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Principles and Practice of Cloud Computing. Information technology began from analogue devices where “Antikythera” is the first known analogue computer from about first century BC. I

Complete 5 pages APA formatted article: Principles and Practice of Cloud Computing. Information technology began from analogue devices where “Antikythera” is the first known analogue computer from about first century BC. In the late 1930s, the first electronic computer was invented. It uses relays in the transmission of information. According to ( ), Zuse Z3 was first put to use in the early 1940s, as the first programmable computer in the whole world. So far, it is the first machine in the world to perform complete computing. The first digital computer invented is Colossus, which can only execute one task at a go. It was invented during the Second World War to aid in the collection and dissemination of data in Germany. This machine lacked data storage memory. Manchester Small Scale Experimental Machine was the first among the modern electronic digital computers in the market. Since then, great advances have been made in the IT industry with new model computers of low power consumption and high efficiency.

Annan (2002) notes that the information society is a way for the human capacity to be expanded, built up, nourished, and liberated by giving people access to tools and technologies, with the education and training to use them effectively. There is a unique opportunity to connect and assist those living in the poorest and most isolated regions of the world. Informatization of society is a major hurdle that most nations, especially developing countries, are encountering. The information society or information age is a phenomenon that began after 1950, which brings challenges as we seek to integrate and expand the universe of print and multimedia sources. The two terms are often used to describe a cybernetic society in which there is a great dependence on the use of computers and data transmission linkages to generate and transmit information (Bruce, 1995).

The African Information Society (AISI) document (2005) argues that Africa should build, by the year 2010, an information society in which every man, woman, child, village, public and private&nbsp.sector office has secured access to the use of computers and telecommunications media.
