Question 1 Describe how archaeologists use use-trace analysis to ascertain the probable function of artefacts. Please confine your answer to half a page. (15 Marks) Question 2 In his recent work, Qambela (2021) has challenged canonical theories of amaXhosa masculinities in anthropology. Additionally, anthropologists as Becker, Boonzaier and Owen (2005) have tasked us to pay attention to issues of power in fieldwork in order to produce politically and historically grounded ethnography. Starting with Qambela (2021), Becker, Boonzaier and Owen (2005) and others, write an essay wherein you critically unpack how we read and think about ethnographic “classics” in contemporary times. In your response, pay particular attention to issues of power in how we have read, understood and interrogated “classics” in contemporary ethnography. (35 Marks) Section B Answer one of the following essay questions: 1. Bourdieu’s notion of ‘habitus’ explains how social structures endure, not how they chang...