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Introduction: Explain why there is unemployment in your country of birth?

Analyse unemployment in the Australian economy under the following headings:
Analyse unemployment in the Australian economy under the following headings:
•? Introduction: Explain why there is unemployment in your country of birth?
•?How is unemployment measured?
•?What is the causes of unemployment in the Australian Economy
•?Classify underemployment accompanied by practical examples reflecting on the Australian labour market.
•?Determine why unemployment varies from region to region in Australia example Western Australia vs. Northern territories?
•?What policies the Australian government can implement to decrease unemployment accompanied by practical examples?
•?Conclusion: How can the government decrease unemployment in your country of birth
This assignment builds on your theoretical knowledge and aims to put that theoretical learning into application.
Rubric Individual Assignment (30%) + - 1500 words
Due Date Week 8
Criteria High Distinction
80% - Distinction
70%- 79% Credit
60-69% Pass
50-59% Fail
Analysis of literature on topic Provides accurate and complete explanation of unemployment, how it’s measured and causes of unemployment accompanied by accurate additional research on causes of unemployment. Provides accurate explanation of unemployment, how it’s measured and causes of unemployment accompanied by research on causes of unemployment. Good explanations of unemployment and how it’s measured with some additional research on different measurements of unemployment. Explanations of unemployment and how it’s measured are not always accurate and sometimes incomplete, sometimes cites the relevant literature. There is some additional research on causes of unemployment. Explanations of unemployment and how it’s measured are inaccurate or incomplete, does not cite the relevant literature, with no additional research on causes of unemployment.
Conclusions derived from analysis Provides an accurate and complete analysis of unemployment in the various sectors of the Australian economy and the impact of government regulation on the labour market. Demonstrated by a complete and accurate graphic analysis of inefficiencies caused by government intervention. Provides an excellent analysis of unemployment in the various sectors of the Australian economy and the impact of government regulation on the labour market. Demonstrated by a complete graphic analysis of inefficiencies caused by government intervention. Shows a good analysis of unemployment in the various sectors of the Australian economy and the impact of government regulation on the labour market. Demonstrated by a good graphic analysis of inefficiencies caused by government intervention. Shows a basic analysis of unemployment in the various sectors of the Australian economy and the impact of government regulation on the labour market. Demonstrated by average graphic analysis of inefficiencies caused by government intervention. Shows poor and insufficient analysis of unemployment in the various sectors of the Australian economy and a poor understanding of the impact of government regulation on the labour market demonstrated by a graphic analysis of inefficiencies caused by government intervention.
Use and depth of research Provides an accurate and complete in depth research on the topic, accompanied by additional research. Provides a good in depth research on the topic, accompanied by additional research. Provides above average research on the topic, accompanied by additional research. Provides average research on the topic, accompanied by additional research. Provides poor insufficient research on the topic, accompanied by additional research.
Final conclusion drawn Is able to provide an excellent argumentative conclusion on unemployment in the Australian economy Is able to provide an very good argumentative conclusion on unemployment in the Australian economy Is able to provide an above average argumentative conclusion on unemployment in the Australian economy Is able to provide an average conclusion on unemployment in the Australian economy Provides a poor insufficient conclusion on unemployment in the Australian economy
Assessment Criteria of Individual Assignment
Literature Review and Analysis
Analysis of literature on topic: Correctly identify why there is unemployment in your country of origin/birth. How unemployment is measured. Underemployment and regional unemployment and reasons for skewness in regional unemployment. 40%
Conclusions derived from analysis: What policies the government can implement to decrease unemployment and how does it relate to your country of birth? 30%
Use and depth of research 15%
Presentation of report, introduction and correct references used 15%
TOTAL 100%
TOTAL /20%


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