Marilyn Munroe and Michael Jackson struggled with depressant drugs and died from an overdose. Depressant drugs, including alcohol, present a tremendous danger when combined. Discuss why depressant drugs are most commonly abused, why the potentiated effects of these drugs can be so deadly and what can be done to help the public understand the danger. Be sure to support your findings with research. List the resources you used in your essay. Your essay should be at least one page long (single spaced). Compare and contrast barbiturates and benzodiazepines. Why are they prescribed? How long should they be taken, what are the side effects, what is contra-indicated (are there things that should not be done when on them)? What is the difference between drugs that sedate and drugs that are hypnotics? What is the difference between long-acting and short-acting barbiturates and benzodiazepines? Why is the withdrawal from these drugs so dangerous? Antihistamines have anticholinergic eff...