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Map the customer value journey

 Subject Title Digital Marketing

Subject Code MKT103A
Assessment Title Design Project
Learning Outcome/s (found in the Subject Outline) a) Describe new marketing trends that use digital marketing
b) Indicate the importance of digital media in todays marketing and communication planning
d) Identify trends in online consumer behaviour
Assessment type (group or individual) Individual
Weighting % 40%
Word count 1500 words +/- 10% excluding cover, references, appendices
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment
Report: Digital Marketing Plan
ICMS Cover Page
Table of Contents
Reference List
Appendices (Portfolio) of Mock-ups
Assessment instructions Drawing upon trends in digital marketing and online consumer behaviour, design a digital marketing campaign and a marketing funnel blueprint using the RACE model. The project focuses on an imaginary business in the coaching industry. Feel free to niche down into a specific type of coaching business (health, life, spiritual, business etc.), with the objectives of 1) increasing awareness of and positioning the coach as an expert and 2) increasing the mailing list for the business. Apply theories, concepts, methods and strategies covered in this unit when designing and justifying your choices including the choice of digital media and strategies employed in the marketing funnel design. Be sure to map the customer value journey for your customer avatar as part of the planning and design process.
Students are to:
• Map the customer value journey
• Create a visual blueprint of the marketing funnel
• Provide a 1500-word (+/- 10%) Digital Marketing Plan with an appendix of mock-up marketing collateral. The following elements are be included:
o Introduction/Background of Coaching Business o Value Proposition
o Target Audience / Customer Avatar o Strategy Overview & Justification:
? Justifications for funnel choices/approach—which theories, models, concepts did you employ when making these decisions.
? Justifications for digital media choices/approach— which theories, models, concepts did you employ when making these decisions.
? Justifications for measurement decisions/tools— which theories, models, concepts did you employ when making these decisions.
o Based on the Strategy—Create a portfolio of mock-ups which represent a cohesive whole. Provide one example of the following:
? Lead magnet—front page mock-up, short description of content—pdf of page
? Content article—based on the lead magnet and/or coach as expert—100 words
? Social media ad—pointing to the lead magnet
? Google ad copy---pointing to the lead magnet
? Landing page (for collecting email addresses)—pdf of page
? Thank you page or Upsell page)—pdf of page
Readings for the assessment To assist you with writing this report, use the materials found on your
• Moodle page (lecture slides, recommended and additional readings or other documents). • Class content.
• Useful links posted on Moodle.
Complete the Module activities which are designed to support the critical tasks of this Assessment.
Grading Criteria / Rubric See below
Assessment 3 –Design Project – Marking Rubric
Criteria High Distinction
(85-100) Distinction
(75-84) Credit (65-74) Pass (50-64) Fail
Marketing Funnel Visual Blueprint
The funnel blueprint is complete with all elements addressed/labelled, visually easy to follow the proposed strategy. Industry best practices followed. The funnel blueprint is mostly complete with an element missing or not addressed/labelled appropriately, visually easy to follow the proposed strategy mostly. Industry best practices mostly followed. The funnel blueprint is somewhat complete with 2 elements missing or not addressed/ labelled appropriately, visually easy to follow the proposed strategy somewhat. Industry best practices somewhat followed. The funnel blueprint is minimally complete with 3 elements missing or not addressed/ labelled appropriately, not visually easy to follow the proposed strategy. Industry best practices minimally followed. Not included. Or the funnel blueprint is incomplete missing more than 3 elements or not addressed/ labelled appropriately, visually confused or strategy not discernible. Does not follow industry best practice.
Customer Value
Journey Map
Customer Value Journey Map is complete and there is a consistent approach throughout the journey. It is well thought out and draws upon industry standards as well as relevant theories, methods and concepts. Customer Value Journey Map is complete and there is mostly a consistent approach throughout the journey. It is mostly well thought out and mostly draws upon industry standards as well as relevant theories, methods and concepts. Customer Value Journey Map is mostly complete there is a somewhat consistent approach throughout the journey.
It is somewhat well thought out and somewhat draws upon industry standards as well as relevant theories, methods and concepts. Customer Value Journey Map is missing an element, there are a few inconsistencies in the customer journey and minimally draws upon industry standards or relevant theories, methods and concepts. Customer Value Journey Map is missing more than 1 element, there are numerous inconsistencies in the customer journey or it barely draws upon industry standards or relevant theories, methods and concepts.
