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Showing posts from June, 2021

Integrative Negotiation Presentation

 Instructions Integrative Negotiation Presentation For the Unit II PowerPoint Presentation, you will explain integrative negotiation. You may create your presentation using PowerPoint or your presentation software of choice. Within your presentation, include the following: A description of the four key steps in the integrative process. Please include a description of each of the four stages on separate PowerPoint slides. An explanation of the seven factors that facilitate successful integrative negotiation. Include a description of each factor Include one real-life example of each factor You are required to use at least your textbook as a reference. You may use the CSU Online Library or the Internet for other resources. Your presentation must be at least 11 PowerPoint slides in length, not including the title and reference slides. Please utilize the speaker notes to add additional details. Follow proper APA format, including citing and referencing all outside sources used. Feel free to

Ensuring Mandated Care is Delivered- Permanent Part of Healthcare Delivery at Your Organization

 Power Point Presentation Assignment: Ensuring Mandated Care is Delivered- Develop a 15 slide PowerPoint presentation. Be thorough and include rational and references for your recommendations. (this assignment has to be included Evidence Based Research and be specific) You have been asked to do a presentation to medical and nursing staff on a practice paradigm that has shown to IMPROVE PATIENT OUT COME. Choose any paradigm you would like and do a presentation that will encourage staff to embrace the behavior into practice. Be sure that you include the research you used to Justify Implementing the Paradigm. Remember you are attempting to change Practice Behaviors and you want them to be a Permanent Part of Healthcare Delivery at Your Organization. Assignment Expectations: Length: 15 slides; answers must thoroughly address the questions in a clear, concise manner with bullet points Structure:   Additionally, because a good presentation has few words on the slides include a SC

Over the past 12 months the Chinese government has been accused of "weaponising" trade tariffs to punish Australia for calling for an investigation over the origins of Covid-19 in China

  INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Instructions Word limit 1500 words REFERENCING: 10-15 references Harvard style   You should use intext citations, references for any theory, any stats, any article/ industry report that you would use to present the answer. All Questions are compulsory. Question 1 Over the past 12 months the Chinese government has been accused of "weaponising" trade tariffs to punish Australia for calling for an investigation over the origins of Covid-19 in China. Give at least 2 examples of such measures and analyse their effectiveness (10 marks). Short Essay Question 2 Recently, "fast fashion" has come under the international microscope regarding the exploitation of workers in developing countries and the environmental damage this industry has caused to local communities. Provide 2 examples of each of these issues and discuss how the global community (consumer, businesses, government, other stakeholders) may address these problems (10marks

Social Workers and Community Welfare Workers making a difference

  Marked out of 30 - check the criteria in Learning Guide, and below. 1500 words only.*NB: Reference list is not part of the word count .  Essay Assessment 3. Description from the Learning Guide: What could "Social Workers and Community Welfare Workers making a difference” mean in your   chosen  field of practice ?The field I choose is disability. You need to complete several tasks: Research into the literature on social work and community welfare work in your chosen field of practice. Important:   Develop a well-researched and well-synthesised overview of what ‘making a difference’ means in your chosen field of practice.                     Researching the chosen field, using practitioner journals is very relevant here. Through a WSU library literature search, there is information to be harnessed about gaps in service, service users needs and what is offered as assistance.e.g. Journals such as: Australian Social Work or Advances; Develop an overview for yo

Describe a person’s condition and how thecondition, when combined with contextual factors, impacts on his/her level offunctioning in terms of impairments

  Recommended structure for the case study Section 1: Description of the case (200 words) In this section, you will be expected to describe a person’s condition and how the condition, when combined with contextual factors, impacts on his/her level of functioning in terms of impairments, daily activity limitations and social participation restrictions. You will be expected to use ICF components in your description. Section 2: Description and justification of your intervention∗ (450words) In this section, you will be required to: a. define your role as a health professional (either in direct client/community service delivery or as an administrator of a health service organisation or public health professional) b. identify and describe an intervention∗ you may offer in the role you have defined to promote this person’s level of functioning (either in direct service delivery to the

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal law designed to give patients the right over their health information by allowing them to set rules and limits on who gets to view/receive their health information.

  Risk Management Concepts Complete the table below. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Follow standard grammar rules and provide examples where appropriate to support your answers. Risk Management Concepts Definition Give an example of how the concept is used within risk management in health care. Conditions of participation     Accident (medical)     Complaint     EMTALA     HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), a federal law designed to give patients the right over their health information by allowing them to set rules and limits on who gets to view/receive their health information. A patient’s ex-husband calls to obtain personal health information for a patient. He states his ex-wife asked him to call to obtain her result

security models: STRIDE and DREAD

  Assessment Overview: The purpose of this assessment is to assess the students’ ability to apply their theoretical knowledge on risk assessment and management using standard models such as STRIDE and DREAD. Weighting            50% Length and/or format     3000 IEEE REPORT FORMAT   Context The context of this assignment is that you have been employed as a security specialist and you are required to assess security threats and identify effective security measures to mitigate risks. To perform your jobs, you need to investigate an IT system, analyse impacts of security threats, identify five common security threats, analyse security requirements, rating the risks for each threat, calculate the severity of security threats on the whole system and recommend appropriate security solutions.   Instructions In this assignment, you have to choose an Information System or IT system to write a report on security analysis and planning. You can choose a system from the followin

Leading a Culture of Excellence Paper

 Criteria for Content Part I : Concept Map Identify the mission, vision, and values of a selected organization. Create a concept map that portrays the relationships among the organizational mission, vision, and core values, depicting how they do or do not support a culture of excellence. The concept map must be your own, original work. Preparing the Assignment Criteria for Format and Special Instructions Abide by the Chamberlain College of Nursing Academic Integrity Policy. Part I: Create and submit a concept map as a pdf or Word document. Concept map may be neatly drawn by hand or created using software. Concept map must be clear and legible. Concept map must be the student's original work. Grading Criteria Category Points % Description Part I Originally-constructed Concept Map 36 16% Submit an original concept map that portrays the following. Organizational mission, vision, and values Interrelationships among the mission, vision, and values How the organizational m