This subject describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook a range of seafood.
SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Portfolio Task 2
Course SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management SIT40516 Certificate 4 Commercial Cookery
Subject Title SITKS316 Kitchen Studies 3
Delivery Mode ?Full time ?Part time ?Online ?On-campus
Unit(s) of
Competency SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Title of Assessment Task Assessment 2: Portfolio Task 2
Date Due End of Module 4
This subject describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook a range of seafood. It also requires the underpinning knowledge to understand the theoretical components to produce meat dishes.
Assessment Instructions
Activity A – Recipe research activity
This assessment requires the learner to conduct their own research. It consists of two tasks which must be submitted together.
Task 1 requires the learner to obtain seafood recipes and complete the tables provided. The recipes must be attached to the completed tables when submitted.
Task 2 requires the learner to answer questions relating to the recipes in Task 1 and provide information on recipe yield, problem solving, and safety issues
Activity B – apply equipment knowledge
This assessment requires the learner to think about the equipment would use if preparing the recipes researched in Activity A.
It requires the learner to do the following:
• choose four items of equipment commonly used when preparing fish and shellfish
? select one item of equipment that is motorised item such a slicer, peeler, mixer, blender or vitamiser.
? select one item of equipment that is electrically or gas powered. Examples are an oven, char griller, salamander, deep fryer, pressure or atmospheric steamer.
? select other items of equipment, small or large, commonly used when preparing fish and shellfish.
• fill in a table identifying each piece of equipment and answer questions.
Last updated 12/07/2017
Activity C – Portfolio of information
This assessment requires the learner to collate a portfolio containing useful resources, contacts and information related to producing seafood dishes. The information learners collect should include, but is not limited to, the list provided in Activity C.
Learners should collect the information over the duration of the unit and submit it at the end, along with the answers to the provided supporting questions.
• All questions must be attempted
• If you have difficulty reading or understanding the questions or writing your answers please ask your lecturer for help.
• All questions must be satisfactorily answered / addressed / completed in order for you to achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome for this assessment.
• Please note that this is one assessment from the range of assessment tasks you will complete. You must complete all assessment tasks in this subject. Please refer to your subject outline for information on the other assessment tasks.
• Clear, constructive and accurate feedback will be given to you on your results and performance by comments on exam paper.
• The assessment items you submit will be retained by the college as evidence of your performance.
Criteria Instructions
Part A- Task 1
? Research and obtain two recipes – from home, the Internet, library, your workplace. It is preferred that you don’t use recipes from your training environment so you have exposure to different recipes.
? Complete the following tables for both of your chosen recipes. Attach the recipes to each table when submitting to the assessor.
Portion yield
Ingredients required including quantities
Quality indicators to look out for when choosing ingredients
Equipment required (include size) for preparation and production
Measuring tools required for ingredients
Q3: What safety requirements relate to the use of equipment and method of cookery used for this recipe?
Q4: What potential problems could occur during the cooking process and what steps will you take to prevent them?
Q5: How can you evaluate the quality and suitability of the dish before it is served to the customer? What checks could you complete, and what adjustments might need to be made?
Q6: Are there any by-products from preparation tasks which can be used for other purposes? If yes, how can they be used?
Q7: Is the dish semi- or fully prepared prior to service? If yes, how is it stored until required for service?
SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Portfolio Task 2
Part B
Using equipment effectively and safely
• You are required to think about the equipment you would use if preparing the recipes researched in Activity A.
• Choose four items of equipment commonly used when preparing fish and shellfish.
? Select one item of equipment that is motorised item such a slicer, peeler, mixer, blender or vitamiser.
? Select one item of equipment that is electrically or gas powered. Examples are an oven, char griller, salamander, deep fryer, pressure or atmospheric steamer.
? Select other items of equipment, small or large, commonly used when preparing fish and shellfish.
• Fill in table below identifying each piece of equipment.
• Make sure you answer all questions.
