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Human Resource Management (HRM) theories and concepts and apply them to the modern workplace.

 Subject Title Introduction to Human Resources

Subject Code HRM100
Lecturer / Tutor Raymond Wiranatakusuma
Trimester September 2020
Assessment Title Final Assessment (Assessment 3)
Learning Outcome/s a) Understand contemporary Human Resource Management (HRM) theories and concepts and apply them to the modern workplace.
b) Define the role and objectives of HRM and its link to organisational objectives and success.
c) Identify the phases of the Employee Life Cycle and how they can help facilitate a competitive advantage for an organisation.
d) Describe the ethical and governance challenge facing HR
Managers in developing policies and procedure
Assessment type Individual
Weighting 40%
Word count Approximately 500 words per answer (approximately 2000 words in total)
Due date Week 11 – Sunday 23:59
Class submission Online ?
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment This assessment is a Written Task
ICMS Cover Page
Five (5) tasks are presented below. Please choose ONLY four (4) tasks and complete them.
If you use information from any sources, these MUST be referenced as per ICMS Style Guide. In addition to in-text references, you must provide reference list in the end of each answer.
You must ensure that your work does not contain plagiarism.
This is an individual assignment. You must not get help from others.
Do not discuss your answers with anyone.
instructions Complete only FOUR of the following tasks. Each task is worth 25 marks.
1. Choose ONE of the following options:
- Front office staff for a 5-star hotel (e.g. Hilton, Marriott, etc.) in Sydney
- Baristas for a coffee chain (e.g. Gloria Jeans, Starbucks, Coffee Club) in Sydney
- Bank tellers for a major bank in Australia
Explain the importance of conducting a job analysis and describe how you would conduct a job analysis for the position that you have chosen.
2. Explain how you would administer each stage of the ADDIE model to successfully plan, implement, and evaluate a customer service training program for front line staff of a supermarket such as Coles & Woolworths.
3. Explain what MBO is. Using a job/position in an organisation that you are familiar with, discuss 2 possible advantages and 2
possible disadvantages of using MBO to manage the performance of the job holder.
4. Discuss the main difference between internal and external rewards. Explain the importance of providing both internal and external rewards. Use examples to clarify your explanation.
5. Discuss the following statement:
“HR has a crucial role to play in ensuring work health and safety”. Choose a company that you are familiar with. Explain how the HR department of that company can help ensuring work health and safety.
Content 70% Excellent summation of sections and detailed explanation.

Excellent use of examples. Impressive summation and
Very good use of examples. Solid summation and explanation.
Satisfactory use of examples. Acceptable summation and explanation.
Acceptable use of examples.
Inadequate or poor summation
and explanation.

Inappropriate or inadequate use of examples.
Referencing 15% Correct referencing as per ICMS Style Guide
Excellent use of at least 2 - 3 high-quality references per answer
References are used to provide definitions and support explanation. Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with very few minor mistakes
Very good use
of at least 2 - 3 high-quality references per answer
References are used to provide definitions and support explanation.
Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with only several minor mistakes
Good use of at least 2 high- quality references per answer
References are mostly just used to provide definitions. Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with several mistakes
Satisfactory use of at least 2 acceptable quality references per answer.
References are mostly just used to provide definitions. Failure to reference correctly by using ICMS
Style Guide.
Failure to use acceptable quality references.
References are mostly just used
to provide
Presentation 15%
Articulated clearly through very good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Articulated clearly through
good grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. Only few minor errors. Articulated satisfactorily, answer contains some grammar, punctuation,
and spelling errors. Articulated adequately with inconsistent, yet acceptable grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Poor articulation that is difficult to understand. Lacking in acceptable grammar, punctuation, and spelling 
