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Choose a major event in Australia’s past. How did this event change Australia?

In this final piece of assessment students must write a research essay answering one of the questions below. A research essay is an essay that answers a question using information gathered from proper scholarly research. The two most important things to remember when working on this essay are question and research: you must answer the question, and you must do so on the basis of research into your chosen topic. 
Most of the questions below are related to one of this unit’s weekly topics. A great place to start your research is the list of References and Further Readings in the relevant weekly topic guide. Students must also do their own research through the library catalogue. Please note that students cannot write on the same topic in assessment tasks 2 and 3. 
Please reference your essays fully and correctly, using either Oxford or Harvard referencing style. Essays will be examined using the following criteria: Question; research; essay structure; quality of writing; presentation and referencing. 
Choose a major event in Australia’s past. How did this event change Australia? 
Is Australia (still) a racist country? Answer with reference to the lives and experiences of Australia’s Indigenous peoples in the 21stcentury. 
What is multiculturalism? Is Australia an example of a successful multicultural nation? Why/why not? Explain with reference to Australia in the 20th and/or 21st centuries. 
‘The Anzac Legend has very little to do with the reality of the experiences of members of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF).’ Do you agree? Why/why not? 
'When it comes to Asia, Australia is truly an -anxious nation-. Do you agree? Explain why/why not with reference to Australia in the 20th and/or 21st century. 
‘The experience of Julia Gillard as Prime Minister demonstrated that sexism is alive and well in Australia today.’ Do you agree? Why/why not? 
Why is sport so important to ordinary Australians? Answer with reference to at least one sporting code in Australia in the 21st century. 
Why do Australians seem so unable to come to terms with the reality of their continent's environment? 
Compare Australia's history with the history of your home country. How is it similar? How is it different? Explain with reference to proper scholarly sources about Australia and your home country. 
How is Australia perceived in your home country? Explain with reference to at least 6 news reports as well as proper scholarly sources about international attitudes towards Australia. 
Essential Ereadings about topic 6 
Hall, LJ and Donaghue, N 2013, “Nice Girls Don’t Carry Knives”: Constructions of Ambition in Media Coverage of Australia’s First Female Prime Minister, British Journal of Social Psychology, Volume 52, 631-47. 
Richardson-Self, L 2012, Questioning the Goal of Same-Sex Marriage, Australian Feminist Studies, Volume 27, no. 72, 205-19. 
References and Further Readings 
Baird, B 2007, “Gay Marriage”, Lesbian Wedding, Gay and Lesbian Issues and Psychology Review, Volume 3, no. 3, 161-70. 
Bongiorno, F 2012, The Sex Lives of Australians: A History, Black Inc, Melbourne. 
Bulbeck, C 1997, Living feminism: the impact of the women’s movement on three generations of Australian women, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 
Caine, B et al. (eds) 1998, Australian feminism: a companion, Oxford University Press, Melbourne. 
Coad, D 2002, Gender trouble Down Under: Australian Masculinities. 
Connell, RW 2005, Masculinities, University of California Press, Berkeley. 
Crotty, M 2001, Making the Australian Male: Middle-Class Masculinity 1870-1920, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. 
Edwards, J 2007, “Marriage is Sacred”: The Religious Right’s Arguments Against “Gay Marriage” in Australia, Culture, Health and Sexuality, Volume 9, no. 3, 247-61. 
Featherstone, L 2011, Let’s Talk About Sex: Histories of Sexuality in Australia From Federation to the Pill, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne. 
Flood, M, Gardiner, JK, Pease, B and Pringle, K (eds) 2007, International Encyclopedia of Men and Masculinities, Routledge, London. 
Grimshaw, P et al 1994, Creating a Nation, McPhee Gribble, Melbourne. 
Hogg, R 2012, Men and Manliness on the Frontier: Queensland and British Columbia in the Mid-Nineteenth Century, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. 
Holmes, K and Pinto, S 2013, Gender and Sexuality, in A Bashford and S Macintyre (eds), Cambridge History of Australia, Volume 2, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. 
Huppatz, K and Goodwin, S 2013, Masculinised Jobs, Feminised Jobs and Men’s “Gender Capital” Experiences: Understanding Occupational Segregation in Australia, Journal of Sociology, Volume 49, no. 2/3, 291-308. 
Matthews, JJ 1984, Good and Mad Women: The Historical Construction of Femininity in Twentieth-Century Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney. 
Reynolds, R 2007, What Happened to Gay Life? University of New South Wales Press, Sydney. 
Reynolds, R 2002, From Camp to Queer: Re-Making the Australian Homosexual, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne. 
Riggs, D 2010, What About the Children! Masculinities, Sexualities and Hegemony, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Cambridge. 
Summers, A 2003, The end of equality: work, babies and women’s choices in 21st century Australia, Random House, Sydney. 
Willett, G 2000, Living Out Loud: A History of Gay and Lesbian Activism in Australia, Allen & Unwin, Sydney. 
Witzleb, N 2011, Marriage as the “Last Frontier”? Same-Sex Relationship Recognition in Australia, International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, Volume 25, no. 2, 135-64.


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