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Work design pilot at CERA

Assessment item 2
Business report
Length: 2,500 words+/-10%.
Submission method options
Alternative submission method
Assessment 2 requires you to prepare a business report that addresses one (1) of the following three options. These questions relate to Topics 2, 3 and 4.
Option 1- Work design pilot at CERA (Topic 2)
Refer to the story of CERA relating to work design in Topic 2. Using the information in the topic and at least 10 additional sources, provide advice to Rachel Amaro on how to design jobs in her area to support innovative behaviour. At least five of the additional sources must be academic journals or books/book chapters published in the last ten years.

Option 2 - The business rationale for diversity management (Topic 3)
Study the business rationale for diversity management and the debates surrounding this using the information in Topic 3, and at least 10 additional sources. At least five of the additional sources must be academic journals or books/book chapters published in the last ten years.
Then, answer this question.
Are you convinced by the business rationale argument for diversity management? What argument would you make to Mark French regarding the business case for focusing on diversity management in CERA?
Option 3 - Options for performance measurement in CERA (Topic 4)
Consider the story of CERA as it relates to individual performance measurement in Topic 4 (note that this does not include the operation of the bonus scheme). Then, answer these two questions, using the information in Topic 4 and at least 10 additional sources. At least five of the additional sources must be academic journals or books/book chapters published in the last ten years.
1. What limitations are evident in CERA’s individual performance measurement, taking into account its organisational strategy and recent developments in this HRM practice as reported in professional literature provided in Topic 4?
2. Recommend two alternative measurement approaches and indicative methods within each approach that you believe could work in CERA to address the limitations.
This assessment task will enable you to demonstrate your achievement of the following learning outcomes in the subject:
• be able to critically analyse and assess recent literature on human resource management, and debate the issues raised;
• be able to explain how human resource management initiatives assist stakeholders within organisations to respond to changing workplace environments;
• be able to discuss, explain and analyse the relationship between organisational strategy and human resource strategies.

Marking criteria
Marking guide for Assessment 2

Criterion and weighting High distinction Distinction Credit Pass Fail
Critical analysis and assessment of relevant literature in the development of an argument (45 marks) Demonstrates critical reading ability in reviewing recent literature.
Constructs an evidence-based argument, drawing on academic and professional sources.
Uses the literature to develop the student’s own voice in constructing an argument. Demonstrates critical reading ability, the ability to construct an evidence-based argument and the exercise of independent judgment. There are gaps in critical evaluation of claims and in the use of the literature to develop the student’s own voice.
There is an imbalance between description and critical evaluation of the literature.
This leads to an argument that is driven more by authors’ claims. The discussion demonstrates an attempt to exercise critical, independent judgment; however, it tends to be overly descriptive of the literature.
Thus, the argument consists largely of an organised set of claims made by authors. Largely descriptive, lacking independent critical evaluation of claims. The line of argument is difficult to find.
Referencing (8 marks)
(Minimum referencing requirement: ten sources, including five academic sources from the last ten years.) Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms exactly to APA style conventions.
Referencing is comprehensive, demonstrates academic integrity, and conforms to APA style conventions with fewer than three minor errors or omissions which don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.
Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA style conventions. Up to eight minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, underlining) don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity.
Referencing is comprehensive and mostly accurate according to APA style conventions. Frequent minor errors or omissions in style and formatting choices (e.g. italics, punctuation, underlining) don’t impact on the transparency and traceability of the source, or the demonstration of academic integrity. Fails to meet criteria for a pass. ( 2.5)
Report writing technique
(7 marks) The report is formatted correctly. It is written using appropriate language and style. A coherent argument is built, with each point building on the previous one. Each part of argument is connected to the question. Minor errors in report format. The writing style and language are appropriate for a report.
There are minor errors in coherence of the argument and in connections made to the question. It is thus unclear at times why some parts of the argument have been provided. The report is formatted according to business report conventions, but with some errors in format. The language and writing style are not always appropriate to a report genre. There may be gaps in coherence of the argument, making it difficult to follow.

The report is on the right track, but needs significant improvement in format and/or writing style and/or coherence. Poor formatting, written expression and/or coherence.
• Use the business report format that is provided in the Resources link on the HRM502 I2 site.
• Use 12 point font size, and 1.5 line spacing.
• Include a cover page stating the subject code and title, the assessment number and title, your name and student id, and the word count.

• Upload a Word document only. Do not upload rtf or pdf or Pages documents.
• Do not use appendices, footnotes and endnotes.
• Use the APA6 referencing system for citations and references to sources.
• Keep to the word count. Papers that exceed the word count will lose marks. Please take note of the CSU policy on extensions, on page 12, below.


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