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Examination Cover Page 
Examination Period: 2016 Term 2 
Academic Institution: Central Queensland University 
Academic Group: Higher Education Division 
Academic Career: Postgraduate 
Examination Type: Standard 
I have read and understood the penalties involved if I do not abide by the rules outlined on the back of this examination paper. 
Signature: Student ID Number 
Course: Database Design and Development 
Subject Area: COIT 
Catalog Number: 20247 
Paper Number: 1 
Component: ALL Components 
Duration: 120 minutes Restrictions: Closed Book 
Perusal Time: 15 minutes 
First Contact: Umapathy Venugopal - uvenu Contact Number: 02 93245789 
Second Contact: Michael Li Contact Number: 07 49306337 
Office Use: Release examination paper via the CQ University Past Exams website two weeks after the DE/SE examination period? Yes 
Instructor Authorised/Allowed Materials 
Dictionary - non-electronic, concise, direct translation only (dictionary must not contain any notes or comments). 
Calculator - non-programmable, no text retrieval, silent only. 
Student Calculator - Make: / Model: 
Special Instructions to Students: 
Please see instruction sheet on first page of the examination paper. 
Examination Office Supplied Materials 
3 x Rough Paper 
1 x Exam Answer Booklet 
Number of examination answer booklets used: 
Number of separate sheets attached (Do not include rough paper): 
This examination paper is not to be released to the student at the conclusion of the examination. Central Queensland University considers improper conduct in examinations to be a serious offence. Penalties for cheating are exclusion from the University and cancellation with academic penalty from the course concerned. 
Term 2 Standard Examination 2016 
Instructions Sheet 
1. Write all answers in the Examination Answer Booklet provided. 
2. This examination comprises three parts: Parts A, B and C. 
3. The total marks available in the examination are 35. 
4. Students should attempt ALL questions in ALL parts. 
Page 1 of 6 
Term 2 Standard Examination 2016 
Answer ALL questions from this part. 
Question 1 and Question 2 are based on the following ER model, which is illustrated in standard ER notations but has been drawn incorrectly and contains many errors. 
Question 1 4 Marks 
The above ER diagram is incomplete and has been drawn incorrectly due to the following reasons: 
(a) A COMPLAINT is not related to an advertisement but related to a DEVELOPMENT_APPLICATION. 
(b) Each OPEN_COMPLAINT is a COMPLAINT and they should be related to each other. 
(c) Each NEWS_PAPER charges differently for the same ADVERTISEMENT. 
(d) Relationship names are missing in the ER diagram. 
Complete and correct the errors in the given ER diagram and redraw it using standard ER notations only. 
Page 2 of 6 
Question 2 4 Marks 
Answer the following questions based on the given ER model. You need to briefly justify your answers. 
(a) How many DEVELOPMENT_APPLICATIONS can be placed in any one 
(b) Can an ADVERTISEMENT appear in more than one NEWS_PAPER? (1 mark) 
(c) As per the ER diagram, a DEVELOPMENT_APPLICATION may not appear in any of the ADVERTISEMENTS. What could be the reason to model it in that way? (1 mark) 
(d) Which type of relationship is the most appropriate for the relationship between 
Question 3 5 Marks 
The following relation provides the information related to tours and tour guides. One tour can have one guide only; one tour guide can guide more than one tour. 
GuideID GuideName TourId TourName GuidePhone 
1 John Smith T1001 Bondi Beach 93245000 
1 John Smith T1002 Harbour Bridge 93245000 
2 Mary Smith T1003 Luna Park 91256666 
2 Mary Smith T1005 Jenolan Caves 91256666 
3 Mary May T1006 Opera House 87551234 
4 Mona Kumar T1004 Darling Harbour 98251478 
(a) What is the primary key of the above relation? (1 mark) 
(b) Explain any one anomaly that exists in the above relation. (1 mark) 
(c) What is the highest normal form (e.g. 1NF or 2NF or 3NF) that the above relation satisfies? Note: You need not show the work out. (1 mark) 
(d) Normalize the above relation into a set of relations that satisfy 3NF. You need not provide the work out to arrive at the 3NF relation but provide the final 3NF relations as per the following format: Relation1 (ID1, aaa, bbb, …) 
Relation2 (ID2, ID1, ccc, ddd, …) 
Foreign key (ID1) references Relation1 (2 marks) 
Answer ALL questions from this part. 
Each question is worth two (2) marks (2 x 5 = 10 marks). 
Guide(GuideId, GivenName, FamilyName, MobileNo) 
Tour(TourId, TourName, TourPrice, TourStartTime, GuideId) Foreign key GuideId references Guide 
Location(LocationName, PostCode) 
TourLocations(TourId, LocationName) Foreign key (TourId) references Tour 
Foreign key (LocationName) references Location 
GuideId GivenName FamilyName MobileNo 
1 John Smith 0403111222 
2 Mary Smith 0403444333 
3 Lisa Taylor 0411223355 
4 Mona Kumar 0422555666 
TourId TourName TourPrice TourStartTime GuideId 
1 Blue 
7:30 am 1 
2 Sydney $145.00 8:15 am 2 
3 Beach $45.00 5:30 am 2 
LocationName PostCode 
Bondi Beach 2026 
Darling Harbour 2000 
Harbour Bridge 2061 
Jenolan caves 2780 
Luna park 2061 
Opera House 2000 
TourId LocationName 
1 Jenolan caves 
2 Darling Harbour 
2 Harbour Bridge 
2 Opera House 
3 Bondi Beach 
Write SQL queries to answer the following information requests given below: 
Note: You need to check the column headings; grouping and sorting of data; removal of data; and other aspects of query as shown in the expected output provided in each question. 
Question 1 2 Marks 
Display the details of the guides who guide the tour that covers more than one location. 
GuideId GivenName FamilyName MobileNo 
2 Mary Smith 0403444333 

Question 2 2 Marks 
Display the total number of locations in each tour in ascending order of tour name. 
TourName NumberOfLocations 
Beach 1 
Blue Mountains 1 
Sydney 3 
Question 3 2 Marks 
List the details of Guide(s) who have not been allocated to any tour. 
GuideId GivenName FamilyName MobileNo 
3 Lisa Taylor 0411223355 
4 Mona Kumar 0422555666 

Question 4 2 Marks 
Display the tour name and tour price in ascending order of tour price. 
TourName TourPrice 
Beach $45.00 
Sydney $145.00 
Blue Mountains $200.00 
Question 5 2 Marks 
Which location name(s) contains the word ‘cave’? Show the location name and postcode in descending order of postcode. 
LocationName PostCode 
Jenolan caves 2780 
Answer ALL questions from this part. 
Question 1 2 Marks 
What is difference between Data Warehouse and Data Mart? 
Question 2 2 Marks 
What is meant by deadlock? 
Question 3 2 Marks 
List any four (4) properties of Relation. 
Note: You do not have to explain those properties. Relation is not relationship. 
Question 4 2 Marks 
How does the database overcome the problems faced by the file based (information) systems? 
Question 5 2 Marks 
Differentiate decentralized database and distributed database. 
Question 6 2 Marks 
Describe the ACID properties of Transaction. 


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