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‘Required’ section below, by answering the five parts (a, b, c , d and e) of requirement 1 and compiling a Reference List as per requirement 2.

UNIT NO. 700005 Year/Term 2017.1
Assignment Details
WEIGHTING 15% Due Date Week
8 NO. OF PAGES (including cover sheet) 8
• The assessment is due to be uploaded by 11.59pm on Monday, 17th April 2017 to the Turnitin dropbox on vUWS.
• Detailed submission instructions are on page 4 of this document
The following is a research assessment that you are required to discuss and analyse as per the ‘Required’ section below, by answering the five parts (a, b, c , d and e) of requirement 1 and compiling a Reference List as per requirement 2.
This task relates to the concept of good corporate governance and ethics and how it leads to better business sustainability.
Read the Case Study below and the answer the questions relating to the case study. You will need to cite any references you utilise to support your answers including both in text citations and referencing
Elizabeth Michaels is the Financial Controller with Sameday Solutions Ltd, an entity that sells software products to accounting firms and small businesses, which is listed on Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). At present, Ms Michaels is analysing a number of software packages that focus on accounts receivable. She needs to pick one package that she can recommend to her clients. Each software vendor is keen to have their software selected as it will result in a significant increase in sales for their company.
Angus Johns is a salesperson for software company Rogue Ltd. He has told Ms Michaels that she should go to New York to analyse his company’s software package properly, because the programming experts there could give her a thorough demonstration. Mr Johns has also suggested that she take her family, so that she feels relaxed in a foreign country and is in the right frame of mind to undertake her analysis. He also suggests that Niagara Falls is worth visiting while Ms Michaels is over there. Rogue Ltd would pick up the expenses for the trip.
1. Using the information provided in the Case Study above and your knowledge of Corporate Governance, Ethics and Business Sustainability answer the following questions in Essay format.
a. A brief introduction (including definitions) on Corporate Governance, Ethics, Code of
Conduct and Business Sustainability.
b. Do you think Ms Michaels should take the trip? Outline any ethical concerns involved.
c. Do you think the management of Sameday Solutions Ltd should allow Ms Michaels to go on the trip? Justify your answer.
d. Do you think that Sameday Solutions Ltd should have a code of conduct? What would be the advantages and disadvantages to Sameday Solutions Ltd of having a code of conduct. Outline any ethical concerns involved.
e. Concluding remarks on how sound and ethical accounting practices and principles can lead to better business sustainability
2. Reference List:
Include any references you have used and cited in your report. You must use the Harvard referencing system as per the guide available from the WSU library website.
(Note: the reference list is not included in the word count).
While attempting this task you are STRONGLY reminded of the importance of maintaining the originality of your work. Please make sure you use your own words to describe your ideas, and acknowledging the ideas, opinions and theories of others where you include them in your work. Submitting work that is not your own original effort has serious consequences ranging from the need to re-­submit the assessment task to a finding of serious academic misconduct and suspension or exclusion from the college.
1. The ‘Individual Assignment Marking Guide’ on pages 6 and 7. It is imperative you follow this marking guide in order to have the opportunity to optimise the marks you may receive for this assignment. The marking guide shows what the marker will be looking for and what mark you will get if you reach certain levels of attainment. Print off a copy and use this to help you in your preparation.
2. Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 of the textbook. Birt, J, Chalmers, K, Maloney, S, Brooks, A & Oliver, J 2017, Accounting: business reporting for decision making, 6th edn, John Wiley & Sons, Milton
3. ASX Corporate Governance Principles 3rd Edition­compliance/cgc-­principles-­and-recommendations-­3rd-­edn.pdf
4. Websites of the professional accounting bodies, such as, CPA Australia, and The ICAA Australia. These links are available through the accounting subject page of the WSU Library website (see internet link tab on said page).
5. The library resources link on vUWS and academic articles accessed via the library database. From library website e-­Resources (scroll down to) Accounting select either ABI/INFORM or ACCOUNT. You can search using suitable keywords.
6. The library website at This will ensure you use the correct referencing approach. This is the area that many students lose marks on please ensure that you not only cite all in text citations but also acknowledge your sources of information even if you have paraphrased.
