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Define various roles, skills, functions and structures in modern global organisations

Subject Code and Title BIZ102 Understanding People and Organisations
Assessment Group Project
Part A – Case Analysis Part B – Presentation
Individual/Group Groups of 4 - 5
Length Part A – Case Analysis (max 1,200 words)
Part B – Presentation
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following learning outcomes:
a) Define various roles, skills, functions and structures in modern global organisations
b) Understand the importance of self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and motivation.
c) Deconstruct the nature of group behaviour and cultural differences.
d) Integrate strategies to effectively interact with others in a professional context
e) Understand own strengths and their application in the business context
Submission Part A: Case Analysis, end of Module 5 (Week 10)
Part B: Presentation, end of Module 6 (Week 12)
Weighting Total: 50%
Part A: Case Analysis: 30%
Part B: Presentation: 20%
Total Marks 100 Marks
In the dynamic 21st Century economy where mobility is often not only possible but integral to a successful career, being able to work in an intercultural and diverse environment is essential. Organisations frequently need their people to develop their capacity to work effectively in diverse teams and resolve or diffuse conflicts and miscommunication quickly and efficiently.
The keys to your ability to work effectively in intercultural and diverse teams are the development of emotional intelligence and awareness of cultural differences. Emotional intelligence enables the ability to consciously examine group and team dynamics in real time in order to facilitate effective individual and team performance. This assessment aims to develop your understanding of how intercultural and diverse teams function and how you can use this knowledge to help develop intercultural and diverse teams into high performing teams.
For the purpose of this assessment, you and your team have joined LIU Consulting. LIU Consulting specialises in supporting their clients in developing high performing teams throughout their business. Your consulting team has been assigned to Company X and one of their teams currently working on Project X. The team consists of four members Kurt, Nassuro, Luojin and their team leader Chris. The team as a whole has been together for about three months. They are now familiar with each other, but have not had any pressure where they had to perform up until this point.
The team’s client has ‘incentives’ for an early delivery by offering the company as a whole a 100,000 AUD bonus for meeting an earlier deadline. Chris’s boss (the company manager) has confided in Chris that the company could really use the money and needs the team to push for the new deadline but does not want Chris to disclose the financial issue with the team as he fears it will cause them to loose focus and start hunting for other jobs. He has however allowed Chris to offer the team $1,000 bonuses each if they meet the deadline.
There are two recordings available for you from two of their recent meetings. The first one is when the task to bring the deadline forward has been announced and the second touch base meeting where the progress of the team is discussed.
Throughout the consulting engagement your team will review the recording through multiple theoretical lenses with the aim of offering deep insight and tailored recommendations for the development of a high performing team within the Company X.
• At the end of Module 1 your lecturer will allocate you to a consulting team.
• The video recordings of Company X’s team case is located in the Assessment Centre under Assessment 2.
• The first part of the assessment is a case analysis where you are required to analyse the team using various concepts covered up to Module 5.
• The second part of the assessment is a presentation of the results of the analysis and recommendations to the client. You can choose a form of the presentation based on the strengths of your team members and on your preferences.
PART A Case Analysis
In this part of the assessment, you are required to analyse the team using various concepts covered up to Module 5. Use theoretical knowledge from the module readings and further research. Support your analysis by both theory and practice based references, cited using APA referencing style.
Areas of Analysis
• Observe the interactions of the team members during both meetings and analyse their behaviour from the perspective of emotional intelligence.
• Consider each of the team members interactions and whether you can see any indicators of what is motivating or driving their behaviour.
• Consider each of the team members interactions and analyse whether you can see any indicators of team dynamics inhibiting the team’s performance.
• Consider each of the team members interactions and analyse whether you can see potential for miscommunication or differences in approaches to work that may relate to any of the Hofsteade Cultural Dimensions.
Prepare a list of recommendations addressing all areas analysed. The aim is to provide advice to the client on how they could develop the team members and bring the team to a higher level of performance. Identify key risks/challenges associated with your recommendations and the way they could be controlled.
Prepare Business Report summarising the findings of your analysis. Use the standard business report structure including Title Page, Executive Summary, Table of Contents, Analysis, Recommendations, Conclusion and References.
PART B Presentation
One part of your engagement is to prepare a presentation to the client summarising your findings, recommendations, potential risks/challenges associated with them and their potential controls.
You have not received any specifications in terms of how you will present the findings and it is up to you which form of presentation you will choose. You can use for example Prezie, Infographics, Animations, Short Video etc. It is up to your team and the strengths of your team members to decide on the form of your presentation.
The students will agree on the exact form and presentation guidelines with their facilitator.
Learning Rubrics – Part A – Case Analysis
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) (0-49) Pass
(50-64) Credit
(65-74) Distinction
(75-84) High Distinction
Comprehensive research and analysis of each
theoretical concept that is backed by practice and theory based references.
No research and analysis presented or research or analysis presented is unrelated to the
theoretical and practical concepts covered in this unit. Research and analysis presented is clearly
communicated, covers
some theoretical topics, and is backed by limited references from theory and practice. Research and analysis presented is clearly
covers most
theoretical topics, and is backed by
references from theory and practice. Research and analysis presented is clearly
communicated, covers
appropriate theoretical
topics, and is backed by
multiple references from theory and practice. Research and analysis presented is clearly
communicated, covers all theoretical topics, shows evidence of
critical examination and is backed by
multiple references from theory and practice.
