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Commercial airline headquartered anywhere in the world

Using the guided rubric shown here, research, write and post through Turnitin™, a 10-12 page (including cover page & references) double-spaced research paper in APA format. Identify current issues, regulations and practices & address related legal considerations on your chosen topic, using proper legal terminology throughout. You must cite at least 5 references, one of which can be our textbook, if applicable.
1. Select a specific commercial airline headquartered anywhere in the world, then:
a. Describe the airline, its aircraft fleet, route structure and number of employees.
b. Determine whether the airline is organized as a corporation with private ownership or is owned by the national government.
c. Identify the governmental agency or authority responsible for regulation of the safety of the airline’s flight operations in its home nation.
d. Describe the certification requirements, including minimum flight time, if any, for commercial airline flight deck crewmembers in the airline’s home nation.
e. Identify the governmental agency or authority, if any, empowered to regulate the routes flown, rates charged, and other economic aspects of the airline’s flight operations.
f. Determine the extent to which the airline’s fleet consists of owned vs. leased aircraft
g. Identify & describe all accidents involving an aircraft operated by that airline since 1/01/2000, including the probable cause of each.
h. Determine whether the airline’s pilots and maintenance personnel based in the airline’s home nation are represented by a labor union or unions and identify and describe any strike activity that may have disrupted airline operations since 1/01/2000.
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