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Showing posts from February, 2018

accomplishment of President Trump you consider positive and beneficial to the United States of America.

You are required to research and discuss one accomplishment of President Trump you consider positive and beneficial to the United States of America.  The accomplishment can be one of his many executive orders; an area of his proposed budget; a foreign policy decision; a domestic decision; a particular speech, an administrative appointee etc.  Be sure to provide a specific reference to the accomplishment to allow our peers to locate the accomplishment.  In other words, you are required to find something President Trump has accomplished that you as a U.S. citizen are proud of and consider positive.   Be sure to consider Republican/Conservative based legislation proposed/addressed by President Trump President Trump is now passed the halfway point of his first 100 Days in office and he has repeatedly claimed he has accomplished more in this time period than any other U.S. President in history.   Several websites track the legislative, judicial and executive branches of our governmen

President in Trump has yet to complete his first 100 days in office and yet political pundits have begun speculation of potential challengers to his reelection in 2020.

President in Trump has yet to complete his first 100 days in office and yet political pundits have begun speculation of potential challengers to his reelection in 2020. For this week's discussion you are required to research a member of Congress (or a member of the Senate) that you believe based on his/her qualifications would be a suitable President of the United States in 2020.  In your post you are required to provide a minimum of three reasons why you believe the particular individual is qualified and would make a suitable U.S. President. Please note that if you select a candidate that identifies with the Republican party that candidate would need to defeat President Trump in the primary election as opposed to the general election.   Discuss why at this early stage you would support this candidate and encourage him/her to run for the office.  Be sure to provide citation for this candidate to allow your peers to conduct research of their own on the individual.   I encourage

identify and research a member of the U.S. Congress

For this week's discussion you are required to identify and research a member of the U.S. Congress.  You are required to identify the following for the member of Congress you select:  Name, Age, Education, Congressional District, number of times elected (incumbent, newly elected) Congressional committees serving on and number of bills sponsored (co-sponsored)  In your post identify a specific piece of legislation introduced by the representative, discuss the progress of the proposed legislation and further discuss if you believe the legislation will become law (why/why not) and your personal thoughts on the proposed legislation  I highly suggest visiting the Congressional bill tracker website to assist with this discussion.   Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team Source@ . GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

Education: public or private good? Answer the question and defend using economic theory.

Module 8 - Discussion           Education: public or private good? Answer the question and defend using economic theory.  Post your response and then read and reply to classmates' posts. Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team Source@ . GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

What is the discounted cash flow concept, and why is it essential for financial managers to understand and employ this important concept?

Assignment Description Primary Task Response:  write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. The time value of money concept is one of the 3 major principles of the study and practice of financial management. It is used to evaluate potential investments, determine a rate of return on a project, calculate the required payments on a loan or annuity, and estimate a future value of funds currently invested and the present value of funds to be received at some future date. It is imperative that managers at all levels of business have a working knowledge of this topic. In your first task, you have been asked to engage your colleagues in a detailed and documented discussion about the time value of money concept: what it is, why it is important, how it is used, and generally, how the applications to

macroeconomics crisis and what policy adopted for a specified country


Collaboration: Building Effective Teams With Technology

You have just been given an assignment to put together a plan for a collaborative team. Review Table 2.1 and use it as a guideline to develop your team. You will want to avoid or minimize the risk of dysfunctional aspects while focusing on the team maintenance roles and the task oriented roles.  TABLE   2.1   Team   Roles—Functional   and   Dysfunctional Dysfunctional:   Self-Oriented   Roles Functional:   Team-Maintenance   Roles Functional:   Task-Oriented   Roles Controlling : Dominating others by exhibitingsuperiority or authority Withdrawing : Retiring from the team either bybecoming silent or by refusing to deal with aparticular aspect of the team’s work Attention   seeking : Calling attention to oneselfand demanding recognition from others Diverting : Focusing the team’s discussion ontopics of interest to the individual rather thanon those relevant to the task Encouraging : Drawing out other membersby showing verbal and nonverbal support,praise, or agreeme

Role of Project Management

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Role of Project Management In the race for a competitive advantage, today’s organizations are often tasked with multiple large in-house and outsourcing responsibilities when it comes to project management. Read the brief history of project management from this Web site. Then, respond to the following: Explain what project management is, and how it evolved over time. Explain at least 1 thing that has surprised you about the field of project management. Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team Source@ . GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

You have been exposed to many kind of advertisements in life, mention a few of both, those that you found very helpful and the ones that you consider misleading or outright cheating.

