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Discuss the key success factors of the incredible India campaign as a tool for nation Branding.

 Homework title: marketing plan and distribution of channels

Nation Branding Approximately, 18 short videos were uploaded on you tube, showcasing the diversity of Indian landscape, architecture, dance forms, cuisine, destinations and people, conveying the richness of Indian heritage and culture. This has been a unique advertising and marketing campaign undertaken by the Indian Tourism Ministry under the title of incredible India. The Campaign is being used in India as well as abroad and is underpinned by the principle ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ (Guest is God). Within the country, the campaign serves to create social awareness about sensitizing to the various aspects of tourism, ranging from hospitality to hygiene. Internationally, it creates awareness about the richness and diversity of options available to a tourist to experience the country. The website was created in English and later translated in Hindi and foreign languages, such as French, Chinese, Korean and Japanese. The website receives an average traffic of 100,000 visitors a day. In 2002, India was ranked 11th in the Conde Nast Travellers Award, Which has Improved to a ranking of 5 th in 2005 after the incredible India Campaign was launched. The success of the campaign has been visible in the growing number of international tourists to India, growing at a steady 13 percent annually. This bodes well for the country, where tourism is the third largest foreign Exchange earner and creates employment for approximately 8.7 percent of the population. The campaign has led to a change in the tourist profile, with more tourists from an affluent segment, who are spending on an average US$1470 per person in 2005 against a global average of US$844.
1. Discuss the key success factors of the incredible India campaign as a tool for nation Branding.
2. How does nation branding differ from consumer products branding and communication?





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