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Employability skills and the Labour Market.

Industry Placement
BUSN 3044 (450 to 550 words each mini-essay) BUSN9126 (650 to 750 words each mini-essay)
Individual Work, Grade 10% for each Mini-Essay
(2 mini-essays x 10%=20% of total assessment)
Student Name:__________________________________________
Theme Selected for this essay: Reflection
Professional Identity
Ethical practice and Problem-solving in the workplace
Employability skills and the Labour Market
Criteria Marks Low Average High
Introduction 5%
Clear statement of theme topic and coverage of essay. Mention the principles in the literature. 20%
Marker feedback
Coherent (brief) discussion using the literature, leading to the conclusion 25%
Marker feedback
Personal reflection of experience and expectations/impact on learning or future- Comment on whether placement experience matches the theory/practice in the literature. 20%
Marker feedback
Conclusion 15%
Consistent with the themes etc developed in the paper. Marker feedback
Clarity, research and presentation 15%
Harvard Referencing conventions followed for in-text references and reference list – at least one academic reference. Marker feedback
Grade: 0
Overall Feedback:

Marking Guidelines
• Extracts from WIL Topic Guides for BUSN 3044/3060/9126
• Report structure
Marking Guidelines Theme Description
WIL Theme 1: Reflection
Each paper describes some aspect of reflection e.g., what is reflective thinking, how do you do it, what tools might you use to help, and what role does it play in the workplace.
WIL Theme 2: Professional Identity
Each paper describes some aspect of professional identity in a business setting e.g., what does it mean to be an accounting professional?
WIL Theme 3: Ethical practice and Problem-solving in the workplace
Each paper describes some aspect of professional ethical practice or problem solving in a business setting e.g., what does it mean to be an ethical business professional?
WIL Theme 4: Employability skills and the Labour Market. What are the competencies required to successfully manage your career in the 21st century and what skills do employers want?
Student Requirements
1. Read the articles in the theme and discuss how this theme (eg. Professional identity) has relevance/impacted/and/or developed your experience in the workplace.
2. In-text referencing and a reference list are essential - using the Harvard referencing system. You may use literature references outside the list of articles provided, but you must use at least one of the listed articles from the selected theme in your answer.
3. Presentation should include an introduction/body/conclusion and use Arial font, 12 pitch, double spaced.
4. When you have completed the essay(s) you are required to save the document(s) to a PDF file and upload each essay for assessment and feedback using the assignment
Extracts from WIL Topic Guides for BUSN 3044/9126
Extensions for assessment items may be granted in exceptional circumstances only, and will only be granted on medical or compassionate grounds. Requests for extensions must be made in writing to the Topic Coordinator prior to the submission deadline; the request must be supported by documentary evidence (eg. a medical certificate covering a sufficient relevant period prior to the due date).
Read the articles listed under each theme and consider material from one or more of these articles that you believe are relevant to your placement experience. Using the literature, describe the theme and its importance, and discuss how and why this theme is, or is not, relevant to your placement. Is your experience consistent with practice/theory?
A broad example of an essay topic might be ‘Using the Employability and the Labour Market theme and reflecting on my experience, I will discuss whether or not my placement has provided me with the skills and competencies that research shows that employers want, to enhance my prospects of future employment.’
You are required to include the following:
• Title of the Essay (the essay question)
• An introduction (state the purpose of your essay)
• Body (content; argument; support)
• Conclusion
Here are some suggestions/ideas/examples of what you could discuss in your essay:
o Discuss how you might consider changing your learning style based on your experience during the placement;
o What is the developmental process in becoming a member of a professional community o Explain the role of reflective thinking in the workplace and benefits to you in your placement and future employment
o Describe the nature of ethical business behaviour and why it is important to my future
• You may refer to the content from your essay(s) in your final written report in the section entitled ‘Placement Assessment’. You will have the benefit of feedback on your essay(s) before your final report is due, but only if you submit them prior to lodging the written report.
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