Questions Example Equipment name
Paring knife
What preparation tasks are completed, or methods of cookery used, by this item of equipment? Peeling, slicing,
What food off-cuts or byproducts result from preparing ingredients using this item of equipment? Peelings, trimmings
Can any of these be reused elsewhere in the kitchen? If yes, where or how? Preparation of stocks
Does the item of equipment require assembly? If yes, briefly describe the steps required to assemble the item. No
Last updated 12/07/2017
Briefly describe the safety procedures you should follow when using the item of equipment. Never handle the
knife by the blade.
Briefly describe the hygiene procedures you should follow when assembling and using the item. Clean knife between different
preparation tasks.
How does this equipment aid in your mise en place tasks and productivity? Increases speed of
preparation tasks
SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Portfolio Task 2
Part C
Gather a range of information
• Put together a portfolio of useful resources, contacts and information related to producing seafood dishes.
• Information should be collected over the duration of the unit and submitted nearing the end of study for this unit, as directed by your assessor.
• Your portfolio will be viewed by your assessor, but you should retain it for future reference.
Types of information you should include.
• Samples of standard recipes and portioning guides from your workplace or training environment. • Samples of recipes used to prepare dishes in Activity A.
• Photographs of a range of completed dishes you have prepared using a variety of cooking methods.
• List of useful or favourite cookery websites.
• Nutritional information on the different varieties of fish and shellfish.
• Copies of equipment safety checks, product lists, brochures or manufacturer's instructions for assembly, cleaning, use and maintenance.
• A copy of your establishment's menu.
• Relevant magazine articles or pictures related to modern food presentation methods.
• Articles or flyers containing useful tips on how to minimise waste.
• Checklists of food quality indicators to look out for.
• Classification chart for fish and shellfish.
• Source (local or international), characteristics and seasonal availability of varieties of fish and shellfish sold commercially.
• Sustainable fishing practices for seafood.
• Workflow planning tools, checklists or charts – including any task or priority lists showing evidence of your planning and organisational skills.
• Conversion tables for different temperatures and units of measure.
• Flyers, websites or information sheets relating to food safety and hygiene practices.
• Any other useful resources related to producing dishes.
Question and answer
• Answer the following questions relating to the information you have researched.
• Make sure you answer all questions and submit these along with your portfolio of information.
Q1: Standard recipes for similar dishes usually follow a standard preparation sequence. Based on the recipes you have researched, what is a common preparation sequence for fish and shellfish dishes?
Last updated 12/07/2017
Q2: Based on your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched, what equipment do you commonly use in a commercial kitchen to weigh, measure, portion and prepare ingredients for fish and shellfish dishes?
Q3: Based on your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched, list the varieties of fish and shellfish used to prepare seafood dishes.
Q4: During your research, what types of dishes required the use of frozen seafood products?
Was the seafood ingredient thawed before use or cooked from frozen? List examples of recipes and the type(s) of frozen products used.
Q5: Based on your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched, what preparation techniques or cuts are commonly used to prepare fish and shellfish? Why do you think these are used in preference to other methods?
Q6: Based on your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched, what are the most common methods of cookery used to prepare fish and seafood? Why do you think these are used in preference to other methods?
Q7: What nutritional information about fish or shellfish or suggestions for healthier methods of cookery are provided in your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched?
Q8: What classical and contemporary fish and shellfish recipes have you discovered when developing your portfolio? List some examples.
Q9: How do the preparation techniques (mixing, blending, puréeing, marinating, etc) and different culinary cuts used help determine the appearance, texture, taste, presentation and visual appeal of prepared fish and seafood dishes?
Q10: Describe any presentation techniques and ideas you have discovered during your research which could be incorporated into your workplace or training organisation. Include relevant garnishing or service ware suggestions.
Submission Instructions
The work is to be submitted via the learning portal. Your work should be clearly marked with your name and group information.
? Part A
? Part B
? Part C
? Copy of the marking sheet
Assessment Process
• All items must be submitted.
• All items must be satisfactorily answered / addressed / completed in order for you to achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome for this assessment.
• Please note that this is one assessment from the range of assessment tasks you will complete. You must complete all assessment tasks in this subject. Please refer to your subject outline for information on the other assessment tasks.
• Clear, constructive and accurate feedback will be given to you on your results and performance by feedback from your lecturer
• The assessment items you submit will be retained by the college as evidence of your performance.
