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Laying off workers

The assignment instructions are below:

First Part :

(In 200 word each write about the following):

1- Please do the experiential activity "Laying off workers" at the end of the chapter under Building A Team.  Share your comments here in this discussion thread. 

 2- Read the information Is it safe (Something to think about), and reflect on this activity.  Share any personal experiences you might have had with this issue.  What is the best way to stay "in the know" on all the different rules/laws related to hiring, promoting and firing?

Second Part:

(In the class, I need to respond to the answers of four students from the first part. To explain it more, my classmates some of them answered the question. What you have to do is read them, then respond to it. The respond is like what you think about what he wrote. Also Like do you agree or disagree with what he wrote, what do you like about it and what you can add to his opinions and thoughts. (FYI try to be positive (like agree with him) and also be respectful)

(In 200 word each write a respond about the following):

(from Q1)
1- Although laying off workers is not easy as I have read from some of the posts, I do believe it is a necessary process that makes an organization more lean and thus increases profit margins. In this exercise, I would have chosen Bill Keeney and Charles Thomas to be put up for lay off. I choose Bill Kenney for the obvious reason that he is elderly and still has a lot a lot to learn; he has been in the company for only four months. Although laying off Charles might be seen as a retaliation attack, he is the suitable candidate because he is already searching for jobs outside the company. However, if as a supervisor I did not have to lay off Charles and Bill, I would then go for reduced work weeks option and keep all the current employees. In this regard, all the employees would have to work fewer hours each week which will result into less pay, but the upside is that everyone would keep their job. To assist the workers about to be laid off worker, I would ask the management to give them some send off cash as a token of appreciation. This will help them manage while they are in between jobs. What I will do to assist the remaining workers to overcome the lay-off survivor syndrome is that I will try to make know and feel that they are valued. I will do through team building activities such employee picnics and hosting holidays for the employees and their families on the company premises.

(from Q1)
 2- Laying off employees is one of the toughest tasks that a supervisor can be asked to undertake. In the case study, the two employees that I would recommend to be laid off are Lisa Parks and Charles Thomas. This is because both of them have received huge amounts of settlement money in the past or have prospects of the same. My decision to recommend these purely comes from a philanthropical view point; these two already have the necessary means to get by even without salaries. But, if this situation could be avoided, as a supervisor, I would have probably opted for keeping the two and then not filling openings that are left by those who resign or retire (attrition). This will make sure that everyone keeps their jobs and stay happy. But, in the case that the two employees had to go, I would assist to smoothen their transition by conducting exit interviews to know what will benefit most each of the employees that are about to be laid off. Then, I will provide tailored outplacement plan that will be suitable for each of them. For the remaining employees, I will help them feel more appreciated and indispensable to the organization through empowering them with activities such as delegation.

(from Q2)
3- I found in the IS IT SAFE? Practice 8 differents case that I need to evaluate from my perspective. The first instance about hiring a new graduate student to teach first grade in school unsafe and risky because he or she needs to engage with the environment before taking the job. Next, a person who has HIV risky to hire because that will cause infection to the costumers at the restaurant and might create more diseases. Third, a person who wants to take twelve weeks off to take care of his or her child is totally safe because if the supervisor refuses to give this week off, the productivity for that person will decrease because they will be spacing out and thinking about his or her child all the time. In the fourth case, it is risky to hire a woman in the men restroom because she does not can works because she will not fit in the position. Fifth, I do not be mean in my point of view, but I think it is risky to employ a wheelchair person in a building does not have an elevator because that will be an ethical and it is a waste of time. Sixth, I think it is risky and unofficial because they need to ask for at least a person who has finished college because they will be more responsible. Seventh, I think it is safe because the pilot turned to be 65 years old and that is safe to not permitted him anymore. On the final example, In my point of view, I think it is safe to ask for experience in the medical field because that is human life and it is a huge risk if they displacement on it. With being said, Sometimes making the right decision will result in many negatives and vice versa. The decision-making must be under intense study and a sure thought of judgment and experience. But the decision to employ a person must have the requirements to employ it.

(from Q2)

4- Hiring competent employees is important because the quality of the people working in the organization reflects on the quality of the organization.  However, one needs to keep in mind the safety factor as well, is it safe to employ someone who constitutes a risk to the quality of work in the organization.  Though there are several legal restraints that restrict employers in the process of hiring or firing of individuals, I would not risk hiring a waiter who has HIV because the supervisor has to keep in mind the attitude of the customers as well.  How many of them would like to be served by someone who has HIV. Therefore, I would not hire him, regardless of the  fact that it is against the affirmative action concept or this issue is likely to comes under EEOC. On the other hand firing the pilot because of his age is risky and it is not right, this action is discriminatory, unless a medical examination proves the pilot is not capable of doing his job properly, he cannot be removed from his job and the management of the airline can be sued for wrongful removal. The lady with a small baby has a legal right to go on leave to look after her infant and the company cannot force her to work. Finally, the human resources department can develop a long term hiring and firing policy that takes the legal and social aspects into consideration, which is not very rigid and can be changed to suit the changing business environment.



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