- •The article “Perspectives on Four Curriculum Traditions” highlights four speakers on curriculum traditions: (intellectual traditionalist, social behaviorist, experientialist, and critical reconstructionist). Discuss the view with which you most agree and the one with which you least agree. Provide reasons for your views. •The article “Uncovering Teacher Leadership” addresses a trend in which “more teachers lead informally by revealing their classroom practice, sharing their expertise, asking questions of colleagues, mentoring new teachers, and modeling how teachers collaborate on issue of practice.” Discuss the benefits and challenges of this trend. Recommend ways teachers can be leaders without being in formal positions of leadership.Career InsightsBelow you will find two links. The first link is a link to a Ted Talk entitled “The 5 principles of highly effective teachers “by Pierre Pirard. Pirard decided to redirect his focus and became a teacher working in Brussels' most disadvantaged neighborhoods. In the talk he reviews, the principles that made him successful at this endeavor. How do they correlate to principles reflected within the readings? In the second link those at Educational leadership explore teacher leaders more so in the perspective of after they have been identified the various roles they can play within the context of a school environment. Please take the time to review post as I feel they will be beneficial in your discussion posting for this week.
- Assignment status: Solved by our Writing Team at PrimeWritersBay.com
1.Starting with this provided code, add the following functionality: Replace hardcoded strings “Zero”, “One”, “Two”, “Three” in the ArrayList based on user typed input (use Scanner or JOptionPane classes). The user will be prompted for the String to be stored in the ArrayList and then hit enter. The user will be able to continue to add items to the ArrayList until they just hit enter without typing anything. Once the user does this (hits enter without typing anything), the program will display all of the elements of the ArrayList, both the index and String values, in a table. It will do this via a single loop making use of an iterator method. 2. Starting with this provided code, add the following functionality: Use a Try/Catch block so that the exception is caught and the program exits a bit more gracefully. Save this file as TryCatch.java. (Be sure to rename the Public Class accordingly.) Starting with the provided code again (without the Try/Catch block), fix the code so that ...
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