College Policies and Procedures relating to assessments, and associated forms, are available via
Course SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
SIT40516 Certificate 4 Commercial Cookery
Subject Title SITKS3116 Kitchen Studies 3
Delivery Mode ?Full time ?Part time ?Online ?On-campus
Unit(s) of Competency SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Title of Assessment Task Portfolio 2
ITEM Assessment Criteria Satisfactory
Yes No
SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Part A Task 1 and 2
1.1 Confirm food production requirements from food preparation list and standard recipes.
1.2 Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements.
1.3 Identify and select seafood products and other ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.
2.1 Select knives and other equipment of correct type and size.
3.1 Thaw frozen seafood safely.
3.2 Sort and assemble ingredients according food production sequencing.
3.3 Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions according to recipe.
3.4 Use seafood preparation techniques according to recipe.
3.5 Minimise waste and store reusable by-products.
4.1 Select and use seafood cookery methods.
4.2 Prepare seafood accompaniments and add sauces as required.
4.3 Follow standard recipes and make food quality adjustments within scope of responsibility.
5.1 Portion and serve fish and shellfish according to recipe requirements.
5.2 Add sauces and garnishes according to standard recipes.
5.3 Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation.
Critical aspects
Produce seafood dishes using: - fish
- shellfish – molluscs and crustaceans.
Use seafood preparation techniques, including:
- cleaning - gutting
- filleting.
Follow standard recipes to prepare multiple seafood dishes using a range of cookery methods including:
- baking
- frying
- grilling
- steaming.
Integrate knowledge of:
- quality indicators for seafood
- cookery methods for different varieties of seafood
- features, functions and safe use of food preparation equipment food safety practices for handling and storing different food types.
Performance Evidence
Literacy skills to:
? read and interpret food preparation lists, standard recipes, date code and stock rotation labels and manufacturer instructions for equipment ? write notes on recipe requirements and calculations.
Numeracy skills to:
? calculate the number of portions
? weigh and measure ingredients
? determine cooking times and temperatures.
Planning and organising skills to efficiently sequence the stages of food preparation and production
Problem-solving skills to evaluate quality of seafood and finished dishes and make adjustments to ensure a quality product.
Knowledge Evidence
Culinary terms and trade names for:
? ingredients commonly used in the production of different fish and shellfish dishes ? a variety of classical and contemporary seafood dishes ? different varieties of seafood and styles of cooking.
Characteristics of seafood products and fish and shellfish dishes:
? appearance
? freshness and other quality indicators
? nutritional value ? taste
? texture.
Specific comments on the student’s submission and how it demonstrated (or not) the task’s requirements.
ITEM Assessment Criteria Satisfactory
Yes No
Part B
2.1 Select knives and other equipment of correct type and size.
2.2 Safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment before use.
2.3 Use knives and other equipment safely and hygienically according to manufacturer instructions.
3.4 Use seafood preparation techniques according to recipe.
3.5 Minimise waste and store reusable by-products.
Performance Evidencs
Literacy skills to:
? read and interpret food preparation lists, standard recipes, date code and stock rotation labels and manufacturer instructions for equipment write notes on recipe requirements and calculations
Planning and organising skills to efficiently sequence the stages of food preparation and production
Self-management skills to manage own speed, timing and productivity.
Technology skills to use food preparation and cooking equipment.
Knowledge Evidence
Characteristics of seafood products and fish and shellfish dishes:
? appearance
? freshness and other quality indicators
? nutritional value
? taste texture.
Mise en place requirements for seafood dishes.
Preparation methods for fish and shellfish including:
? cleaning ? gutting
? filleting.
Cookery methods for different varieties and cuts of seafood:
? baking
? frying
? grilling
? steaming.
Equipment used to produce seafood dishes:
? knife care and maintenance
? essential features and functions ? safe operational practices.
Specific comments on the student’s submission and how it demonstrated (or not) the task’s requirements.