Introduction/Com pany Background
5% All sections were included. Shows a full and deep understanding of the topics. The topics were fully elaborated upon. All sections were included. Shows an understanding of the topics, but further elaboration is needed in one or two sections. All sections were included. Shows a under-standing of most of the topics, but greater depth and elaboration was needed in many sections.
All sections were included, or one section was missing. Shows a basic understanding of the topics with greater depth and elaboration needed in many sections. More than one section was excluded. Shows a superficial or incorrect understanding of most topics. No depth of understanding.
Target Audience,
Customer Avatar,
Value Proposition
10% Exceptional level of systematic and critical understanding of target audience identification and analysis. Advanced and integrated awareness of target audience identification and analysis. Proficient awareness of target audience identification and analysis Basic awareness of target audience identification and analysis. No/limited awareness of target audience identification and analysis.
RACE Model—
Overview & Justification
A clear, evidence-supported marketing funnel strategy was designed incorporating digital media choices/approach and proposed campaign measures.
Theories, concepts and methods are accurately applied and used to justify strategic decisions regarding marketing funnel design/choice, digital media choices/approach, and measurement design/tools. A mostly clear, mostly evidence-supported marketing funnel strategy was designed incorporating digital media choices/approach and proposed campaign measures.
Theories, concepts and methods are accurately applied and used to justify strategic decisions regarding marketing funnel design/choice, digital media choices/approach, and measurement design/tools. A somewhat clear, generally evidence-supported marketing funnel strategy was designed incorporating digital media choices/approach and proposed campaign measures.
Theories, concepts and methods were applied accurately in most instances, but further elaboration could have been provided when justifying strategic decisions regarding marketing funnel design/choice, digital media choices/approach, and measurement design/tools. The marketing funnel strategy was limited with minimal evidence to the strategy. Digital media choices/approach and proposed campaign measures were included but were disjointed compared to the strategy or limited in nature.
Some theories, concepts and methods were applied accurately in some instances, but further elaboration could have been provided when justifying strategic decisions regarding marketing funnel design/choice, digital media choices/approach, and measurement design/tools. The marketing funnel was unclear or confused in nature with little or no evidence to support the strategy. The digital media choices/approach and proposed campaign measures may or may not have been incorporated and where evident greater elaboration was needed.
Few or no theories, concepts and methods were applied when justifying strategic decisions regarding marketing funnel design/choice, digital media choices/approach, and measurement design/tools.
Marketing Collateral Mockups
25% All mock-ups included. Mockups follow best practice for each category and support the marketing funnel design and strategy. All mock-ups included and mostly follow industry best practice for each category. The mock-ups mostly support the marketing funnel design and strategy. 1or 2 Mock-ups missing and/or mock-ups only somewhat follow industry best practice for each category. The mock-ups somewhat support the 3 Mock-ups missing and/or mock-ups loosely follow industry best practice for each category. The mockups somewhat support the marketing funnel design and strategy. More than 3 Mock-ups missing and/or the mockups do not follow industry best practice for each category. Or, the mock-ups do not support the
marketing funnel design and strategy. marketing funnel design and strategy.
Presentation, and structure
10% Professional presentation and effective communication of strategy, fully supported with rationale and justifications. Outstanding report structure and communication of ideas enhances readability. Free of errors and logical flow, appropriate sections.
Well-structured presentation and communication of strategy, supported with rationale and justifications that closely correspond to the elements of the report. Very good report structure, free of errors and has a logical flow, appropriate sections. Appropriate presentation and communication of strategy, supported with some rationale and justifications. Good report structure, free of errors and has a logical flow, appropriate sections. Presentation that shows some evidence of report structure, but errors may detract from communication of strategy. There are some rationale or justifications used but they may not correspond to the elements and sometimes detract from readability. Basic report structure, some errors and hard to follow, some sections are missing. Lacks evidence of a structured presentation with limited depth in the strategy. The few justifications used do not correspond to the key elements. Missing appropriate report structure, contains errors and hard to follow, appropriate sections are missing


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