The health service plan will undertake health service review and development for one clinical stream for Sydney Local Health District, based on a choice of a series of options from three clinical position papers.
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The purpose of this assignment is to develop a health service plan in order to undertake health service review and development for one clinical stream (or designated services within one clinical stream) for Sydney Local Health District.
The health service plan will undertake health service review and development for one clinical stream for Sydney Local Health District, based on a choice of a series of options from three clinical position papers. These are:
? Sydney Local Health District (2013). Cancer Services Clinical Stream Position Paper. [1]
? Sydney Local Health District (2013). Women’s Health, Neonatology and Paediatrics Clinical Stream Position Paper. [2]
? •Sydney Local Health District (2015). Oral Health Clinical Stream Position Paper.[3]
Sydney Local Health District has made the Clinical Stream Position papers available on their web site and these papers include sufficient information to prepare a Health Service Plan (HSP). However the clinical streams are very large and therefore students are to choose one of the specific topics for their plan:
? Cancer Services
? Palliative Care Services
? Women’s Health, Neonatology (including benign Gynaecology)
? Paediatric Services
? Oral Health Services.
A health service plan needs to address services across the continuum of care including primary and secondary prevention, inpatient care, restorative care and management of ongoing health.
The data included in the source documents does not include inpatient activity projections. Therefore this is not required in the HSP.
The following sections are to be included in the plan:
? Introduction
? Planning principles
? Demographic analysis including relevant population projections
? Needs assessment
? Service profile within Sydney LHD, including Role Delineation Levels and Models of Care
? Current activity levels, including separations and bed days by facility and across the LHD
? Catchment and reverse catchment profiles
? Situational analysis - Strategic Issues and Priorities
? Future Services Profile by Facility and across the LHD and Proposed Role Delineation Levels and Models of Care
? Key goals, objectives, strategies in table format.
? Overarching recommendations and conclusions.
[1] Sydney Local Health District (2013). Cancer Services Clinical Stream Position Paper. [1]
Retrieved from:
[2] Sydney Local Health District (2013). Women’s Health, Neonatology and Paediatrics Clinical Stream Position Paper.
Retrieved from:
[3] Sydney Local Health District (2015). Oral Health Clinical Stream Position Paper.
Retrieved from:
Ensure that you have created a list of references rather than providing a bibliography. All reference list entries must have at least one citation, and all citations must have a corresponding reference list entry. This unit uses the APA 6th edition method of referencing.
Your assessment may include a maximum of 10% quotations with reference list entries. Plagiarised text does not count as allowable quotation. To promote clear dissemination of information, paraphrase and use your own words. Be sure to include in-text citations and reference-list entries for directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised information. Summarising is preferred to direct quotation and paraphrasing.
You will be assessed on the following:
• Proof reading of text to ensure accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
• Writing clearly and in an appropriate formal style for an academic report.
• Evidence of the ability to analyse and present relevant data including tables and graphs
• Capacity to present a cohesive and well-structured health service plan covering all sections
• Critical analysis support the proposed goals, objectives and strategies and recommendations.
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The purpose of this assignment is to develop a health service plan in order to undertake health service review and development for one clinical stream (or designated services within one clinical stream) for Sydney Local Health District.
The health service plan will undertake health service review and development for one clinical stream for Sydney Local Health District, based on a choice of a series of options from three clinical position papers. These are:
? Sydney Local Health District (2013). Cancer Services Clinical Stream Position Paper. [1]
? Sydney Local Health District (2013). Women’s Health, Neonatology and Paediatrics Clinical Stream Position Paper. [2]
? •Sydney Local Health District (2015). Oral Health Clinical Stream Position Paper.[3]
Sydney Local Health District has made the Clinical Stream Position papers available on their web site and these papers include sufficient information to prepare a Health Service Plan (HSP). However the clinical streams are very large and therefore students are to choose one of the specific topics for their plan:
? Cancer Services
? Palliative Care Services
? Women’s Health, Neonatology (including benign Gynaecology)
? Paediatric Services
? Oral Health Services.
A health service plan needs to address services across the continuum of care including primary and secondary prevention, inpatient care, restorative care and management of ongoing health.
The data included in the source documents does not include inpatient activity projections. Therefore this is not required in the HSP.
The following sections are to be included in the plan:
? Introduction
? Planning principles
? Demographic analysis including relevant population projections
? Needs assessment
? Service profile within Sydney LHD, including Role Delineation Levels and Models of Care
? Current activity levels, including separations and bed days by facility and across the LHD
? Catchment and reverse catchment profiles
? Situational analysis - Strategic Issues and Priorities
? Future Services Profile by Facility and across the LHD and Proposed Role Delineation Levels and Models of Care
? Key goals, objectives, strategies in table format.
? Overarching recommendations and conclusions.
[1] Sydney Local Health District (2013). Cancer Services Clinical Stream Position Paper. [1]
Retrieved from:
[2] Sydney Local Health District (2013). Women’s Health, Neonatology and Paediatrics Clinical Stream Position Paper.
Retrieved from:
[3] Sydney Local Health District (2015). Oral Health Clinical Stream Position Paper.
Retrieved from:
Ensure that you have created a list of references rather than providing a bibliography. All reference list entries must have at least one citation, and all citations must have a corresponding reference list entry. This unit uses the APA 6th edition method of referencing.
Your assessment may include a maximum of 10% quotations with reference list entries. Plagiarised text does not count as allowable quotation. To promote clear dissemination of information, paraphrase and use your own words. Be sure to include in-text citations and reference-list entries for directly quoted, paraphrased or summarised information. Summarising is preferred to direct quotation and paraphrasing.
You will be assessed on the following:
• Proof reading of text to ensure accuracy of grammar, spelling and punctuation.
• Writing clearly and in an appropriate formal style for an academic report.
• Evidence of the ability to analyse and present relevant data including tables and graphs
• Capacity to present a cohesive and well-structured health service plan covering all sections
• Critical analysis support the proposed goals, objectives and strategies and recommendations.
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