ITEM Performance Criteria Satisfactory
Yes No
Part C
1.1 Confirm food production requirements from food preparation list and standard recipes.
1.3 Identify and select seafood products and other ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.
2.1 Select knives and other equipment of correct type and size.
3.1 Thaw frozen seafood safely.
3.2 Sort and assemble ingredients according food production sequencing.
3.3 Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions according to recipe.
3.4 Use seafood preparation techniques according to recipe.
4.1 Select and use seafood cookery methods.
4.2 Prepare seafood accompaniments and add sauces as required.
5.1 Portion and serve fish and shellfish according to recipe requirements.
5.2 Add sauces and garnishes according to standard recipes.
5.3 Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation.
Performance Evidence
Waste minimisation techniques and environmental considerations in relation to serafood.
Safe work practices, in particular in relation cutting.
Knowledge Evidence
Characteristics of types of meats, including type, cut, quantity and fat content.
Characteristic of different meat cuts, including primary, secondary and portioned cuts.
Appropriate trade names and culinary terms for Australian standard of meat cuts.
Principles and practices of storing, freezing and aging meat.
Appropriate preparation and cookery methods for various cuts and types of meat.
Uses and characteristics of various knives and equipment.
Knife care and maintenance.
Nutrition in relation to meats, including food values of meats.
Culinary terms commonly used in the enterprise and industry in relation to meat and meat cuts.
Principles and practices of hygiene, in particular in relation to handling and storing meat.
Costing, yield testing and portion control for meat.
Specific comments on the student’s submission and how it demonstrated (or not) the task’s requirements.
ITEM Satisfactory ITEM Satisfactory
Yes No Yes No
Part A Part C
Part B
Record feedback provided to the student (especially on any unsatisfactory areas):
Overall performance of this assessment was satisfactory?
Re-sit assessment required?
Lecturer’s signature: ____________________________________
The result of my performance in this assessment has been explained to me ? No ? Yes
I would like a copy of this marking sheet ? No ? Yes
Student’s signature: ____________________________________
Lecturer to retain original copy of Marking Sheet

Portfolio Task 2
Course SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management SIT40516 Certificate 4 Commercial Cookery
Subject Title SITKS316 Kitchen Studies 3
Delivery Mode ?Full time ?Part time ?Online ?On-campus
Unit(s) of
Competency SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Title of Assessment Task Assessment 2: Portfolio Task 2
Date Due End of Module 4
This subject describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to prepare and cook a range of seafood. It also requires the underpinning knowledge to understand the theoretical components to produce meat dishes.
Assessment Instructions
Activity A – Recipe research activity
This assessment requires the learner to conduct their own research. It consists of two tasks which must be submitted together.
Task 1 requires the learner to obtain seafood recipes and complete the tables provided. The recipes must be attached to the completed tables when submitted.
Task 2 requires the learner to answer questions relating to the recipes in Task 1 and provide information on recipe yield, problem solving, and safety issues
Activity B – apply equipment knowledge
This assessment requires the learner to think about the equipment would use if preparing the recipes researched in Activity A.
It requires the learner to do the following:
• choose four items of equipment commonly used when preparing fish and shellfish
? select one item of equipment that is motorised item such a slicer, peeler, mixer, blender or vitamiser.
? select one item of equipment that is electrically or gas powered. Examples are an oven, char griller, salamander, deep fryer, pressure or atmospheric steamer.
? select other items of equipment, small or large, commonly used when preparing fish and shellfish.
• fill in a table identifying each piece of equipment and answer questions.
Last updated 12/07/2017
Activity C – Portfolio of information
This assessment requires the learner to collate a portfolio containing useful resources, contacts and information related to producing seafood dishes. The information learners collect should include, but is not limited to, the list provided in Activity C.
Learners should collect the information over the duration of the unit and submit it at the end, along with the answers to the provided supporting questions.
• All questions must be attempted
• If you have difficulty reading or understanding the questions or writing your answers please ask your lecturer for help.
• All questions must be satisfactorily answered / addressed / completed in order for you to achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome for this assessment.
• Please note that this is one assessment from the range of assessment tasks you will complete. You must complete all assessment tasks in this subject. Please refer to your subject outline for information on the other assessment tasks.