1) Students are required to upload their assignment online through Turnitin on vUWS by
11.59pm, Monday, 17th April, 2017.
2) This is an online submission only assignment. The digital receipt generated by Turnitin and sent to the student’s email account should be retained as proof of submission.
3) The report must be word processed in Arial or Times New Roman font, 12 point with a line-­spacing of 1.5.
4) The length of the submitted work should be 750 words +/-­ 10% (excluding the appendix and reference list).
5) Please refer to the Learning Guide for details on Late Submissions and Special Considerations.
6) The Individual Assignment Marking Guide (see page 6-­7) will show you how your mark has been determined and provide a form of additional feedback.
7) Please note this is an individual assignment and students should work independently.
Any evidence of collusion will be reviewed and may lead to the application of the Student Misconduct Rule.
8) It is not necessary to include a cover page, table of contents or an executive summary. If included, these sections will not contribute towards the total word count or the total marks.
9) You must include a reference list and in-­text citation wherever used. Please include any references you have used and cited in your report. You must use the Harvard referencing system as per the guide available from the Western Sydney University library website. For guidance on referencing, please see the attached style guide in the vUWS folder. This will ensure that you use the correct referencing approach. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
What sort of language does this assignment require?
Specialised terms, or “jargon”, should be defined but everyday terms should not. Do not assume that your reader is an expert in the area being discussed, nor assume that they are entirely uneducated.
How many references do we need?
The reference list should contain only those resources that have actually been referred to (or “cited”) in the assignment itself. The quantity of references is not as important as the quality of your references;; the relevance of your references and how the references are used in your assignment. It is expected for a pass grade in this assignment that a minimum of 4 separate references are used.
Can we ask people we know and use their views and include it in the assignment?
No. Use published sources only.
Will our tutor (or other staff) read our drafts before we submit?
No. We will give guidance but will not actually read (or proof-­read) any reports in advance.
Who should I ask if I have more questions?
You should ask your tutor as there may be other students who have the same questions and there is a need for consistency in advice.
How does the assignment contribute to my assessment mark?
This assignment is worth 15% of your total marks in the unit. You will be given a mark out of 100, which will then be converted to a mark out of 15 for this assessment task.
What is being asked for? Are we on the right track?
Making sure you understand what is being asked for is the first step! A good answer to a question that has not been asked is actually a bad answer! Reading Chapter 2 of the textbook would be a good starting point! In particular look at ethics, business sustainability and corporate governance. Other areas to consider are the role of corporate social responsibility and triple bottom line reporting.
Part 1 (a)
/15 There is no introduction. There is an attempt at an introduction but it does not
• include a thesis statement
• preview the stages of the essay and
• does not include definitions of CG or Sustainability or Ethics There is an identifiable introductory statement which:
• includes a thesis statement
• includes only one definition of either corporate governance, sustainability or Ethics
• does not preview the stages of the essay. There is an
introductory statement which:
• includes a thesis statement
• includes two definitions of either Sustainability, corporate governance or Ethics Definitions
• previews the stages of the essay There is a clearly identifiable introductory paragraph which:
• includes a thesis statement
• includes definitions of Sustainability, corporate governance and
• does not preview the stages of the essay.
There is a clearly identifiable introductory paragraph which:
• includes a thesis statement
• includes definitions
• previews the stages of the essay.
