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Consistently demonstrates an accurate and complete level of understanding of contemporary issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality

 Assessment 4: Learning Journal (15%) Due date: Week 11

3 entries x 500 – 700 words each
To demonstrate students knowledge and understanding of the topics studied in this unit, they will be given three questions relating to topics discussed in specific lectures/tutorials during the term.
These questions will enable students to demonstrate their own understanding of contemporary issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality. Students will be able to also provide their own opinions regarding each of the question topics in their answers.
Students must answer each of the questions in 500 - 700 words per question and submit all questions together as one assessment.
Your learning journal should include at least 5 (scholarly) journal articles read, in addition to any textbook references. Use APA 7 Referencing. The format of your journal will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials.
Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.
Criteria for report High Distinction 80% - Distinction 70%- 79% Credit
60-69% Pass 50-59% Fail
Analysis of literature on topic
35% Consistently demonstrates an accurate and complete level of understanding of contemporary
issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality, draws on most recent scholarly literature Most of the time, demonstrates an accurate and complete level of understanding of contemporary
issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality, draws on relevant scholarly literature Demonstrates some level of understanding of contemporary
issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality, often cites the relevant literature. Demonstrates some level of understanding of contemporary
issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality, not always accurate and sometimes incomplete, sometimes cites the relevant literature. Explanations of contemporary
issues in Australia concerning social
and economic inequality, research inaccurate or incomplete, does not cite the relevant literature.
Conclusions derived from analysis and
assessment of the topic
30% Shows an in-deep understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population Shows an excellent understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population Shows a good understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population Shows a basic understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population Shows poor, insufficient understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population
Use and depth of research
20% A comprehensive description is developed. Summarises and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research A strong description is developed. Summarises and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research A good description is developed. Summarises and
shows some
insightful synthesis of the literature information, identifies some limitations of the research Description is fairly well developed. It
summarises the
overall information obtained from the research and synthesises adequately the knowledge gained Description is not well developed. It lacks summary and/or any synthesis of the relevant literature
Presentation of report and correct
references used
15% All levels of content are covered in depth. Wide range of contemporary references and sources are well cited when specific statements are
made High level of content is covered in depth. Wide range of good references and sources are well cited when specific statements are
made Appropriate content is covered in reasonable depth. Sources are generally well cited when specific statements are
made Most major sections of the relevant content included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as expected
References were basic and some errors of citation Major sections of relevant content have been omitted or missed Inadequate references and poor citation
TOTAL: / 25%


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