• Clear, constructive and accurate feedback will be given to you on your results and performance by comments on exam paper.
• The assessment items you submit will be retained by the college as evidence of your performance.
Criteria Instructions
Part A- Task 1
? Research and obtain two recipes – from home, the Internet, library, your workplace. It is preferred that you don’t use recipes from your training environment so you have exposure to different recipes.
? Complete the following tables for both of your chosen recipes. Attach the recipes to each table when submitting to the assessor.
Portion yield
Ingredients required including quantities
Quality indicators to look out for when choosing ingredients
Equipment required (include size) for preparation and production
Measuring tools required for ingredients
Q3: What safety requirements relate to the use of equipment and method of cookery used for this recipe?
Q4: What potential problems could occur during the cooking process and what steps will you take to prevent them?
Q5: How can you evaluate the quality and suitability of the dish before it is served to the customer? What checks could you complete, and what adjustments might need to be made?
Q6: Are there any by-products from preparation tasks which can be used for other purposes? If yes, how can they be used?
Q7: Is the dish semi- or fully prepared prior to service? If yes, how is it stored until required for service?
SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Portfolio Task 2
Part B
Using equipment effectively and safely
• You are required to think about the equipment you would use if preparing the recipes researched in Activity A.
• Choose four items of equipment commonly used when preparing fish and shellfish.
? Select one item of equipment that is motorised item such a slicer, peeler, mixer, blender or vitamiser.
? Select one item of equipment that is electrically or gas powered. Examples are an oven, char griller, salamander, deep fryer, pressure or atmospheric steamer.
? Select other items of equipment, small or large, commonly used when preparing fish and shellfish.
• Fill in table below identifying each piece of equipment.
• Make sure you answer all questions.
Questions Example Equipment name
Paring knife
What preparation tasks are completed, or methods of cookery used, by this item of equipment? Peeling, slicing,
What food off-cuts or byproducts result from preparing ingredients using this item of equipment? Peelings, trimmings
Can any of these be reused elsewhere in the kitchen? If yes, where or how? Preparation of stocks
Does the item of equipment require assembly? If yes, briefly describe the steps required to assemble the item. No
Last updated 12/07/2017
Briefly describe the safety procedures you should follow when using the item of equipment. Never handle the
knife by the blade.
Briefly describe the hygiene procedures you should follow when assembling and using the item. Clean knife between different
preparation tasks.
How does this equipment aid in your mise en place tasks and productivity? Increases speed of
preparation tasks
SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Portfolio Task 2
Part C
Gather a range of information
• Put together a portfolio of useful resources, contacts and information related to producing seafood dishes.
• Information should be collected over the duration of the unit and submitted nearing the end of study for this unit, as directed by your assessor.
• Your portfolio will be viewed by your assessor, but you should retain it for future reference.
Types of information you should include.
• Samples of standard recipes and portioning guides from your workplace or training environment. • Samples of recipes used to prepare dishes in Activity A.
• Photographs of a range of completed dishes you have prepared using a variety of cooking methods.
• List of useful or favourite cookery websites.
• Nutritional information on the different varieties of fish and shellfish.
• Copies of equipment safety checks, product lists, brochures or manufacturer's instructions for assembly, cleaning, use and maintenance.
• A copy of your establishment's menu.
• Relevant magazine articles or pictures related to modern food presentation methods.
• Articles or flyers containing useful tips on how to minimise waste.
• Checklists of food quality indicators to look out for.
• Classification chart for fish and shellfish.
• Source (local or international), characteristics and seasonal availability of varieties of fish and shellfish sold commercially.
• Sustainable fishing practices for seafood.
• Workflow planning tools, checklists or charts – including any task or priority lists showing evidence of your planning and organisational skills.
• Conversion tables for different temperatures and units of measure.
• Flyers, websites or information sheets relating to food safety and hygiene practices.
• Any other useful resources related to producing dishes.
Question and answer
• Answer the following questions relating to the information you have researched.
• Make sure you answer all questions and submit these along with your portfolio of information.
Q1: Standard recipes for similar dishes usually follow a standard preparation sequence. Based on the recipes you have researched, what is a common preparation sequence for fish and shellfish dishes?
