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Describe the age, gender, and social circumstances of the person’s life.

Lesson 7 Essay: Assessing Gender Issues in Substance Use – 100 points
For this assignment, you will identify a real person (yourself or someone you know well) who
has struggled with addiction. You will answer a series of questions about this person to
demonstrate your understanding of the ways that gender impacts addiction and recovery. If you
have not personally struggled with alcohol or other addictive substances (including tobacco) and
you do not know anyone who has, contact your instructor for further direction.
For this assignment you will write an essay of 500 to 750 words.
After reading your textbook and other assigned readings for this lesson, identify a person whom
you know well who is struggling (or has struggled) with a substance use problem. Your subject
must be a real person; it can be you, a family member, or a close friend. You must know enough
about the person to be able to identify gender-related issues in his/her life and to consider how
these issues may have impacted the development of substance abuse problems.
In your essay, you must include the following information:
1. Describe the age, gender, and social circumstances of the person’s life. Is the
person employed? Unemployed? Caring for children or other family members?
2. Describe how and when the person first began to use substances. What events or
circumstances do you think contributed to the first use?
3. Describe the ways that the person’s alcohol/drug use has affected his/her life. Pay
special attention to the gender-related issues that you have read about in this
4. Based on what you have read in Lesson 7, identify gender-related issues that
have affected this person’s development of substance abuse problems in the
following areas:
a. Worldview, self-image, values, and communication
b. Co-occurring disorders
c. Socioeconomic issues and discrimination related to gender d. Circumstances surrounding first use of alcohol and subsequent
development of problems
e. Issues that need to be addressed in counseling
5. Your essay must show evidence that you understand gender-related issues in the
development and expression of substance abuse problems in the person you are
6. You must include specific in-text citations and corresponding end-references from
each of the two chapters and two supplemental readings for Lesson 7, for a total
of four citations and four references. You must cite page numbers for the
information in your citations.