0 1-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-15
Part 1 (b)
There is no response to the question There is an attempt at a response from the perspective of the individual but it has
• no justification
• no discussion of ethical considerations
There is an attempt at a response from the perspective of the individual but it has
• no justification
• no discussion of ethical considerations
There is an attempt at a response from the perspective of the individual which includes a
• justification
• discussion of ethical considerations
There is a considered response from the perspective of the individual which includes a
• detailed justification
• discussion of ethical considerations :
There is a detailed response from the perspective of the individual which includes:
• detailed justification and including linking
to principles of corporate governance
• discussion of ethical considerations including linking to
principles of corporate governance
0 1-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-15
Part 1 (c)
There is no response to the question . There is an attempt at a response from the perspective of Sameday Solutions Ltd but it has
• no justification
• no discussion of ethical considerations
There is an attempt at a response from the perspective of Sameday Solutions Ltd but it has
• no justification
• no discussion of ethical considerations
There is an attempt at a response from the perspective of
Sameday Solutions
Ltd which includes a
• justification
• discussion of ethical considerations
There is a considered response from the perspective of
Sameday Solutions
Ltd which includes a
• detailed justification
• discussion of ethical considerations :
There is a detailed response from the perspective of Sameday Solutions Ltd which includes:
• detailed justification and links to principles of corporate governance
• discussion of ethical considerations including linking to principles of corporate governance
0 1-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-15
Part 1 (d)
There is no response to the question There is an attempt at a response but it does not state the
• advantages of a code of conduct
• disadvantages of a code of conduct There is an attempt at a response but it does not state either the
• advantages of a code of conduct
• disadvantages of a code of conduct There is an attempt at a response which states both the
• advantages of a code of conduct AND
• the disadvantages of a code of conduct There is a considered response which states the
• advantages of a code of conduct by linking to corporate governance AND
• disadvantages of a code of conduct considerations by
linking to corporate governance There is a considered response which states the
• advantages of a code of conduct by linking to corporate governance AND
• disadvantages of a code of conduct consideration by linking to corporate governance AND
• links to relevant
0 1-4 5-7 8-10 11-13 14-15
Part 1(e)
/10 There is no conclusion. There is an attempt at a conclusion but it does not
• restate the thesis statement or
• summarize the main points. There is an identifiable concluding statement but it does not
• restate the thesis statement or
• summarize the main points. There is an identifiable concluding statement which
• restates the thesis statement and
• summarizes the main points There is a clearly identifiable concluding paragraph which
• restates the thesis statement
• summarizes the main points
• has a concluding statement regarding accounting practices and business sustainability. There is a clearly identifiable concluding paragraph which:
• restates the thesis statement
• summarizes the main points
• has a concluding statement regarding accounting practices and business sustainability.
0-1 2-3 4-5 6 7-8 9-10
Grammar &
/10 • Does not use formal, objective and concise language
• Has major grammatical errors
making the essay
difficult to comprehend. • Does not use formal, objective and concise
• There are a lot of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. • Sometimes uses formal, objective and
concise language
• There are some connections between ideas and sentences.
• There are some spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors • Often uses formal, objective and
concise language
• There are logical connections between ideas and sentences.
• There are a few spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors • Predominately uses formal, objective and concise language
• Ideas are concise and formal
• There are some clear and logical connections between ideas and sentences
• There are minor
spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. • Almost always uses formal, objective and
concise language
• Ideas are concise and formal
• there are clear and logical connections between ideas, sentences and paragraphs
• There are no spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors.
0-1 2-3 4-5 6 7-8 9-10
Harvard WSU
/15 Not in any known referencing format
• Missing required bibliographic details
• no references or in text citations included
All or most references and in text citations are not in Harvard WSU style but all required bibliographic details are present.
• May or may not include view date and URL present
• they are poorly formatted.
All references and in text citations are in Harvard WSU style but
• some required bibliographic details are not present
• they are poorly formatted. The Harvard WSU
style for referencing and in text citations are acceptable
• Most of the required bibliographic details are present and/or
• Not correctly formatted. The Harvard WSU
style for referencing and in text citations are very good.
• All required bibliographic details are present.
• It is not properly punctuated and/or
• May or may not include view date and URL.
• Correctly formatted. The Harvard WSU style for referencing and in text citations are excellent.
• Authors’ names and dates are presented correctly.
• Titles are italicised.
• All required bibliographic details are present.
• May or may not include view date and URL.
• Properly punctuated & formatted
0-2 3-5 6-8 9-11 12-13 14-15
Word Limit formatting and coversheet
750 words +/- 10% - 675-825 words
• Outside word
limit (less than 675 or greater than 825)
• Formatting does
not follow instructions (font
size and spacing) • Within Word Limit
• Formatting follows instructions (font size and spacing)
0 5


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