Last updated 12/07/2017
Q2: Based on your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched, what equipment do you commonly use in a commercial kitchen to weigh, measure, portion and prepare ingredients for fish and shellfish dishes?
Q3: Based on your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched, list the varieties of fish and shellfish used to prepare seafood dishes.
Q4: During your research, what types of dishes required the use of frozen seafood products?
Was the seafood ingredient thawed before use or cooked from frozen? List examples of recipes and the type(s) of frozen products used.
Q5: Based on your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched, what preparation techniques or cuts are commonly used to prepare fish and shellfish? Why do you think these are used in preference to other methods?
Q6: Based on your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched, what are the most common methods of cookery used to prepare fish and seafood? Why do you think these are used in preference to other methods?
Q7: What nutritional information about fish or shellfish or suggestions for healthier methods of cookery are provided in your workplace standard recipes and those you have researched?
Q8: What classical and contemporary fish and shellfish recipes have you discovered when developing your portfolio? List some examples.
Q9: How do the preparation techniques (mixing, blending, puréeing, marinating, etc) and different culinary cuts used help determine the appearance, texture, taste, presentation and visual appeal of prepared fish and seafood dishes?
Q10: Describe any presentation techniques and ideas you have discovered during your research which could be incorporated into your workplace or training organisation. Include relevant garnishing or service ware suggestions.
Submission Instructions
The work is to be submitted via the learning portal. Your work should be clearly marked with your name and group information.
? Part A
? Part B
? Part C
? Copy of the marking sheet
Assessment Process
• All items must be submitted.
• All items must be satisfactorily answered / addressed / completed in order for you to achieve a “Satisfactory” outcome for this assessment.
• Please note that this is one assessment from the range of assessment tasks you will complete. You must complete all assessment tasks in this subject. Please refer to your subject outline for information on the other assessment tasks.
• Clear, constructive and accurate feedback will be given to you on your results and performance by feedback from your lecturer
• The assessment items you submit will be retained by the college as evidence of your performance.
College Policies and Procedures relating to assessments, and associated forms, are available via
Course SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
SIT40516 Certificate 4 Commercial Cookery
Subject Title SITKS3116 Kitchen Studies 3
Delivery Mode ?Full time ?Part time ?Online ?On-campus
Unit(s) of Competency SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Title of Assessment Task Portfolio 2
ITEM Assessment Criteria Satisfactory
Yes No
SITHCCC013 Prepare Seafood Dishes
Part A Task 1 and 2
1.1 Confirm food production requirements from food preparation list and standard recipes.
1.2 Calculate ingredient amounts according to requirements.
1.3 Identify and select seafood products and other ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.
2.1 Select knives and other equipment of correct type and size.
3.1 Thaw frozen seafood safely.
3.2 Sort and assemble ingredients according food production sequencing.
3.3 Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions according to recipe.
3.4 Use seafood preparation techniques according to recipe.
3.5 Minimise waste and store reusable by-products.
4.1 Select and use seafood cookery methods.
4.2 Prepare seafood accompaniments and add sauces as required.
4.3 Follow standard recipes and make food quality adjustments within scope of responsibility.
5.1 Portion and serve fish and shellfish according to recipe requirements.
5.2 Add sauces and garnishes according to standard recipes.
5.3 Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation.
Critical aspects
Produce seafood dishes using: - fish
- shellfish – molluscs and crustaceans.
Use seafood preparation techniques, including:
- cleaning - gutting
- filleting.
Follow standard recipes to prepare multiple seafood dishes using a range of cookery methods including:
- baking
- frying
- grilling
- steaming.
Integrate knowledge of:
- quality indicators for seafood
- cookery methods for different varieties of seafood
- features, functions and safe use of food preparation equipment food safety practices for handling and storing different food types.
Performance Evidence
Literacy skills to:
? read and interpret food preparation lists, standard recipes, date code and stock rotation labels and manufacturer instructions for equipment ? write notes on recipe requirements and calculations.
Numeracy skills to:
? calculate the number of portions
? weigh and measure ingredients
? determine cooking times and temperatures.
