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Amanda Smith (69 year old, black female) is a retired postal worker.

minimum of 1 to 1 and 1/2 full content pages, plus title, and reference page APA Style, double spaced, times new romans, font 12, and and 3 references with intext citations. References within 3 years (2016-2018). 

Location: XYZ Family Practice

You are an NP student in this practice. Your next patient is the following:
“I had to come in today because I have been coughing for a long time”
Amanda Smith (69 year old, black female) is a retired postal worker. During the visit, she is coughing continually. She states the cough started 5 days ago intermittently but 2 days ago it became constant. Her chart indicates that she has been a patient of the practice for 5 years, gets care regularly and her HTN has been controlled for 4 years.

Social History
Married – 2 adult children A & W
Non-Smoker now. Smoke 1 pack a day for 15 years. Quit x5 years ago
No alcohol or drug use
Baptist, attends church regularly and is a member of the choir

Family History
Mother – Deceased at age 27 from traumatic accident
Father – Deceased age 78 related to renal failure secondary to diabetes type II
Siblings – one brother age 61 A & W
Medical/Surgical/Health Maintenance Hx
Measles, mumps and chicken pox as a child.
Tetanus/Diptheria/Pertussis – Last dose 2 years ago
Influenza – Last dose 9 months ago
Pneumococcal vaccine at age 65
Zostivax at age 60
Chronic diagnoses – HTN x 5 years
Takes HCTZ 25 mg daily

Usual weight has been maintained
Fever for 5 days up to 101

Dry skin, uses emollient frequently

Wears reading glasses
Dentition fair. Partial upper denture
No swelling or stiffness

Substernal pain on cough
Began coughing 4 days ago. Started mild, intermittent and non-productive. Two days ago became constant and productive of frothy sputum. Keeps her awake at night. No relief with OTC cough syrup. She states she is short of breath today.

No CP at rest or when not coughing

Some swelling of feet and ankles at end of day, relieved by elevating feet

Decreased appetite for one week
No change in bowel habits

No frequency, hesitancy, nocturia or change in bladder habits

No changes

Stiffness in hands and legs on awakening. Relieved with activity

No depression, anxiety, or memory change

No numbness, weakness, headache, change in mentation, or paralysis

No past anemia

No change in weight, thirst, heat/cold intolerance.
Your physical exam reveals:
Temp 101.4, Resp 30 labored, no retractions, BP 135/92, HR 110, Pulse Ox 90 Wt 130 lbs
General appearance – Alert in all spheres, in mild respiratory distress, able to answer questions with short sentences, tripod breathing

Eyes ,ear, nose, head wnl
Mouth -mucosa dry
Pharynx – tonsils present not enlarged, normal pink color
Lymph – no enlargement
Skin – Dry and scaly legs and arms. Tenting of skin noted
Heart- regular rhythm at 110 bpm, no murmurs or extra sounds
Lungs – normal breath sound without crackles, bronchophony or egophony
Abdomen – no mass, tenderness, rigidity
Extremities – Hands – no swelling, Feet/legs - +1 edema feet to ankle level
Pedal pulses – wnl
Differential diagnoses:
  • CAP
  • Acute bronchitis
  • Congestive heart failure
  • Influenza
Plan - transfer to acute care setting for further work-up 

Assignment Details:
The “Elevator Consult” 
In this activity, you will practice giving a synopsis of your patient to your preceptor. In practice, you may often give this type of report if you are sending a patient for a consultation and your phone the specialist to discuss the patient. This report should be concise and clear. The receiver should, within one minute (slightly less for simple cases, slightly more for complex cases) have a picture of the patient in his/her head. You will report on ONLY items pertaining to the acute problem in this case. Do not include extraneous material or material not directly impacting the decision-making regarding this problem. Remember, this is a FOCUSED visit and assessment to evaluate a focused concern. The history and physical exam applies techniques relevant to the specific complaint for the patient at that visit. Your report should be similarly focused, providing only information that relates specifically to the presenting problem. 
Please review the grading rubric under Course Resources in the Grading Rubric section.


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