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Systems Design and Development

COIT20248 Information Systems Analysis and Design 
Assignment 2 – Presentation and Written Assessment about Systems Design and Development 
Weighting: 30% 
Length: 2000 words (+/- 10%) 2 
This assessment relates to course learning outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 stated in the e-course profile. 
Assessment 2 is a group assignment (Max of 4 students in a group). In assessment 2, you are assigned tasks which assess your course knowledge gained between weeks 5 and 10 about different facets of systems design. All students will have to write a report showing the answers to the questions in tasks 1-7 below. During Week 11, there will be a presentation based on the case study. All group members need to present their own performed tasks with the knowledge about the complete system design. 
Please note that ALL submitted A2-reports are passed through a computerized copy detection system and it is extremely easy for teaching staff to identify copied or otherwise plagiarised work. 
• Copying (plagiarism) can incur penalties ranging from deduction of marks to failing the course or even exclusion from the University. 
• Please ensure you are familiar with the Academic Misconduct Procedures, available from: 
The tasks 
Assignment 2 is in continuation of Assignment 1. There are two types of tasks, namely tasks for a written assessment and tasks for a presentation with details below. 
The Written Assessment (i.e. The Report): 
You need to submit a design of a website. You are to complete the following tasks using the same case study provided to you (also used for assignment 1) on Moodle 
1. Find out all Critical Use Cases 
2. Draw a Context Level diagram. 
3. Draw a Level 0 data flow diagram depicting all the business process description provided. 
4. Draw an ERD showing all required entities and its relationships. 
5. Draw a CRUD table. 
6. Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study. 
7. Details of individual group members contribution towards the development of the project. 
The Presentation: 
During Week 11, there will be a presentation based on the case study and the tasks you have performed. 
Each group will have 15 minutes to present your project development. The presentation has to use not more than 10 slides. Marks will be given for the following qualities demonstrated during the presentation: 
Stay on Topic 
• The presentation is well-focused on the topic and does not go on tangents. Marks will be lost for spending too much time on non-related material. 
Fulfil requirements of topic 
• The delivered contents have met the requirements of the chosen topic. Marks are given for demonstrating that all aspects of the topic are covered. 
Slide Style 
• Effectively use text, images, videos and other resources to create an impactful presentation. 
Presentation style 
• The presenter is confident in speaking; attracting interests, keeping eyes contact, interacting with audience, capturing attention, etc. 

The Report (Important: The report makes up 100 marks - scaled to 30%) 
You will produce a report that aims to explain your systems analysis results as per the layout and submission guidelines mentioned below. 
Report Layout and Submission Guidelines 
COIT 20248 Assessment 2 report for Systems Design and Development should be organised using the following headings and guidelines. 
There is no set limit to the word count in each section however students are advised to observe the word count in each section when developing the report. 
• Title Cover Page with clear details of course title/name, student number/name, lecturer & tutor 
• Introduction 
? Introduction must clearly define the aims of the report. 
? Introduction must identify the project objectives. 
• Critical Use Cases 
? Read through the case study and identify all critical use cases and draw a use case diagram. Must remember how to show boundaries. You need to identify the Actors in the Case Study and identify the goals of the actors. Use cases describe the functionality required of the system in order for actors to achieve their goals. 
• Context Level diagram 
? Context Level Diagram shows the system under consideration as a single high-level process and then shows the relationship that the system has with other external entities (systems, organizational groups, external data stores, etc.). An Example is 
• Level 0 Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 
? While drawing DFD do not change input and output from the system in consideration. 
• Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) 
? An ERD is composed of entity types and specifies relationships that can exist between instances of those entity types. Show all cardinalities and relationship between entities drawn. 
• CRUD Table 
? Construct CRUD table as a two-dimensional table, with one row for each data entity and one column for each business function or process. Use data entities identified on an Entity-Relationship Diagram and business functions or processes identified on a Function Chart. At the intersection of each data entity and process, indicate the relationship using the following codes: 
· C - Creates, 
· R - Reads, 
· U - Updates, 
· D - Deletes. 
Note that there can be more than one relationship between a process and an entity. For example: 
Process Entity Entity 1 
Process A CRUD 
This example indicates that Process A creates, reads, updates, and deletes Entity 1. 
• Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study 
? You can use any tool to develop prototype design. Justification of using the tool should be provided. Recommendation is not to copy images from website, if you are, please don’t forget to reference and acknowledge it in your reference. 
• Details of individual group members’ contribution towards the development of the project. 
? Please provide details of who has done what. You can draw a table and show the contribution. The contribution should relate to the executed planned tasks as in your work breakdown structure. A brief description of justifying the role is required. 
• Reflections and Conclusions *about 100 words 
? Present your reflections about this project (e.g. achievement and constraints). 
? Provide a brief summary of your findings 
• References (must complete by showing all references with their related in-text citations) 
Note: There is no recommended word length in each section in the report to be used. Students are required to use their judgement on it. 
To help student members communicate, forums have been created for your use on the course Moodle website for Assessments 1 and 2. Please use them to help you work through your report. 
Help on writing reports is contained in the Faculty Guide for Students – Chapter 4 – available here: data/assets/pdf_file/0003/2289/Extract-of-Chapter-3.pdf You may also benefit from a video supplied by the CQUniversity Academic Learning Centre available here: 
Assessment criteria - Assignment 2 marking guide 
Marks for Assignment 2: The Written Assessment will be allocated as follows: 
TOPIC Weight Mark 
Introduction (5 marks) 
Clearly defines the aims of the report Identifies the project objectives. 5.0 
Find out all Critical Use Cases 
Draw Context Level diagram. 
Draw Level 0 data flow diagram depicting all the business process description provided 
Draw ERD showing all required entities and its relationships. 
Draw CRUD diagram. 
Provide a prototype of website design and architecture you have developed based on the case study 
Details of individual group members contribution towards the development of the project 
Reflections and Conclusions (5 marks) 
• Present your reflections about this project (e.g. achievement and constraints). 
• Briefly summarize your findings. 
Presentation 45 
TOTAL: 100 
Assessment mark will be weighted to 30%. 
Scroll over to see Presentation Marking Criteria 
Marks for Assignment 2: The Presentation will be allocated as follows: 
TOPIC Weight Mark 
Stay on Topic 
? The presentation is well-focused on the topic and does not go on tangents. 10.0 
Fulfil requirements of topic 
? The delivered contents have met the requirements of the chosen topic and covered all aspects of the topic. 
Slide Style 
? The slides effectively use text, images, videos and other resources to create an impactful presentation 
Presentation style 
? Each presenter is confident. All group members are able to present their own performed task using knowledge about the complete system design 
TOTAL: 50.0 
TOTAL Out of 45 45.0


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