Planning and organising skills to efficiently sequence the stages of food preparation and production
Problem-solving skills to evaluate quality of seafood and finished dishes and make adjustments to ensure a quality product.
Knowledge Evidence
Culinary terms and trade names for:
? ingredients commonly used in the production of different fish and shellfish dishes ? a variety of classical and contemporary seafood dishes ? different varieties of seafood and styles of cooking.
Characteristics of seafood products and fish and shellfish dishes:
? appearance
? freshness and other quality indicators
? nutritional value ? taste
? texture.
Specific comments on the student’s submission and how it demonstrated (or not) the task’s requirements.
ITEM Assessment Criteria Satisfactory
Yes No
Part B
2.1 Select knives and other equipment of correct type and size.
2.2 Safely assemble and ensure cleanliness of equipment before use.
2.3 Use knives and other equipment safely and hygienically according to manufacturer instructions.
3.4 Use seafood preparation techniques according to recipe.
3.5 Minimise waste and store reusable by-products.
Performance Evidencs
Literacy skills to:
? read and interpret food preparation lists, standard recipes, date code and stock rotation labels and manufacturer instructions for equipment write notes on recipe requirements and calculations
Planning and organising skills to efficiently sequence the stages of food preparation and production
Self-management skills to manage own speed, timing and productivity.
Technology skills to use food preparation and cooking equipment.
Knowledge Evidence
Characteristics of seafood products and fish and shellfish dishes:
? appearance
? freshness and other quality indicators
? nutritional value
? taste texture.
Mise en place requirements for seafood dishes.
Preparation methods for fish and shellfish including:
? cleaning ? gutting
? filleting.
Cookery methods for different varieties and cuts of seafood:
? baking
? frying
? grilling
? steaming.
Equipment used to produce seafood dishes:
? knife care and maintenance
? essential features and functions ? safe operational practices.
Specific comments on the student’s submission and how it demonstrated (or not) the task’s requirements.
ITEM Performance Criteria Satisfactory
Yes No
Part C
1.1 Confirm food production requirements from food preparation list and standard recipes.
1.3 Identify and select seafood products and other ingredients from stores according to recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements.
2.1 Select knives and other equipment of correct type and size.
3.1 Thaw frozen seafood safely.
3.2 Sort and assemble ingredients according food production sequencing.
3.3 Weigh and measure ingredients and create portions according to recipe.
3.4 Use seafood preparation techniques according to recipe.
4.1 Select and use seafood cookery methods.
4.2 Prepare seafood accompaniments and add sauces as required.
5.1 Portion and serve fish and shellfish according to recipe requirements.
5.2 Add sauces and garnishes according to standard recipes.
5.3 Visually evaluate dish and adjust presentation.
Performance Evidence
Waste minimisation techniques and environmental considerations in relation to serafood.
Safe work practices, in particular in relation cutting.
Knowledge Evidence
Characteristics of types of meats, including type, cut, quantity and fat content.
Characteristic of different meat cuts, including primary, secondary and portioned cuts.
Appropriate trade names and culinary terms for Australian standard of meat cuts.
Principles and practices of storing, freezing and aging meat.
Appropriate preparation and cookery methods for various cuts and types of meat.
Uses and characteristics of various knives and equipment.
Knife care and maintenance.
Nutrition in relation to meats, including food values of meats.
Culinary terms commonly used in the enterprise and industry in relation to meat and meat cuts.
Principles and practices of hygiene, in particular in relation to handling and storing meat.
Costing, yield testing and portion control for meat.
Specific comments on the student’s submission and how it demonstrated (or not) the task’s requirements.
ITEM Satisfactory ITEM Satisfactory
Yes No Yes No
Part A Part C
Part B
Record feedback provided to the student (especially on any unsatisfactory areas):
Overall performance of this assessment was satisfactory?
Re-sit assessment required?
Lecturer’s signature: ____________________________________
The result of my performance in this assessment has been explained to me ? No ? Yes
I would like a copy of this marking sheet ? No ? Yes
Student’s signature: ____________________________________
Lecturer to retain original copy of Marking Sheet
- Assignment status: Resolved by our Writing Team

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