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Social Media Research Centre

Case study – Social Media Research Centre

During a meeting with his boss (David Wright), Bruce has been asked to establish a researcher centre. The research centre, which will commence operations in February 2018 first as an informal research group, should be established by June 2017. Alex’s decision to proceed with this major project is spurred by the fact that an associated organizational centre, which researches in a closely related area, has recently ceased operations. There is also a tremendous pressure from David’s senior executives to produce high quality research that is focused in nature. In fact one of David’s senior executives’ comments was that David’s Unit does not have a clear identity when it comes to its scholarly research output compared to the one in Australian National University. After several meetings with subject matter experts (consultants) and a rigorous analysis of the current trends in research in the area of information technology it has been decided that the most appropriate research area for the proposed research centre to focus on is social media. Fortunately several of David’s Unit staff are active researchers in this area. What made this direction even more attractive is that demand from Master and Doctoral students has been largely for programs in this area. David’s Unit also enjoys a very good relationship with an international expert Craig Bamworth in the social media area who has kindly agreed to offer his expertise to Bruce (the program manager).

One of the projects within the Social Media Research Centre larger project that Bruce has identified as important is the development of a web application for the proposed centre.

This application would include an internet website and section for members on the intranet. Bruce has appointed You as the manager of this project commencing work on 1 April 2017. Bruce’s team has conducted the feasibility study and financial analysis to confirm that project must go ahead and must commence as you join your role.

You must assist Bruce in preparing the project charter that need to be submitted within first week of May 2017 via a kick-off meeting to be held with all major stakeholders presenting and discussing the charter before they all signoff and approve charter.

This website should contain information about the major research projects, list of supervisors, Masters and PhD student projects, publications (conference and journal papers), and project reports. The application manager Sonia Reed should update all these details on the website using the intranet login. Members can also update their project details via their member account. It has also been identified by Bruce that displaying the information, program, recorded presentations and reports/publications of the events held in the area of social media research will help in promoting the centre. Sonia would collect this information from the events manager and update the information on the web application before, during and after the events as needed.

Your team must include appropriate experts to assess the application, network and database software and hardware needs to support this project.

Your manager, Bruce has given you guidance that the project needs to be completed within 8 months and that costs should be minimised wherever possible with given budget of AUD 50000.00
This assignment follows from the case study used in Assessment 2. For the same case study, complete the following tasks by creating the following:
1. WBS first using indented format. (25 marks)
2. Gantt chart-Take the WBS you have already developed. Define all of the activities that will be necessary to create each deliverable in your WBS. Create a schedule for your project. First create the schedule by hand using Post-it Notes, and then put the information into MS Project. Take screenshots of the schedule to be pasted in your word document that you are submitting. Be sure to include all of the summary rows (including the first row for the project title) and any key milestones. Make sure the critical path is easy to see.- 10 marks
3. Create a time-phased budget for your example project using bottom-up estimating. To the extent your sponsor will supply rates for workers, use those. Approximate rates for ones you cannot get. Ask your sponsor how they treat indirect costs. Be sure to include direct labour costs for you and your team mates and add 20% for fringe. State all assumptions and constraints you have used when creating your budget. State how confident you are in your estimates and what would make you more confident. Give examples of known knowns and known unknowns on your project. Tell how you have budgeted for both of them plus how you have budgeted for unknown unknowns. (15 marks)
4. Create a risk register ( 4 risks- 3 negative and 1 positive risk)for your example project. (20 marks)
5. Quality Management Plan. (10 marks) It should include:
A short statement that reflects your team’s philosophy or objective for ensuring that you deliver a quality system to your client. ( 4 marks)
Develop and describe 3 quality issues related to this project that your project team could implement to ensure quality ( 6 marks)
6. Closure checklist and project evaluation. (20 marks) :
Develop a closure checklist that the project team will use to ensure that the project has been closed properly.
Develop a project evaluation –outline and discuss how your project’s MOV will be evaluated.