Recommendations are specific to the team,
presented clearly and supported by the
research and analysis presented
No recommendations made or recommendations made
are generic with no link to the theoretical concepts
presented in the research and analysis.
Recommendations made are generic with a weak link to the theoretical
concepts presented in the research and analysis.
Recommendations made have elements of specificity to the case team but are
mostly generic with
an implied link to the
theoretical concepts presented in the research and analysis.
Recommendations made are specific to the case
and the issues faced by
the case team with an implied link to the
theoretical concepts presented in the research and analysis.
made are specific to the case and issues
faced by the case team
and show a clear and explicit link to the
theoretical concepts presented in the research and analysis.
Challenges, risks and their controls are clearly
identified, articulated and
supported with evidence
20% No list of challenges/ risks is communicated or
they are unrelated to the
theoretical topics covered in this unit. A list of generic challenges/risks and
their controls is clearly communicated but unsupported by A list of generic challenges/ risks and their controls is
clearly communicated and partially supported by A list of specific challenges/ risks and
their controls is clearly communicated and supported by evidence A comprehensive list of specific challenges/
risks and their controls is clearly
communicated and supported by evidence
evidence from theory and practice. evidence from theory and practice. from theory and practice. from theory and practice.
Ability to work effectively as a team to deliver a consulting project
Team’s report and group discussion shows no collaboration with final report either being completed by one person or significantly disjointed with no linkages between the different sections.
Team’s report and group discussions show limited
collaboration with the report itself being disjointed and
completed in distributed sections.
Team’s report and
group discussions show some
collaboration with the report itself being a cohesive piece of work and shows contribution by each team member.
Team’s report and group discussions show
evidence of effective
collaboration on most
elements of the project with the report itself
being a cohesive piece of work with a single
narrative and shows
contribution by each team member. Team’s report and group discussions show significant evidence of
effective collaboration
on each element of the project with the report itself being a cohesive piece of work with a
single narrative and shows equal
contribution by each team member.
Proper organization, professional writing,
logical flow of analysis, referencing
Very badly written, incorrect grammar,
inappropriate language
used, no proper structure of the document, badly
organised with no logical flow of the arguments.
The document is missing in text referencing and/or
a reference list. The report is not structured properly.
Grammar, spelling, punctuation,
professional writing and
syntax needs significant improvement. The
document is very poorly
referenced. The business report structure has not been followed. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs improvement. The document is partially
referenced, reference
list or in text referencing is missing. Part of the business report structure is missing or could be improved.
Adequate grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax. The document is referenced but some referencing is missing. The report is properly structured, but could be improved.
Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax. The document is properly structured, referenced with both reference list and in text references.
Learning Rubrics – Part B – Presentation
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) (0-49) Pass
(50-64) Credit
(65-74) Distinction
(75-84) High Distinction
Communication of the case
analysis results
Difficult to understand, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. Very hard to follow the line of reasoning.
The concepts presented are backed up by some theory and practice, some valuable insights are provided, overall advice to the client however needs an improvement.
The presentation represents a good summary of the case study analysis results applicable to the client. It is backed up by some references to theory and practice. It is easy to follow with some minor flaws in the line of reasoning.
The presentation represents an effective communication of the case analysis results,
it is concise and backed up by references from theory and practice. It is engaging, easy to follow with clear line of reasoning.
The presentation represents a clear,
comprehensive and effective
communication of the results of the analysis applicable to the client, it is easy to follow, very engaging and backed up by references from theory and practice.
Visual Appeal
Does not meet minimum standard with many errors and very weak visual
appeal. Difficult to read and comprehend. Minimal effort made to make the presentation innovative or visually appealing. There are more errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation. The material provided is difficult to read in some parts with too little or too much information. Low quality visual appeal. There are some errors
in spelling,
grammar and punctuation in the presented material. Too much information is contained in the majority of the presentation material. Minimal effort made to make the presentation material innovative and visually appealing.
There are minor errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation in the presented material. Too much information is present on some of the presentation material.
Material is not the most innovative, but still visually appealing and engaging.
There are no errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation in the presented material. Information is clear and concise. The form of presentation is innovative, creative, visually appealing and engaging.
No recommendations made or recommendations made are generic with no link to the theoretical concepts presented in the research and analysis.
Recommendations made are generic with a weak link to the theoretical concepts presented in the research and analysis.
Recommendations made have elements of specificity to the case team but are mostly generic with an implied link to the theoretical concepts presented in the research and analysis.
made are specific to the case and the issues faced by the case team with an implied link to the theoretical concepts presented in the research and analysis.
made are specific to the case and issues faced by the case team and show a clear and explicit link to the theoretical concepts presented in the research and analysis.
Challenges, risks and their controls
No list of challenges/ risks is communicated or they are unrelated to the theoretical topics covered in this unit.
A list of generic challenges/risk and their controls s is clearly
communicated but unsupported by evidence from theory and practice.
A list of generic challenges/ risks and their controls is clearly communicated
and partially supported by evidence from theory and practice.
A list of specific challenges/ risks and their controls is clearly communicated and supported by evidence from theory and practice.
A comprehensive list of specific challenges/ risks and their controls is clearly communicated and supported by evidence.


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