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Introduction to Engineering 4. Making the Most Out of How You are Taught

 Introduction to Engineering

4. Making the Most Out of How You are Taught

Chapter Overview

• Early course preparation • Preparing for lectures • During your lectures • Making effective use of your professors • Utilizing tutors and other academic resources

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Early Course Preparation

• Start of a course can be likened to the start of a race.

• Using the course syllabus.

• Acquiring textbooks and other materials.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Preparing for Lectures

• Review notes, read text, attempt problems, formulate questions.

• Little like “warming up” for a physical workout.

•Makes lectures a reinforcement rather than an initial exposure.

• Small effort can have a big payoff.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

During Your Lectures

• Sit near the front • “Be here now” (concentrate) • Practice good listening skills • Take good notes • Ask questions in class

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Sit Near the Front

Interesting paper about student success and where they sin in the classroom: Carol Jo Durr, Southwest Missouri State University

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Characteristics of a Good Listener

• Works at finding value in all topics. Listens to discover new knowledge.

• Judges value of the content rather than the delivery.

• Listens for central themes. Uses them as anchor points for the entire lecture.

• Works hard at listening; remains alert. • Focuses on understanding completely rather

than coming up with opposing views.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

• Fights distractions; ignores bad habits of other students; knows how to concentrate.

• Welcomes difficult material as exercise for the mind.

• Does not get hung up on emotionally charged words or ideas; listens with an open mind.

• Uses extra time to think more deeply about what the lecturer is saying; summarizes what has been covered.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Characteristics of a Good Listener


• Good notes give you a record of what’s important.

• Spiral notebook vs. three-ring binder.

• Cornell Note-Taking System.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Cornell Note Taking Method

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

2. 0

in 2.5 in

Cue Column

Note Taking Area

6x9 in

Summary Area

Asking Questions in Class

• Memory level questions.

• Convergent thinking questions.

• Divergent thinking questions.

• Evaluation thinking questions.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Making Effective Use of Your Professors

• Important roles your professors can play.

• Characteristics of your professors you can count on.

• Behaviors to avoid.

• Winning behaviors.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Important Roles for Your Professors

• One-on-one instruction. • Academic advising, career guidance, personal

advice. • Monitor your progress; hold you accountable. • Give you the benefit of the doubt on borderline

grades. • Help you find a summer job. • Hire you on their research grant. • Serve as a reference. • Nominate you for scholarships or academic


ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Characteristics of Your Professors

• Believe their areas of technical specialty are important and interesting.

• Chose an academic career over professional practice; believe they are outstanding teachers.

• Are very knowledgeable, and love to convey what they know to others.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Understanding What Your Professors Do

• Teaching • Research • Service

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Unofficial Professor Rating System • The Boat The Boat helps you “pass to the other side”. Although it is easy,

it will hurt you with future classes.

• Drill Sergeant Kicks you out no matter what. Usually too strict it makes it

literally impossible to learn.

• Story/Joke Teller Spends most of the time in class talking about anecdotes or

telling jokes. However, none of these are on the midterm exam.

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

Utilizing Campus Academic Resources • Academic resource center (tutoring, writing skills,

study skills). • Library (books, periodicals, on-line materials,

reference librarians). • Student computer labs (hardware, applications

software, Internet access, resource materials, training).

• Academic advising (monitor progress; course selection).

• University catalog (Rules and regulations, college and department information, curricular requirements, course descriptions).

• Registrar’s office (transcripts, registration information).

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

ENGR 1201 Introduction to Engineering

After this Class: • Read Chapter 5. • Begin working on Team Project 2.

Next Class: • Homework Assignment 4 is due. • Study for Quiz 5.


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