1.You have been exposed to many kind of advertisements in life, mention a few of both, those that you found very helpful and the ones that you consider misleading or outright cheating.  Please use proper in-text citation and reference your work properly (APA style). Do not copy and paste from the internet. Plagiarism will be penalized. Critical thinking will be rewarded. Submit your properly edited work with a cover page containing your full details.  Font: Times New Roman 12 Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team Source@ . GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

There are a number of tools available to measure or assess personality.

There are a number of tools available to measure or assess personality. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is used in many organizations to better contextualize communication and interactions. Complete the personality assessment found at the link below and describe what you found out about yourself.  Does it fit you or do you disagree?  What sort of work atmosphere would you be best in, given the results of the Myers-Briggs Type indicator?  Does it fit with your ultimate work goals and if so, in what way?   What motivates you?  Finally, what do you think is the professor’s MBTI based on the design of the course and your interactions thus far? (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. Remember, this is your place to express yourself.  There are no right or wrong answers and everything you say here is strictly between you and the instructor.  This journal is worth 30 points. 

Evaluate the control chart and process metrics using Statistical Process Control (SPC) methods

Purpose of Assignment The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn how to apply Statistical Process Control Methods to a business process. Assignment Steps Resources:  Microsoft® Excel® and PowerPoint® Select  a complex continuous process from your personal life or work. The process can be the same as in Week 1 assignment. Complete  the following: Use Microsoft® Excel® to calculate the defined process metrics including variation and process capability.  Use Microsoft® Excel® and PowerPoint® to develop and display a control chart for the process.  Evaluate  the control chart and process metrics using Statistical Process Control (SPC) methods. Evaluate  whether the process could benefit from the use of Six Sigma tools. Develop  a 525-word executive summary in which you describe your Statistical Process Control project and include the control chart with SPC. Format  your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team

You have been exposed to many kind of advertisements in life, mention a few of both, those that you found very helpful and the ones that you consider misleading or outright cheating.

1.You have been exposed to many kind of advertisements in life, mention a few of both, those that you found very helpful and the ones that you consider misleading or outright cheating.  Please use proper in-text citation and reference your work properly (APA style). Do not copy and paste from the internet. Plagiarism will be penalized. Critical thinking will be rewarded. Submit your properly edited work with a cover page containing your full details.  Font: Times New Roman 12 Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team Source@ . GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

What were the mission and objectives of the project?

Write  a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you describe a project you have managed personally or professionally. Examples may include a trip you planned, a new product or service developed for your employer, a staff reorganization, and so on. Develop  a project overview that addresses the following questions. What were the mission and objectives of the project? What were the high-level tasks or scope of the project? How was the need for the project identified? What was the cost and how was it funded? What was the timeline? Who were the parties involved in the project and what were the roles of each party (team) member? What steps did you establish to ensure the project was a success? How did you measure the success of your project? Overall, how did project management help to make this project a success? Note:  This overview should include the elements of a project charter. Format  your paper according to APA guidelines. Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Te

Aspects of a Hotel Impact Study

Review the powerpoint "Aspects of a Hotel Impact Study". This powerpoint gives you insight on what is included in an Impact Study for the hotel industry.  This should give you a better understanding how to continue your research on the impact report for the Chicago CBD hotels from the MLB WS in 2016 World Series and the years before and after it (2015 & 2017) that you are conducting for industry professionals. By reviewing the same dates the year before and after the MLB WS you can visually see if there was in improvement in occupancy rate, ADR & RevPAR. The assignment that I need this time is The Hotel Impact Study Step 3: MLB World Series Impact on Chicago CBD Hotels  Report Outline . Include a minimum of 4 - 7 references in the works cited area and indicate where you will put them in the outline (and eventually in your final report). Remember do not directly copy and paste from the internet. Instead put the key points into your own words. I had attached the lat

Challenges for strategic planning considering legislation and quality improvement measures involve the way organizations function.

