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Sam Jones owns and runs a small social media company. His staff of six has struggled long and hard 1 through the first few years of business.

Assessment Brief: A4
A4: Portfolio (Weighting 35%) Due: Week 12 (Monday 23rd October 23:59 AEST) Submit via Moodle Length: 1500 +/- 5% Words
This assessment consists of FOUR parts:
Part 1: Email Writing
Part 2: Creating Progress Report (Memo)
Part 3: Letter Writing (Letter of Introduction)
Part 4: Letter Writing (Complaints Handling)
Part 1: Email Writing (Weighting 5%)
Infrastructure Upgrade
Sam Jones owns and runs a small social media company. His staff of six has struggled long and hard 1 through the first few years of business. Now that they are turning a profit, he has treated them all to new computer systems and software that can make doing their jobs a lot easier.
After this huge investment, he has noticed production and revenues are down and employees are not using the new tools.
Create an email from Sam to his employees briefly explaining the situation and announcing a team meeting.
Part 2: Email Writing (Weighting 20%)
Progress Report (Memo)
Create a memo based on Part 1 scenario and meeting.
Part 3: Letter Writing (Weighting 5%)
The Printing Opportunity
Rose Johnson owns a small printing business. She believes that the big tourism attraction on the outskirts of town must have some printing needs she could meet. One day, on the way back from delivering an order to a client, Rose stopped in at the administration office and asked who made the decisions about print advertising and if she could get the person’s best contact details. She was told it was Collin Downs and was given his mailing address.
Rose needs to write a letter to Collin explaining what she could do to help him—brochures, newsletters, site maps, place mats for the dining room, etc.—and how quickly they could get them printed.
Imagine you are Rose. Write a letter to Collin introducing yourself, your business and explaining how you can help him. Remember WIFM. Produce the letter in the appropriate format.
Part 4: Letter Writing (Weighting 5%)
The Unhappy Customer
Success Labs mandates that all customer service contacts demonstrate the company's position, values and value-added service; however, they have been getting a few complaints about one of the webinar speakers for -12 Steps to Sell Online-.
To whom it may concern:
I purchased access to the webinar -12 Steps to Sell Online- on January 20th. I was greatly disappointed with the quality of the presentation and the skills of the presenter. The speaker was crass, condescending and borderline rude. He assumed those his audience were idiots and communicated as much with his off-hand comments. You should really rethink who you have present on behalf of your organisation. I am so disgusted that I would not only like a refund for this webinar, but I also want to close my Success Labs membership and want a refund on that as well.
Jenna James
Create a letter in response to this unhappy customer.
An assessment item submitted after the assessment due date, without an approved extension or without approved mitigating circumstance, will suffer a late submission penalty. The late submission penalty is a reduction of the mark allocated for the assessment item by 5% per day (or part thereof) of the total marks available for the assessment item as indicated in the Unit Outline. A ‘day’ for this purpose is defined as any day of the week including weekends. Assignments submitted later than one (1) week after the due date will not be accepted. Extensions to assignment deadlines based on mitigating circumstances shall be at the discretion of the Executive Dean, and should be granted in writing by completing the Extension of Assessment Item Request Form with appropriate documentation. Mitigating circumstances are circumstances outside of the student's control that have had an adverse effect on the student's work or ability to work. A Request is not automatically approved, and lecturer and/ or Executive Dean will inform the student in writing of the outcome of their Request.


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