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Analytics Visualization Challenge: Data Analysis- Tableau Analytics Assignment Help

nternal Code: TV804
Tableau Analytics Assignment Help:
Instructions:The final project is a replica of the Tableau Analytics and Visualization challenge conducted in 2017.
I believe this will provide you with a wonderful challenge to work on an end-to-end visualization product using a large dataset.
Attached is the dataset that students need to use for the implementation. The dataset is an excel workbook containing 3 worksheets. Where, each worksheet is a dataset. Since, all the datasets are related we recommendstudents to combiner and use all the datasets.
Refer to the glossary worksheet for the data set details.Also, I have taken some time to get you and an additional msa dataset that would help you identify the locations based on the US national msa location encoding.
Objective:Students need to perform exploratory data analysis. Analyze sales and revenue trends over the years across various demographics like categories, locations etc…Build visualization that would uncover any significant trends in data and Identify factors that could influence the sales and increase revenue numbers.Based on the visualizations and analysis provide top 3 recommendations that would enable business growth over the upcoming years and why.
Exercise 1From the UCI Machine Learning repository: to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Download the following data sets:CensusMushroomIrisCars
visualize the various attributes of these data sets individually (one data set at a time) and play with various dimensions and Measures and analyze the charts. All the assignments need to be submitted with just one Tableau Workbook file (.twbx) and an analysis document.
Exercise 2A few tips for effective visualizations:1. Try to keep your visualization simple and clear2. Effectively label your visualization3. Use appropriate color coding4. Use various tips and tricks discussed during the first Demo session.
Below are some of the resources: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.Students are free to use any other dataset of their choice (Please provide the link in your report)
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