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How and How Not to Love Mankind ( )

 You will write a 1000-1500 word response to your chosen paper topic from the list below.

Learning Objectives:

Students will demonstrate their ability to construct arguments about issues of both personal and universal significance. Their writing should demonstrate that they can construct cogent, concise, and logically coherent arguments.


Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms that effectively undermine, through the use of appropriate counter-examples, some premise of that argument. 

Your assignment is to read any ONE of the following four articles:

Roads to Serfdom ( )

The Frivolity of Evil ( )

How and How Not to Love Mankind ( )

What We Have to Lose ( )

Then, FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) What is the author's main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-9) to your analysis. Make sure to give a substantive explanation of how the philosophers' insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.

 WORD OF WARNING: These articles are rather long and complex. The author likes to make extensive use of his rather copious vocabulary, so I strongly urge you to have handy as you work your way through your chosen article. The purpose of this essay assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to discuss, analyze, and evaluate complex philosophic arguments. I am confident that the reading assignments, tests, and discussion boards will have prepared you for this final, and no doubt challenging, essay assignment


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class

CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on The Frivolity of Evil



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