tasks to be completed and each should be presented as a specific section within your essay.
1. Critically discuss why a good performance management system can assist an organisation to ensure the performance of its staff supports the achievement of the organisational strategies. (1200 words maximum – 20 marks).
2. Critically discuss how a well designed performance management system might be used to identify and manage aspects of unsatisfactory performance in an organisation. (1300 words maximum – 25 marks).
1. Essay format. Use of some headings is acceptable (and encouraged) – especially to differentiate the two assignment tasks. Assignments should be typed in Times New Roman 12 font, using 1½ or single spacing. Papers that do not use an essay format (e.g. reports) will be penalised.
2. Harvard referencing must be used. All assignments must be properly referenced, i.e. all sources should be acknowledged, throughout your essay. It is not possible to satisfy the requirements of a course like this without extensive use of reference material to support your discussion/argument. The required system is the Harvard referencing system - find it in the USQ Library site. A list of references listing all sources referred to in alphabetical order should be given at the end of the assignment.
3. Refer to the Assignment Marking Sheet below for an indication of expected content, process and presentation issues. However, this should not be used as the essay structure – the two tasks listed above constitute the required structure of the assignment.

Marking criteria for MGT8030 assignment – S1 2017
Task 1 Content – ensure you have Inadequate
49% Acceptable
50–64% Good
65–74% Very Good
75–84% Excellent
Explained the broad framework in which strategy is implemented within organisations.
Critically discussed the connections between strategy and individual performance outcomes.
Critically discussed how individual performance is connected to overall organisational performance.
Demonstrated understanding of relevant concepts from Module 2.
Task 2 Content – ensure you have Inadequate
49% Acceptable
50–64% Good
65–74% Very Good
75–84% Excellent
Explained the difference between 'under' and 'non' performance & discussed how you might identify each within a PM system
Discussed how you might manage both 'under' & 'non' performance issues to achieve outcomes for both the individual & the organisation.
Demonstrated understanding of relevant concepts from Module 2.
Overall Process – you have Inadequate
49% Acceptable
50–64% Good
65–74% Very Good
75–84% Excellent
Critically discussed relevant issues, theory and concepts
Presented persuasive and cogent arguments. (Poor expression & citation of sources detracts from the quality, persuasiveness and cogency of the argument.)
Derived logical conclusions based on the evidence (ie. Reference sources)
Overall Presentation – you have This aspect of your writing needs attention Completed to an acceptable standard
Used correct referencing format and cited all evidence (failure to reference in your assignment will result in an automatic fail mark. Inadequate referencing may be penalised)
Presented the assignment using essay format (with a relevant introductions and conclusions – if a Report format is used it will be penalised)
Used correct spelling, punctuation and grammar
Observed the maximum word limit/s
The above is not an exhaustive list of issues relevant to this assignment. The content issues cover some of the more obvious issues that you may have included in your discussion. The process issues include some of the considerations about the way in which you presented your discussion. Both sets of criteria have affected the determination of the final mark.
Task 1 /20 Task 2 /25 TOTAL /45