This assessment task covers topics 5 to 9 and has been designed to ensure that you are engaging with the subject content on a regular basis. More specifically it seeks to assess your ability to:
o demonstrate how a practicing project manager actually applies project management skills,
o methods, techniques and tools ;
o use an industry standard project management software tool (Microsoft Project);
o apply project management skills, methods, techniques and tools to a real world problem typical of a project manager;
Marking criteria
Criteria FL P C D HD
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)- 20 marks unclear attempt that is ambiguous / incomplete WBS is mentioned with some breakdown of Project Scope. WBS is structured, having detailed coverage for Project scope / Phase of project. WBS is well structured, having logical and complete coverage for Project Execution WBS is structured, having logical and complete coverage for Project Execution and integrated into Project Schedule and Resource Matrix.
Gantt Chart ( 10 marks) unclear attempt that is ambiguous / incomplete Gantt chart shows- some activities included, schedule created, summary rows shown, few /none milestones shown Gantt chart shows- some activities included, schedule created, summary rows shown, first row shows project title , total duration shown, some milestones shown, critical path shown Gantt chart shows- most activities included, schedule created, summary rows shown, first row shows project title , total duration shown, most milestones shown, critical path shown Gantt chart shows- all activities included, schedule created, summary rows shown, first row shows project title , total duration shown, all necessary milestones shown, critical path shown and easy to see
Budget ( 15 marks) unclear attempt that is ambiguous / incomplete Bottom-up estimating done, few assumptions and constraints you have used when creating your budget stated. Budget extracted from MS Project showing overall budget Bottom-up estimating done. some assumptions and constraints you have used when creating your budget stated. Examples of known knowns and known unknowns on your project given. Budget extracted from MS Project showing overall and breakdown for all summary tasks and resource Bottom-up estimating done. Direct labour costs for you and your team mates and 20% for fringe included. Most assumptions and constraints you have used when creating your budget stated. Confidence level for estimation stated. Examples of known knowns and known unknowns on your project given. Budget extracted from MS Project showing overall and breakdown for all summary tasks and resource Bottom-up estimating done. Direct labour costs for you and your team mates and 20% for fringe included. All assumptions and constraints you have used when creating your budget stated. Confidence level for estimation stated. Examples of known knowns and known unknowns on your project given with explanation. Budget extracted from MS Project showing overall and breakdown for all summary tasks and resource along with various costs
Risk Register ( 20 marks) unclear attempt that is ambiguous / incomplete Some values of
Risk register
are accurate and
Consistent, some items of the register complete. Most values of
Risk register
are accurate and
Consistent, most items of the register complete. All values of
Risk register
are accurate and
Consistent, all items of the register complete. All values of
Risk register
are accurate and
consistent, all items of the register complete. Risks are relevant to the case study
A Closure
Checklist is produced alongside the development of a project evaluation.
(10 Marks) The closure checklist has been used to close the
project, and the evaluation was documented
minimally. The closure checklist has been used to close the
project, and the evaluation was documented
minimally. The closure checklist has been used appropriately to
close the project, and the evaluation has been adequately documented. The closure checklist is detailed, and has been used accurately to close the project. The evaluation has
been well documented The closure checklist is detailed,and has been used accurately to close
the project. The evaluation is comprehensively and accurately documented.

Students are required to submit the range of documents describing their proposed project solution for the above tasks.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
o The first major section (1.0) should be project management and include the various project management deliverables such as charter, WBS, schedule, progress reports, etc.
o Deliverables should match those in the charter.
o Each item on the WBS should have a unique name. If there is possible confusion between two items add an extra adjective to differentiate them. For example, two items could be “first draft report” and “second draft report.”
o Each line should be numbered with major sections being 1.0 then 2.0, etc.
o Each major section should be broken down into between three and twelve subsidiary sections. If further breakdown is needed, more levels should be used.
o All items on WBS are deliverables oriented (they are the “whats” of the project). Activities are defined as an outgrowth of the WBS and will appear in the schedule.
o The WBS can be submitted in free-form, org-chart, or indented-outline format.
o The WBS should appear to be complete with all interim and ending deliverables included.
Schedule / Gantt chart
o The schedule should appear to be complete given the charter and WBS.
o The schedule should appear to be reasonable without requiring heroics to complete on time.
o Include WBS column to left of task name column.
o Include overall project name as top row.
o Have all summaries stated in noun only format (or adjective noun – but on present tense verbs).
o Have all tasks (activities) stated in present tense verb-adjective-noun format.
o Have all milestones stated in noun and past tense verb format.
o All tasks should have dependencies shown – no loose ends.
o Display Gantt portion of schedule as large as possible.
o Show critical path in red (or distinctive hash marks if printer is only black).
o Show arrows with dependencies.
o Include no more than 40 lines per page – ensure it is large enough to read easily.
o Include no more pages than necessary so there is little need to align multiple pages for reading unless it is a large schedule.

All referencing in the project material must be in accordance with the APA style guide. A guide to the APA style of referencing (the style now used by the Faculty of Business) is available at:


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