Challenges for strategic planning considering legislation and quality improvement measures involve the way organizations function. legislation dictates who can provide certain services, how organizations can operate, and the different methods of reimbursement. Quality improvement measures must follow the guidelines that have been established for healthcare by legislation. To understand the future for an organization, it is important to know and understand the current status of the organization this can be a challenge if this is not understood. (Colmers, 2015). Keeping all stakeholders involved can be a challenge because the strategic planning must keep the stakeholders in mind because they keep the organization going. Federal and state policies can challenge how often strategic planning is updated, so the strategic plan must adapt to federal and state policies as quick as things change. Local market conditions can affect how the organization conducts their strategic planning due to fl

Research two organizations within your state or on the Internet that assist entrepreneurs with the development of new ideas through the use of pitch contests, business accelerators, or other resources or services.

Research  two organizations within your state or on the Internet that assist entrepreneurs with the development of new ideas through the use of pitch contests, business accelerators, or other resources or services. Write  1,050- to 1,400-word paper to showcase what you learned from your research about both organizations. Describe  both firms. Evaluate  the resources and services that each firm provides for entrepreneurs, and explain anything surprising or unique that you found. Discuss  how the firms can assist an entrepreneur to identify market opportunities. Showcase  how these firms encourage the continuous development of new ideas. Formulate  a plan for an entrepreneurial venture, and include strategies that you will employ to identify opportunities and continuously develop new ideas based upon the information that you researched. Format  your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team Source@

financial advisor at Eagle Consulting

INFORMATION: For this part of the course project, you will  demonstrate  the  best use of savings and investment processes. CASE: In your role as a  financial advisor at Eagle Consulting , you will be meeting a potential customer, Keith Jones. Mr. Jones is 35 years old, married with two children, and would like  your help in planning a long-term investment strategy with the $100,000 he has to invest.  In advance of your meeting, you decide to  create a PowerPoint presentation  that will  educate Mr. Jones  on  how stocks and bonds are valued , as well as  provide a guide to stock and bond investing. ASSIGNMENT: To complete this assignment, do the following:  1.   Refer to the  Eagle Consulting Info Sheet   ATTACHED !  2.  Develop  a  10-screen PowerPoint presentation  with a ccompanying lecture notes that explains the following concepts:        a.  Bond  valuation techniques        b.  Stock  valuation techniques       c.  Comparison  of stock  and  bond investing 3.  Incl

Exchange Rates.

Discussion 2: “Exchange Rates.” Please respond to the following: Explain how countries manipulate their foreign exchange rate against specific other currencies. In your opinion, is this an economically beneficial strategy for a government to follow? Should the United State pursue this type of strategy? Why or why not? In a flexible-exchange-rate system, a country such as Brazil that has a persistently high inflation rate will experience regular depreciation of its nominal exchange rate with the U.S. dollar. Explain why this happens. Why might the Brazilian government like this system? Assignment status :  Resolved by our Writing Team Source@ . GET THIS PAPER COMPLETED FOR YOU FROM THE WRITING EXPERTS   CLICK HERE TO ORDER 100% ORIGINAL PAPERS AT NO PLAGIARISM

Many families pass down traditions that stem from their ethnic origins

MODULE 3: DISCOVER MUSIC FROM YOUR OWN HERITAGE OVERVIEW Many families pass down traditions that stem from their ethnic origins. Maybe your family passes down beloved recipes or holiday traditions that you don’t even realize come from the countries of your ancestors. Music is another important tradition that links us to our ancestry. In this paper, students will choose a country or region of the world where their ancestors came from, and research music from that country’s past and present. INSTRUCTIONS Choose one country or region of the world from your own heritage. Using some of the research skills that you learned in your Music Resources on the Web assignment in Module 1, compose a paper that is at least 1000 words long about the music in that country or region’s past and present. Topics might include, but are not limited to: folk music traditions, any major composers from that country, ways that music might have helped shape political movements in that country, ways that t